
Defines functions bs_mode_menu__datasets bs_mode_menu__web bs_mode_menu__settings bs_mode_menu__plots bs_mode_menu__analyze bs_mode_menu__variables bs_mode_menu__rows bs_mode_menu__summary bs_mode_menu__inspect bs_mode_menu__export bs_mode_menu__import activate_if_active_ds set_menu_state set_biostat_mode load_rcmdr_biostat_mode get_use_relative_path use_absolute_path use_relative_path is_biostat_mode

Documented in get_use_relative_path is_biostat_mode load_rcmdr_biostat_mode set_biostat_mode use_absolute_path use_relative_path

# Biostat mode helpers -------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
is_biostat_mode <- function() {

  if (is_commander_open()) {
    # This test is based on the title of commander window
    str <- tclvalue(tkwm.title(CommanderWindow()))
    isTRUE(stringr::str_detect(str, "(BioStat mode)"))

  } else {
    warning("\nR Commander is not open. Use code: \nlibrary('Rcmdr')")

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
use_relative_path <- function() {
  biostat_env$use_relative_path <- TRUE

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
use_absolute_path <- function() {
  biostat_env$use_relative_path <- FALSE

#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
get_use_relative_path <- function() {

#' Load Biostat mode in R Commander
#' Restarts R Commander (to load plugins) and sets Biostat mode in R Commander.
#' Packages \pkg{Rcmdr} and \pkg{RcmdrPlugin.biostat} must be attached.
#' For this purpose `library("RcmdrPlugin.biostat")` is sufficient.
#' If restart is not needed, `set_biostat_mode()` is sufficient.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{\donttest{
#' library("RcmdrPlugin.biostat")
#' load_rcmdr_biostat_mode()
#' }}
load_rcmdr_biostat_mode <- function() {
  op <- Rcmdr::getRcmdr("ask.to.exit")
  Rcmdr::putRcmdr("ask.to.exit", FALSE)
  Rcmdr::putRcmdr("ask.to.exit", op)


# Set biostat mode -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname Helper-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
set_biostat_mode <- function() {
  if ("RcmdrPlugin.biostat" %in% .packages()) {

    if (isTRUE(is_biostat_mode())) {

  } else {
      "\nCannot set 'Biostat' mode in R Commander. ",
      "Please, load package 'RcmdrPlugin.biostat' first: \n",

  # Hide buttons bar ---------------------------------------------------------
  buttons_bar <- tcl_get_parent(getRcmdr("dataSetLabel"))

  # ==========================================================================
  # Get and modify default buttons -------------------------------------------
  # Two main buttons
  button_data <- getRcmdr("dataSetLabel")
  button_data_opts <- list()
  button_data_opts$orig_image   <- tcl_get_property(button_data, "-image")
  button_data_opts$orig_command <- tcl_get_property(button_data, "-command")

  button_model <- getRcmdr("modelLabel")
  button_model_opts <- list()
  button_model_opts$orig_image   <- tcl_get_property(button_model, "-image")
  button_model_opts$orig_command <- tcl_get_property(button_model, "-command")

  # Get existing buttons' IDs
  sibl <- tcl_get_siblings_id(getRcmdr("dataSetLabel"))

  img <- purrr::map_chr(sibl, ~tcl_get_property(., "-image"))
  txt <- purrr::map_chr(sibl, ~tcl_get_property(., "-text"))

  logo            <- sibl[str_detect(img, "(^::image::RlogoIcon$|^::image::bs_r_logo_)")]
  button_edit0    <- sibl[img == "::image::editIcon"]
  button_inspect0 <- sibl[img == "::image::viewIcon"]
  button_id_data  <- sibl[img %in% c("::image::dataIcon",  "::image::bs_dataset")]
  button_id_model <- sibl[img %in% c("::image::modelIcon", "::image::bs_model")]
  lab_data        <- sibl[txt == gettextRcmdr("   Data set:")]
  lab_model       <- sibl[txt == gettextRcmdr("Model:")]

  # Add tooltips
  tk2tip(button_data,  "Select active data set")
  tk2tip(button_model, "Select active model")

  if (length(button_inspect0) > 0) {
    # tkgrid.remove(button_inspect0)
    tk2tip(tcl_get_obj_by_id(button_inspect0), "View active data set")

  if (length(button_edit0) > 0) {
    # tkgrid.remove(button_edit0)
    tk2tip(tcl_get_obj_by_id(button_edit0), "Edit active data set")

