
Defines functions format_wb_country format_wb_func format_wb_func_as_logical format_wb_func_replace_value format_wb_get_col_type format_wb_data format_wb_tidy_names

#' @noRd
format_wb_tidy_names <- function(x, end_point) {

  global_patterns <- wb_api_name_patterns$global_patterns
  local_patterns <- wb_api_name_patterns[[end_point]]
  all_patterns <- c(global_patterns, local_patterns)

  # this can all be replaces by janitor::clean_names
  x_trim    <- stringr::str_trim(x)
  x_lower   <- stringr::str_to_lower(x_trim)
  x_replace <- stringr::str_replace_all(x_lower, all_patterns)
  x_tidy    <- tibble::tidy_names(x_replace, quiet = TRUE)


#' @noRd
   format_wb_data <- function(x, end_point) {

  x_field_types <- format_wb_get_col_type(x)
  col_index <- which(x_field_types %in% "character")

  # skip date column b/c it has its own parsing function
  col_index <- setdiff(col_index, which(names(x) == "date"))

  x <- format_wb_func(x, readr::parse_guess,
                      col_index = col_index)

  # still need to make sure that blanks are turned to NAs
  if (end_point == "data") {

    x_names <- format_wb_tidy_names(names(x), end_point = end_point)
    names(x) <- x_names

    if("value" %in% x_names) x$value <- as.numeric(x$value)
    if("unit" %in% x_names) x$unit <- as.character(x$unit)
    if("obs_status" %in% x_names) x$obs_status <- as.character(x$obs_status)
    if("footnote" %in% x_names) x$footnote <- as.character(x$footnote)

  if (end_point == "country") x[x$iso3c == "NAM", "iso2c"] <- "NA"

  if (end_point == "source") {

    log_fields <- c("data_available", "metadata_available")
    col_index <- which(names(x) %in% log_fields)

    x <- format_wb_func(x, format_wb_func_as_logical,
                        true_pattern  = "Yes|yes|Y|y",
                        false_pattern = "No|no|N|n",
                        col_index = col_index)


#' @noRd
format_wb_get_col_type <- function(x, ...) {
  x_type <- sapply(seq(ncol(x)), FUN = function(i) typeof(x[ ,i]))
  names(x_type) <- names(x)

#' @noRd
format_wb_func_replace_value <- function(x, current_value, replacement, ...) {
  x[x == current_value] <- replacement

#' @noRd
format_wb_func_as_logical <- function(x, true_pattern, false_pattern, ...) {
  true_index <- grep(true_pattern, x = x, ...)
  false_index <- grep(false_pattern, x = x, ...)

  index_in_both <- base::intersect(true_index, false_index)

  if(length(index_in_both) != 0)
    warning("Patterns provided match both `TRUE` and `FALSE`.")

  x[true_index]  <- TRUE
  x[false_index] <- FALSE

  as.logical(x, ...)

#' @noRd
format_wb_func <- function(df, func, col_index,  ...) {

  if(missing(col_index)) col_index <- seq_len(ncol(df))

  df[, col_index] <- lapply(col_index, FUN = function(i) {
    x<- df[, i]
    func(x, ...)


#' @noRd
format_wb_country <- function(x, cache) {

  x_lower <- tolower(x)

  if (missing(cache)) cache <- wbstats::wb_cachelist
  cache_cn <- cache$countries

  if (any(x_lower %in% c("countries", "countries_only", "countries only")))
    # it is actually faster and more reliable to request 'all' and then filter afterwards
    cn_params <- "all"

  else if (any(x_lower %in% c("regions", "regions_only", "regions only")))
    cn_params <- unique_na(cache_cn$region_iso3c)

  else if (any(x_lower %in% c("admin_regions", "admin_regions_only", "admin regions only")))
    cn_params <- unique_na(cache_cn$admin_region_iso3c)

  else if (any(x_lower %in% c("income_levels", "income_levels_only", "income levels only")))
    cn_params <- unique_na(cache_cn$income_level_iso3c)

  else if (any(x_lower %in% c("lending_types", "lending_types_only", "lending types only")))
    cn_params <- unique_na(cache_cn$lending_type_iso3c)

  else if (any(x_lower %in% c("aggregates", "aggregates_only", "aggregates only")))
    cn_params <- unique_na(cache_cn$iso3c[cache_cn$region == "Aggregates"])

  else if (any(x_lower %in% "all"))
    cn_params <- "all"

  else if (length(x_lower) == 1 && x_lower == "the motherland") {
    message("Good choice comrade...")
    cn_params <- "rus"

  else { # any non-special values

    # all of the region, lending, and income names are also listed in these 3
    # columns so a check here checks for all of them
    cn_check <- as.matrix(cache_cn[ , c("iso3c", "iso2c", "country")])

    # don't forget everything is lowercase now
    cn_check <- tolower(cn_check)

    good_cn_index <- x_lower %in% cn_check
    good_cn <- x_lower[good_cn_index]

    if (length(good_cn) == 0)
      stop("No valid values for the country parameter were found.
           Please check the country argument description in wbstats::wb_data() for valid input values.")

    # use x instead of x_lower to KeEp UsEr DeFiNeD cAsInG
    bad_cn <- x[!good_cn_index]

    if (length(bad_cn) > 0)
      warning(paste0("The following country values are not valid and are being excluded from the request: ",
                                           paste(bad_cn, collapse = ",")))

    # the API only accepts IDs and not names, so if a country is listed in x
    # find its iso3c code. This lets the user pass values like "World" or "High Income"
    good_cn_iso3c_index <- lapply(1:ncol(cn_check), function(i) {
      which(cn_check[1:nrow(cn_check), i] %in% x_lower)

    good_cn_iso3c_index <- unique(unlist(good_cn_iso3c_index))
    cn_params <- cn_check[good_cn_iso3c_index, 1]

  paste0(cn_params, collapse = ";")
GIST-ORNL/wbstats documentation built on March 3, 2021, 6:59 a.m.