
# [tags] Rename, Correct contents

# Function 1.A --------------------------------------------------------------

correct_contents2 <- function(FILE) {
  # Read
  x0 <- readLines(con = FILE)
  x <- x0

  # Correct
  x <- gsub("BioStat", "biostat", x, fixed = TRUE, = FALSE)

  # Writte
  if (any(x0 != x)) {
    cat(FILE, sep = "\n")
    writeLines(x, con = FILE)

# function 1.B ------------------------------------------------------------

rename2 <- function(FILE) {
  x <- FILE
  stop("Do not need this operation", call. = FALSE)
  # Correct filenames
  x <- gsub("extract_and_print", "print_container", x, fixed = TRUE)

  NEW_FILE <- x
  # Rename files if needed
  if (FILE != NEW_FILE) {
    cat(sprintf("Files renamed: %30s   >>>   %-30s", FILE, NEW_FILE), sep = "\n")
    file.rename(from = FILE, to = NEW_FILE)

# Function 2 --------------------------------------------------------------

apply_content_corrections <- function(x) {
  Start <- Sys.time()
  current_wd <- getwd()
  # Reset wd on exit

  # Change wd
  AllFiles <- dir()
  FILES <- as.list(AllFiles[grepl("(.*\\.R$)|(.*\\.Rmd$)|(.*\\.html$)|(.*\\.Rd$)", AllFiles)])

  # lapply(FILES, correct_contents)
  lapply(FILES, correct_contents2)
  # lapply(FILES, rename2)

  # open_wd()
  spMisc::printDuration(Start, returnString = TRUE)

# Function 3 --------------------------------------------------------------


# List all directories of interest

# directories  <- as.list(
#     c(
#         "D:/Dokumentai/R/biostat",
#         paste0('D:\\Dokumentai\\R\\knitrContainer\\',
#                c("R","vignettes","inst\\doc", "tests\\testthat"),"\\")
#     )
# )

# directories  <- as.list("D:\\Dokumentai\\R\\Spektroskopija\\PAP_RK_2014\\")
directories <- list.dirs()[!grepl(".git|.Rproj.", list.dirs())]

# Apply corrections
stop("This script can be harmful!!!", call. = FALSE)
lapply(directories, apply_content_corrections)
GegznaV/BioStat documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 9:30 p.m.