  # New buttons --------------------------------------------------------------
  buttons_variant <- tk2frame(buttons_bar)
  buttons_bar_low <- tk2frame(buttons_bar)

  # button_set_1 <- tk2button(buttons_variant, width = 0.5)
  # button_set_2 <- tk2button(buttons_variant, width = 0.5)
  # button_set_3 <- tk2button(buttons_variant, width = 0.5)
  # tkgrid(button_set_1, button_set_2, button_set_3)

  button_set_manage   <- tk2frame(buttons_bar_low)
  button_set_analysis <- tk2frame(buttons_bar_low)
  button_set_plots    <- tk2frame(buttons_bar_low)
  button_set_settings <- tk2frame(buttons_bar_low)
  button_set_web      <- tk2frame(buttons_bar_low)
  button_set_refresh  <- tk2frame(buttons_bar_low)

  button_import <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Import dataset",
    image   = "::image::bs_import",
    command = bs_mode_menu__import

  button_export <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Export active dataset",
    image   = "::image::bs_export",
    command = bs_mode_menu__export

  button_datasets <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Manage objects/datasets. \nJoin datasets",
    image   = "::image::bs_objects",
    command = bs_mode_menu__datasets

  button_inspect <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Inspect active data set",
    image   = "::image::viewIcon",
    command = bs_mode_menu__inspect)

  button_rows <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Manage rows (observations)\nof active data set",
    image   = "::image::bs_rows",
    command = bs_mode_menu__rows)

  button_variables <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Manage variables (columns)\nof active data set",
    image   = "::image::bs_columns",
    command = bs_mode_menu__variables)

  button_summary <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Summarize variable values \nof active data set",
    image   = "::image::bs_summary",
    command = bs_mode_menu__summary)

  button_analysis <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Analysis",
    image   = "::image::bs_analyze",
    command = bs_mode_menu__analyze)

  button_plots <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Plots management",
    image   = "::image::bs_plot",
    command = bs_mode_menu__plots)

  button_web <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Online tools",
    image   = "::image::bs_web",
    command = bs_mode_menu__web)

  button_other <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Tools and settings",
    image   = "::image::bs_settings",
    command = bs_mode_menu__settings)

  button_refresh <- tk2button(
    tip     = "Refresh data and R Commander",
    image   = "::image::bs_refresh",
    command = command_dataset_refresh)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # Save objects
  putRcmdr("logo",                logo) # FIXME: error if object does not exist

  putRcmdr("button_data",         button_data)
  putRcmdr("button_model",        button_model)
  putRcmdr("button_inspect0",     button_inspect0) # FIXME: error if object does not exist
  putRcmdr("button_edit0",        button_edit0) # FIXME: error if object does not exist

  putRcmdr("buttons_variant",     buttons_variant)
  putRcmdr("buttons_bar_low",     buttons_bar_low)
  putRcmdr("button_set_manage",   button_set_manage)
  putRcmdr("button_set_plots",    button_set_plots)
  putRcmdr("button_set_analysis", button_set_analysis)
  # putRcmdr("button_set_web",      button_set_web)
  putRcmdr("button_set_settings", button_set_settings)
  putRcmdr("button_set_refresh",  button_set_refresh)

  putRcmdr("button_import",       button_import)
  putRcmdr("button_datasets",     button_datasets)
  putRcmdr("button_export",       button_export)
  putRcmdr("button_inspect",      button_inspect)
  putRcmdr("button_summary",      button_summary)
  putRcmdr("button_rows",         button_rows)
  putRcmdr("button_variables",    button_variables)
  putRcmdr("button_analysis",     button_analysis)
  putRcmdr("button_plots",        button_plots)
  putRcmdr("button_other",        button_other)
  # putRcmdr("button_web",          button_web)
  putRcmdr("button_refresh",      button_refresh)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # New layout ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # tkgrid("x", buttons_bar_low)
  tkgrid(buttons_variant, buttons_bar_low)

  lb1 <- tk_label(buttons_variant, image = "::image::dot-green", compound = "left")
  lb2 <- tk_label(buttons_variant, image = "::image::dot-red",   compound = "left")
  lb3 <- tk_label(buttons_variant, image = "::image::dot-lblue", compound = "left")
  lb4 <- tk_label(buttons_variant, image = "::image::dot-black", compound = "left")

  tkgrid(lb1, lb2, lb3, lb4, sticky = "sew")
  tkgrid.configure(buttons_variant, sticky = "se", padx = c(10, 0))
    columnspan = 6,
    padx = c(10, 5),
    pady = c(1,  5),
    sticky = "w"

