
### run through all the tests

if (! require(gdxrrwMIRO))      stop ("gdxrrw package is not available")
if (0 == igdx(silent=TRUE)) stop ("the gdx shared library has not been loaded")

gdir <- igdx(NULL,silent=TRUE,returnStr=TRUE)
pth <- Sys.getenv('PATH')
sepChar <- ':'
if ([[1]] == "Windows") sepChar <- ';'

rc <- source ("tgdxdiff.R")
if (! rc$value)  stop ("The gdxdiff utility is unavailable or broken: Test run aborted.")

if (! interactive()) {
  a <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
  quickMode <- 0
  if ((length(a) > 0) && ("quick" == a[1]))  quickMode <- 1
  print(paste("quick set via commandArgs =",quickMode))
} else {
  f <- find('quickMode',mode='numeric')
  if (0 == length(f)) quickMode <- 0
  print(paste("quick set interactively =",quickMode))

# first the majority of tests: these are quicker
tests <- c(
    "tReadSparse1", "tReadFull1",
    "tRead.set", "tRead.param",
    "tReadSV", "tReadText", "tReadCase",
    "tReadWithDomainInfo", "tReadPreDomainInfo",
    "tReadCompressWithoutDomInfo", "tReadCompressWithDomInfo",
    "tReadVar0", "tReadVar1", "tReadVar3",
    "tWriteSparse1", "tWriteSparse2", "tWriteFull1", "tWriteFull2",
    "tWriteSetText", "tWriteSetTextDF",
    "tWriteVarField", "tWriteVarSort", "tWriteVarOrder",
    "tWriteVarTypesSparse", "tWriteVarFUels",
    "tDomainNames", "tWrap",
    "tInfo1", "tInfo2",
    ## "tLS"
if (0 == quickMode) {
  tests <- c(tests, "tWriteVar20")
f <- find('interact',mode='logical')
doPrompt <- FALSE
if (length(f) > 0) {
  doPrompt <- interact
} else {
  doPrompt <- interactive()

nRuns <- 0
nFails  <- 0
fTests <- list()
for (ttt in tests) {
  print ('---------------------------------------------------------------')
  print (paste("Starting test", ttt))
  rc <- source (paste(ttt,".R",sep=""))
  if (rc$value) {
    print (paste("Test", ttt, "result: PASSED"))
  } else {
    print (paste("Test", ttt, "result: FAILED"))
    nFails  <- nFails + 1
    fTests[[ttt]] <- T
  nRuns  <- nRuns + 1
  if (doPrompt) {
    ans <- readline("Hit enter to continue ")
    print ("")
if (quickMode) print ("N.B.: quickMode is on, some tests were skipped")
if (nFails) {
  print (paste("Tests complete. ", nRuns,"tests run,",nFails,"tests FAILED"))
  for (nm in names(fTests)) print(paste0('  ',nm))
} else {
  print (paste("Testing complete.  All", nRuns,"tests PASSED"))
GAMS-dev/gdxrrw-miro documentation built on July 11, 2024, 4:39 p.m.