
Defines functions make_cld_df

Documented in make_cld_df

#' **[!!]** Make a data frame with cld
#' Compute a compact letter display (cld) of statistically significant
#' differences in pairwise comparisons and output he results as a dataframe.
#' @note
#' This function is based on code in function [rcompanion::cldList()]
#' from package \pkg{rcompanion} by Salvatore Mangiafico.
#' @param swap_compared_names (logical) \cr If `TRUE`, group names are swapped
#' from, e.g., "2-1" or "second-first" to "1-2" or "first-second". This leads to
#' different order of cld letters and different order of compared groups (if
#' without swapping the result is incorrect order of groups.)
#' @inheritParams rcompanion::cldList
#' @inheritParams multcompView::multcompLetters
#' @export
#' @keywords internal

# @param comparison_order (character) Character vector with desired order of groups.
make_cld_df <- function(
                        formula = NULL,
                        data = NULL,
                        comparison = NULL,
                        p.value = NULL,
                        threshold = 0.05,
                        print.comp = FALSE,
                        remove.space = TRUE,
                        remove.equal = TRUE,
                        # remove.zero  = TRUE,
                        swap.colon = TRUE,
                        swap.vs = FALSE,
                        reversed = FALSE,
                        swap_compared_names = FALSE,
                        # comparison_order = NULL,
                        ...) {
  if (!is.null(formula)) {
    # # **[!!!]** Formula interface needs review.
    # p.value    = eval(parse(text = paste0("data", "$", all.vars(formula[[2]])[1])))
    # comparison = eval(parse(text = paste0("data", "$", all.vars(formula[[3]])[1])))
    p.value <- eval_glue("data${all.vars(formula[[2]])[1]}")
    comparison <- eval_glue("data${all.vars(formula[[3]])[1]}")

  significant_difference <- p.value < threshold
  # if (sum(significant_difference) == 0) {
  #     stop("No significant differences.", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  if (remove.space == TRUE) {
    comparison <- gsub(" ", "", comparison)
  if (remove.equal == TRUE) {
    comparison <- gsub("=", "", comparison)
  # if (remove.zero == TRUE) {
  #     comparison = gsub("0", "", comparison)
  # }
  if (swap.colon == TRUE) {
    comparison <- gsub(":", "-", comparison)
  if (swap.vs == TRUE) {
    comparison <- gsub("vs", "-", comparison)

  if (swap_compared_names == TRUE) {
    part_1 <- stringr::str_extract(comparison, ".*(?=-)")
    part_2 <- stringr::str_extract(comparison, "(?<=-).*")
    comparison <- paste0(part_2, "-", part_1)

  names(significant_difference) <- comparison

  if (print.comp == TRUE) {
    Y <- data.frame(Comparisons = names(significant_difference))

  MCL <- multcompView::multcompLetters(significant_difference, reversed = reversed)

  regular_cld <- as.character(MCL$Letters)
  spaced_cld <- as.character(MCL$monospacedLetters)

  if (is.null(MCL$monospacedLetters)) {
    spaced_cld <- regular_cld
  } else {
    spaced_cld <- spaced_cld

  res <- data.frame(
    group = names(MCL$Letters),
    cld = as.character(MCL$Letters),
    spaced_cld = gsub(" ", "_", spaced_cld)

  structure(res, class = c("cld_object", class(res)))

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Helper function
# cld_update <- function(res) {
#     res$MonoLetter <- gsub(" ", "_", res$MonoLetter)
#     names(res) <- c("Group", "cld", "spaced_cld")
#     structure(res, class = c("cld_object", class(res)))
# }
GegznaV/BioStat documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 9:30 p.m.