  # Button sets
    # button_set_web,

  # Set: manage

  # Set: analyze

  # Set: plots

  # Set: settings

  # # Set: web
  # tkgrid(
  #   button_web
  # )

  # Set: refresh

  # tkgrid(
  #     button_import,
  #     button_export,
  #     button_datasets,
  #     button_inspect,
  #     button_rows,
  #     button_variables,
  #     button_summary,
  #     button_analysis,
  #     button_plots,
  #     button_other,
  #     button_web,
  #     button_refresh
  # )

  if (length(logo) > 0) {
    tkgrid.configure(logo, sticky = "w", padx = c(10, 5), pady = c(0, 10), rowspan = 2)
  tkgrid.configure(lab_data,        padx = c(0, 2),  pady = c(5, 0))
  tkgrid.configure(button_id_data,  padx = c(2, 5),  pady = c(5, 0))
  if (length(button_edit0) > 0) {
    tkgrid.configure(button_edit0,  pady = c(5, 0))

  if (length(button_inspect0) > 0) {
    tkgrid.configure(button_inspect0,  pady = c(5, 0))
  tkgrid.configure(lab_model,       padx = c(2, 2),  pady = c(5, 0))
  tkgrid.configure(button_id_model, padx = c(0, 10), pady = c(5, 0))

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------
  tip_switch_to_biostat <- function() {
    tk2tip(tcl_get_obj_by_id(logo), "Switch to the main \nBioStat buttons")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  toggle_buttons_bar_low <- function() {

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    is_visible_buttons_bar_low <- function() {
      vals <- as.character(tkgrid.info(getRcmdr("buttons_bar_low")))
      length(vals) > 0
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    is_main_bs_logo <- function() {
      # FIXME: possible issue, if logo is not set at all
      isTRUE(tcl_get_property(logo, "-image") == "::image::bs_r_logo_g")
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    set_buttons_rcmdr_fun <- function() {
      # Change buttons
      if (length(logo) > 0) {
        tkconfigure(logo, image = "::image::RlogoIcon")

        image = button_data_opts$orig_image,
        compound = "left",
        command = button_data_opts$orig_command

        image = button_model_opts$orig_image,
        compound = "left",
        command = button_model_opts$orig_command
      if (length(button_edit0) > 0) tkgrid(button_edit0)
      if (length(button_inspect0) > 0) tkgrid(button_inspect0)
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    set_buttons_bs_fun <- function() {
      if (length(logo) > 0) {
        tkconfigure(logo, image = "::image::bs_r_logo_g")
        tk2tip(tcl_get_obj_by_id(logo), "Switch to standard \nRcmdr buttons")
      # Change buttons
        image = "::image::bs_dataset",
        compound = "left",
        command = window_dataset_select

        image = "::image::bs_model",
        compound = "left",
        command = window_model_select
      if (length(button_edit0) > 0) tkgrid.remove(button_edit0)
      if (length(button_inspect0) > 0) tkgrid.remove(button_inspect0)

        # button_set_web,
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # if (is_visible_buttons_bar_low()) {
    if (is_main_bs_logo()) {
      # Hide BS buttons

    } else {
      # Show BS buttons
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # Bind interactivity -------------------------------------------------------
  tkbind(logo, "<ButtonPress-1>", toggle_buttons_bar_low)
  tkconfigure(logo, cursor = "hand2")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkconfigure(lb1, cursor = "hand2")
  tkconfigure(lb2, cursor = "hand2")
  tkconfigure(lb3, cursor = "hand2")
  tkconfigure(lb4, cursor = "hand2")

  tip(lb1) <- "Show buttons for\ndata management"
  tip(lb2) <- "Show buttons for\ndata analysis"
  tip(lb3) <- "Show buttons for\nplots"
  tip(lb4) <- "Show buttons for\ntools and settings"

  tkbind(lb1, "<Enter>", function() tkconfigure(lb1, image = "::image::dot-gw-4"))
  tkbind(lb1, "<Leave>", function() tkconfigure(lb1, image = "::image::dot-green"))
  tkbind(lb1, "<Button-1>", function() {
    tkconfigure(logo, image = "::image::bs_r_logo_management")
    tkgrid.remove(button_set_analysis, button_set_plots, button_set_settings
      # , button_set_web

