Man pages for FredHutch/fh.wdlR
Convenience Tools for Managing WDL Workflows via Cromwell

check_urlCheck a url
cromwell_abortAbort a workflow job on Cromwell
cromwell_backendsGet the available backends of a Cromwell server
cromwell_cachePull Cromwell Call Caching Data
cromwell_callRetrieve metadata for the calls made in a Cromwell workflow...
cromwell_configCromwell Configuration
cromwell_failuresPull metadata for the failed calls made in a Cromwell...
cromwell_globPull a glob of metadata for a specific Cromwell workflow job
cromwell_jobsRequests metadata about Cromwell workflow jobs during a time...
cromwell_labelsCromwell labels for a workflow
cromwell_logsGets logs for a workflow in Cromwell
cromwell_outputsGets outputs for a workflow in Cromwell
cromwell_settingsCromwell Settings
cromwell_submit_batchSubmit a workflow job to Cromwell
cromwell_timingGet a timing diagram for a Cromwell workflow
cromwell_validateValidates a workflow for submission
cromwell_versionGet the version of a Cromwell server
cromwell_workflowPull metadata for a specific Cromwell workflow job
cw_urlLook for Cromwell URL as the env var CROMWELLURL
rcromwell-packagercromwell: Convenience Tools for Managing WDL Workflows via...
try_auth_headerAdd Authorization header
workflow_inputsPull the workflow inputs provided for a Cromwell workflow job
workflow_optionsPull the workflow options provided for a Cromwell workflow...
FredHutch/fh.wdlR documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 7:43 a.m.