
# polar projection
x <- lensPolyCoef()

# Lens coefficients for:

# Nikon Coolpix 5700 camera with FC-E9 converter.
## Extracted from Hemisfer software
lensPolyCoef(c(0.6427, 0.0346, -0.024491))

# Nikon Coolpix 5700 camera with FC-E8 converter.
## Extracted from Hemisfer software
lensPolyCoef(c(0.681, -0.028253))

# Nikkor 8mm fisheye lens.
## Extracted from Hemisfer software
lensPolyCoef(c(0.9192, -0.1792, -0.000443))

# Nikkor 10mm fisheye lens.
## Extracted from Hemisfer software
lensPolyCoef(c(1.0168, -0.0573, -0.117603))

# Soligor fisheye adapter Sony DCW.
## Extracted from Hemisfer software
lensPolyCoef(c(0.677923, -0.029481, -0.022084, 0.041495, -0.016644))

# AF Fisheye Nikkor 10.5 mm lens and
## Pekin, B., Macfarlane, C., 2009. Measurement of Crown Cover and Leaf Area
## Index Using Digital Cover Photography and Its Application to Remote Sensing.
## Remote Sens. 1, 1298-1320. doi:10.3390/rs1041298
lensPolyCoef(c(1.13, 0.00798, -0.138))
GastonMauroDiaz/caiman documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 4:43 a.m.