  tkbind(lb2, "<Enter>", function() tkconfigure(lb2, image = "::image::dot-gw-4"))
  tkbind(lb2, "<Leave>", function() tkconfigure(lb2, image = "::image::dot-red"))
  tkbind(lb2, "<Button-1>", function() {
    tkconfigure(logo, image = "::image::bs_r_logo_analysis")
    tkgrid.remove(button_set_manage, button_set_plots, button_set_settings
      # , button_set_web

  tkbind(lb3, "<Enter>", function() tkconfigure(lb3, image = "::image::dot-gw-4"))
  tkbind(lb3, "<Leave>", function() tkconfigure(lb3, image = "::image::dot-lblue"))
  tkbind(lb3, "<Button-1>", function() {
    tkconfigure(logo, image = "::image::bs_r_logo_plots")
    tkgrid.remove(button_set_manage, button_set_analysis, button_set_settings
      # , button_set_web

  tkbind(lb4, "<Enter>", function() tkconfigure(lb4, image = "::image::dot-gw-4"))
  tkbind(lb4, "<Leave>", function() tkconfigure(lb4, image = "::image::dot-black"))
  tkbind(lb4, "<Button-1>", function() {
    tkconfigure(logo, image = "::image::bs_r_logo_settings")
    tkgrid.remove(button_set_manage, button_set_analysis, button_set_plots
      # , button_set_web
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # Change the title and the main icon ---------------------------------------
  .rcmdr <- CommanderWindow()
  tkwm.title(.rcmdr, paste0(Rcmdr::gettextRcmdr("R Commander"), " (BioStat mode)"))
  tcl("wm", "iconphoto", .rcmdr, "-default", "::image::bs_r_logo_g")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # Activate functions (if in BioStat mode) ----------------------------------

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # This command unhides buttons bar
  tkgrid.configure(buttons_bar, pady = c(4, 3))
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#     # Change buttons
#     tkconfigure(
#       button_data,
#         # foreground = "darkred",
#         image = "::image::bs_dataset",
#         compound = "left",
#         command = window_dataset_select
#       )
#     tkconfigure(
#       button_model,
#         # foreground = "darkred",
#         image = "::image::bs_model",
#         compound = "left",
#         command = window_model_select
#       )
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
set_menu_state <- function(cond) {
  if (cond) {
  } else {

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
activate_if_active_ds <- function() {

# Import menus ---------------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__import <- function() {
  # "From clipboard..."     , 'window_import_from_clipboard()'
  # "From R package... "    , "window_import_from_pkg"
  # "Import from text file (.txt, .csv, .dat, etc.)"   , "window_import_from_text"
  # "Import from Excel file..."                        , "window_import_from_excel"
  # "Import from Rds file (.Rds, .rds)..."	           , "window_import_from_rds"
  # "Import from R-data file (.RData, .Rda, .rda)..."  , "window_import_rdata"
  # "Import from SPSS data file..."                    , "importSPSS"
  # "Import from SAS xport file..."                    , "importSAS"
  # "Import from SAS b7dat file..."                    , "importSASb7dat"
  # "Import from STATA data file..."                   , "importSTATA"
  # "Import from Minitab data file..."                 , "importMinitab"

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_i <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_f <- tk2menu(menu_i, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_f, "command",
    label    = "from Text file (.txt, .csv, .dat, etc.)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_text",
    command  = window_import_from_text)

  tkadd(menu_f, "command",
    label   = "from Excel file (.xls, .xlsx)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_excel",
    command = window_import_from_excel)

  tkadd(menu_f, "command",
    label   = "from Rds file (.rds)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_r_lblue",
    command = window_import_from_rds)

  tkadd(menu_f, "command",
    label    = "from R-data file (.RData, .rda)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_r_brown",
    command  = window_import_rdata)

  # tkadd(menu_f, "separator")
  # tkadd(menu_f, "command",
  #   label = "from SPSS data file...",
  #   command = function() {importSPSS()}
  # )
  # tkadd(menu_f, "command",
  #   label = "from SAS xport file...",
  #   command = function() {importSAS()}
  # )
  # tkadd(menu_f, "command",
  #   label = "from SAS b7dat file...",
  #   command = function() {importSASb7dat()}
  # )
  # tkadd(menu_f, "command",
  #   label = "from STATA data file...",
  #   command = function() {importSTATA()}
  # )
  # tkadd(menu_f, "command",
  #   label = "from Minitab data file...",
  #   command = function() {importMinitab()}
  # )
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  tkadd(menu_i, "cascade",
    label    = "Import from file    ",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_choose_file",
    menu     = menu_f

  tkadd(menu_i, "command",
    label    = "Import from clipboard...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_paste",
    command  = window_import_from_clipboard

  tkadd(menu_i, "command",
    label    = "Import from R package...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_package",
    command  = window_import_from_pkg

  tkadd(menu_i, "command",
    label    = "Import from plot (online)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_wpd",
    command  = window_online_image_digitizer

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkadd(menu_i, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_i, "command",
    label    = "Create a new dataset...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_new_doc",
    command  = window_dataset_new_rcmdr

  tkadd(menu_i, "command",
    label    = "Edit active dataset...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::editIcon",
    state    = activate_if_active_ds(),
    command  = window_dataset_edit_rcmdr

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Export menus ---------------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__export <- function() {
  .ds <- active_dataset_0()
  if (is.null(.ds)) {

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_e <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  menu_to_file <- tk2menu(menu_e, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_e, "cascade",
    label    = "Export to file",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_choose_file",
    menu     = menu_to_file)

  tkadd(menu_to_file, "command",
    label    = "Export to text file (.txt, .csv)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_text",
    command  = window_export_to_text)

  # tkadd(menu_to_file, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_to_file, "command",
    label    = "Export to Excel file (.xlsx)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_excel",
    command = window_export_to_excel)

  # tkadd(menu_to_file, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_to_file, "command",
    label    = "Export to Rds file (.rds)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_r_lblue",
    command  = window_export_to_rds)

  tkadd(menu_to_file, "command",
    label    = "Export to R-data file (.RData)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_r_brown",
    command  = window_export_to_rdata)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_clipb <- tk2menu(menu_e, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_e, "cascade",
    label    = "Export to clipboard",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_copy",
    menu     = menu_clipb)

  tkadd(menu_clipb, "command",
    label    = "as Tab delimited values (tsv)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_copy",
    command  = function() {
      .ds <- active_dataset_0()
      export_to_clipboard(.ds, sep = "\t")

  tkadd(menu_clipb, "command",
    label    = "as Tab delimited values (European tsv)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_copy",
    command  = function() {
      .ds <- active_dataset_0()
      export_to_clipboard(.ds, sep = "\t", dec = ",")

  tkadd(menu_clipb, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_clipb, "command",
    label    = "To clipboard (custom format)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_copy",
    command  = window_export_to_clipboard

  # tkadd(menu_clipb, "command",
  #   label    = "as Comma separated values (csv)",
  #   compound = "left",
  #   image    = "::image::bs_copy",
  #   command  = function() {
  #     .ds <- active_dataset_0()
  #     export_to_clipboard(.ds, sep = ",")
  #   })
  # tkadd(menu_clipb, "command",
  #   label    = "as Comma separated values (European csv)",
  #   compound = "left",
  #   image    = "::image::bs_copy",
  #   command  = function() {
  #     .ds <- active_dataset_0()
  #     export_to_clipboard(.ds, sep = ";", dec = ",")
  #   })

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_to_console <- tk2menu(menu_e, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_e, "cascade",
    label    = "Print to R console",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_r_lgreen",
    menu     = menu_to_console)

  tkadd(menu_to_console, "command",
    label    = "Print as R structure",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_r_lgreen",
    command  = to_r_structure)

  menu_md <- tk2menu(menu_e, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_to_console, "cascade",
    label    = "Print as Markdown table ",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_md",
    menu     = menu_md)

  tkadd(menu_md, "command",
    label = "Engine: kable",
    command = window_dataset_print_as_kable)

  tkadd(menu_md, "command",
    label = "Engine: pander",
    command = window_dataset_print_as_md)

  # tkadd(menu_e, "separator")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_ds <- tk2menu(menu_e, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_to_console, "cascade",
    label    = "Print as dataset",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_print_as_df",
    menu     = menu_ds)

  tkadd(menu_ds, "command",
    label   = "as 'data.frame'",
    command = command_dataset_print_as_df)

  tkadd(menu_ds, "command",
    label   = "as 'data.table'",
    command = command_dataset_print_as_dt)

  tkadd(menu_ds, "command",
    label   = "as 'tibble'",
    command = command_dataset_print_as_tibble)

  # tkadd(menu_e, "separator")
  # tkadd(menu_e, "command",
  #       label    = "Export to Word table...",
  #       compound = "left",
  #       image    = "::image::bs_word",
  #       command  = to_word)
  # tkadd(menu_e, "command",
  #       label    = "Export to PowerPoint table...",
  #       compound = "left",
  #       image    = "::image::bs_pptx",
  #       command  = to_pptx)

    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Inspect data frame ---------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__inspect <- function() {

  .ds <- active_dataset_0()

  if (is.null(.ds)) {

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_p  <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (is_rstudio()) {
    tkadd(menu_p, "command",
      label    = "View dataset (in RStudio)",
      compound = "left",
      image    = "::image::viewIcon",
      command  = command_dataset_view)
  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "View dataset (in R Commander)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::viewIcon",
    command  = window_dataset_view_rcmdr)

  tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Class of active dataset (print, convert)...",
    state    = activate_if_active_ds(),
    command  = window_dataset_class)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Dimensions: number of rows and columns",
    command  = command_dataset_dim)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Variable type summay",
    command  = summary_var_types)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Screen missing data...",
    state    = activate_if_active_ds(),
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_na_red",
    command  = window_summary_missings)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Glimpse: structure of dataset",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_glimpse",
    command  = command_glimpse)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label   = "Print top and bottom rows",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_top_bot",
    command = summary_head_tail)

  # tkadd(menu_p, "separator")
  # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # # menu_to_console <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)
  # #
  # # tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
  # #   label    = "Print to R console",
  # #   compound = "left",
  # #   image    = "::image::bs_r_lgreen",
  # #   menu     = menu_to_console)
  # #
  # menu_to_console <- menu_p
  # # tkadd(menu_to_console, "command",
  # #   label    = "Print as R structure",
  # #   compound = "left",
  # #   image    = "::image::bs_r_lgreen",
  # #   command  = to_r_structure)
  # menu_md <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)
  # tkadd(menu_to_console, "cascade",
  #   label    = "Print as Markdown table ",
  #   compound = "left",
  #   image    = "::image::bs_md",
  #   menu     = menu_md)
  # tkadd(menu_md, "command",
  #   label = "Engine: kable",
  #   command = window_dataset_print_as_kable)
  # tkadd(menu_md, "command",
  #   label = "Engine: pander",
  #   command = window_dataset_print_as_md)
  # # tkadd(menu_p, "separator")
  # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # menu_ds <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)
  # tkadd(menu_to_console, "cascade",
  #   label    = "Print as dataset",
  #   compound = "left",
  #   image    = "::image::bs_print_as_df",
  #   menu     = menu_ds)
  # tkadd(menu_ds, "command",
  #   label   = "as 'data.frame'",
  #   command = command_dataset_print_as_df)
  # tkadd(menu_ds, "command",
  #   label   = "as 'data.table'",
  #   command = command_dataset_print_as_dt)
  # tkadd(menu_ds, "command",
  #   label   = "as 'tibble'",
  #   command = command_dataset_print_as_tibble)
  # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # # tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Summarize variables menus --------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__summary  <- function() {

  top <- CommanderWindow()
  menu_p  <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  # tkadd(menu_p, "command",
  #       label    = "Summarize variables...",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_r",
  #       command  = window_summary_variables)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Summarize all variables (summary)",
    command  = window_summary_summary)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Summarize all variables (dfSummary)",
    command  = window_summary_dfSummary)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Summarize all variables (Desc)",
    command  = window_summary_desc_all)

  tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    # label    = "Summarize selected variables (Desc)...",
    label    = "Summarize single or pair of variables (Desc)...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_desc",
    command  = window_summary_desc)

  tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Summarize numeric variables",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_data_num",
    state    = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    command  = window_summary_descr

  # tkadd(menu_p, "command",
  #     label    = "Frequency table for numeric variable...",
  #     # compound = "left",
  #     # image    = "::image::bs_r",
  #     state    = set_menu_state(numericP()),
  #     command  = window_summary_Freq
  # )

  tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Frequency & multi-way tables...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_data_fct",
    command  = window_summary_count)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Row menus ------------------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__rows <- function() {

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_p  <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_n  <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Row names and row numbers",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_names",
    menu     = menu_n)

  tkadd(menu_n, "command",
    label    = "Check if table has row names",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_have_names",
    command  = command_rows_has_rownames)

  tkadd(menu_n, "command",
    label    = "Print row names (or row indices)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_names_print",
    command  = command_rownames)

  tkadd(menu_n, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_n, "command",
    label    = "Move row names to column...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_names_to_col",
    command  = window_rows_rownames_to_col)

  tkadd(menu_n, "command",
    label    = "Move column (with unique values) to row names...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_names_to_names",
    state = set_menu_state(variables_with_unique_values_P()),
    command  = window_rows_col_to_rownames)

  tkadd(menu_n, "command",
    label    = "Create column with row numbers...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_number",
    command  = window_rows_rowid_to_col)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_rm  <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Select or remove rows",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_select",
    menu     = menu_rm)

  tkadd(menu_rm, "command",
    label    = "Filter: select rows that match conditions...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_filter",
    command  = window_rows_filter0)

  tkadd(menu_rm, "command",
    label    = "Slice: select/remove rows by row index...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_slice",
    command  = window_rows_slice)

  tkadd(menu_rm, "separator")

  tkadd(menu_rm, "command",
    label    = "Remove duplicated rows...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_duplicates",
    command  = window_rows_rm_duplicated)

  tkadd(menu_rm, "command",
    label    = "Remove empty rows",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_na_blue",
    command  = command_rows_rm_empty_rows)

  tkadd(menu_rm, "command",
    label    = "Remove rows with missing values...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_na_red",
    command  = window_rows_rm_with_na)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Arrange: sort rows...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_rows_sort",
    command  = window_rows_arrange)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Variable menus -------------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__variables <- function() {

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_p  <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_var_names  <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Variable names",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_names",
    menu     = menu_var_names)

  tkadd(menu_var_names, "command",
    label    = "Print variable (column) names",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_names_print",
    command  = command_colnames)

  tkadd(menu_var_names, "command",
    label    = "Check syntactical validity of column names",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_names_check",
    command  = command_check_names_validity)

  tkadd(menu_var_names, "command",
    label    = "Clean variable names (into snake case)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_names_clean",
    command  = command_clean_names)

  tkadd(menu_var_names, "command",
    label    = "Rename variables...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_names_rename",
    command  = window_variable_rename)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Select/Reorder/Remove variables...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_select",
    command  = window_variable_select0)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

  menu_j  <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Compute, recode, convert",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_compute",
    menu     = menu_j)

  tkadd(menu_j, "command",
    label    = "Mutate: compute a variable...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_mutate",
    command  = window_variable_mutate0)

  tkadd(menu_j, "command",
    label    = "Recode variable values...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_recode",
    command  = window_variable_recode0)

  tkadd(menu_j, "command",
    label    = "Convert variable types manually...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_cols_convert",
    command  = window_variable_convert_type)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  menu_chr <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Character (text) variables",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_data_chr",
    menu     = menu_chr)

  tkadd(menu_chr, "command",
    label    = "Convert all text variables into factors",
    state = set_menu_state(characterP()),
    command  = command_all_chr_to_fctr)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_fct <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Factors (categorical variables)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_data_fct",
    menu     = menu_fct)

  tkadd(menu_fct, "command",
    label    = "Drop unused levels...",
    state    = set_menu_state(factors_strict_P()),
    command  = window_factor_lvls_drop)

  tkadd(menu_fct, "command",
    label    = "Reorder levels by hand...",
    state    = set_menu_state(factors_strict_P()),
    command  = window_fct_relevel)

  tkadd(menu_fct, "command",
    label    = "Define contrasts for a factor [Rcmdr]...",
    state    = set_menu_state(factors_strict_P()),
    command  = window_set_contrasts)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_num <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Numeric variables",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_data_num",
    menu     = menu_num)

  menu_num_bins <- tk2menu(menu_num, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_num, "cascade",
    label    = "Bin a numeric variable",
    # compound = "left",
    # image    = "::image::bs_data_num",
    menu     = menu_num_bins)

  tkadd(menu_num_bins, "command",
    label    = "automatic bins [Rcmdr]...",
    state = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    command  = window_bin_variable)

  tkadd(menu_num_bins, "command",
    label    = "two manual bins [EZR]...",
    state = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    command  = window_bin_variable_manual)

  tkadd(menu_num_bins, "command",
    label    = "several manual bins [EZR]...",
    state = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    command  = window_bin_variable_manual2)

  tkadd(menu_num, "command",
    label    = "Logarithmic transformation...",
    state = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    command  = window_num_transform_log)

  tkadd(menu_num, "command",
    label    = "Z transformation / Standardization...",
    state = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    command  = window_num_transform_z)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

  menu_wd <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Tidy, reshape",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_data_reshape",
    menu     = menu_wd)

  tkadd(menu_wd, "command",
    label    = "Gather columns into long format dataset...",
    command  = window_variable_gather)

  # tkadd(menu_wd, "command",
  #       label    = "Spread columns into wide format dataset...",
  #       command  = function_not_implemented)
  # tkadd(menu_wd, "command",
  #       label    = "Separate one value into multiple columns...",
  #       command  = function_not_implemented)
  # tkadd(menu_wd, "command",
  #       label    = "Unite values into one column...",
  #       command  = function_not_implemented)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Analysis menus -------------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__analyze <- function() {

  top <- CommanderWindow()
  menu_p  <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  # tkadd(menu_p, "command",
  #       label      = "Association between categorical variables...",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(factorsP(2)),
  #       command    = window_summary_count)

  # tkadd(menu_p, "command",
  #       label      = "Normality test (univariate)...",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(numericP()),
  #       command    = window_test_normality)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # # ~ Association / Correlation --------------------------------------------
  # menu_a <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  # tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
  #       label      = "Relationship",
  #       # label    = "Association & Correlation",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       menu     = menu_a)
  # tkadd(menu_p, "command",
  #     label      = "Association between categorical variables...",
  #     # compound = "left",
  #     # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #     # state      = set_menu_state(factorsP(2)),
  #     command    = window_summary_count
  # )

  # tkadd(menu_a, "command",
  #       label      = "Correlation... [Rcmdr]",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(numericP(2)),
  #       command    = Rcmdr:::correlationTest)
  # tkadd(menu_a, "command",
  #       label      = "Correlation matrix... [Rcmdr]",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(numericP(2)),
  #       command    = Rcmdr:::correlationMatrix)
  # tkadd(menu_a, "command",
  #       label      = "Pearson's linear correlation... [EZR]",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(numericP(2)),
  #       command    = RcmdrPlugin.EZR::StatMedCorrelation)
  # tkadd(menu_a, "command",
  #       label      = "Spearman's / Kendall's rank correlation... [EZR]",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(numericP(2)),
  #       command    = RcmdrPlugin.EZR::StatMedSpearman)
  # tkadd(menu_a, "separator")

  # tkadd(menu_a, "command",
  #       label      = "Association between categorical variables...",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       # state      = set_menu_state(factorsP(2)),
  #       command    = window_summary_count)
  # # ~ Tests ----------------------------------------------------------------
  # menu_t <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)
  # tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
  #       label    = "Tests",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       menu     = menu_t)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label      = "Normality test (univariate)...",
    state      = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    compound   = "left",
    image      = "::image::bs_normality",
    command    = window_test_normality

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label      = "Normality test (multivariate; online app)...",
    # state      = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    compound   = "left",
    image      = "::image::bs_web",
    command    = window_online_mvn

  #     # ~~ Central tendency ----------------------------------------------------
  #     menu_t_c <- tk2menu(menu_t, tearoff = FALSE)
  #     tkadd(menu_t, "cascade",
  #           label    = "Central tendency* tests",
  #           # compound = "left",
  #           # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #           menu     = menu_t_c)
  #     # ~~ Proportion tests ----------------------------------------------------
  #     menu_t_p <- tk2menu(menu_t, tearoff = FALSE)
  #     tkadd(menu_t, "cascade",
  #           label    = "Proportion tests",
  #           # compound = "left",
  #           # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #           menu     = menu_t_p)
  #     tkadd(menu_t_p, "command",
  #           label      = ">>>",
  #           # compound = "left",
  #           # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #           state      = set_menu_state(twoLevelFactorsP()),
  #           command    = function_not_implemented)
  #     tkadd(menu_t_p, "command",
  #           label      = ">>>",
  #           # compound = "left",
  #           # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #           state      = set_menu_state(twoLevelFactorsP()),
  #           command    = function_not_implemented)

  # # ~~ Variability tests ---------------------------------------------------
  # menu_t_v <- tk2menu(menu_t, tearoff = FALSE)
  # tkadd(menu_t, "cascade",
  #       label    = "Variability tests",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       menu     = menu_t_v)
  # tkadd(menu_t_v, "command",
  #       label      = "Two-variances F-test... [EZR]",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(numericP() && twoLevelFactorsP()),
  #       command    = RcmdrPlugin.EZR::StatMedFTest)
  # tkadd(menu_t_v, "command",
  #       label      = "Bartlett's test... [EZR]",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(numericP() && factorsP()),
  #       command    = RcmdrPlugin.EZR::StatMedBartlett)
  # tkadd(menu_t_v, "command",
  #       label      = "Levene's / Brown-Forsythe's test... [Rcmdr]",
  #       # compound = "left",
  #       # image    = "::image::bs_question",
  #       state      = set_menu_state(numericP() && factorsP()),
  #       command    = Rcmdr:::LeveneTest)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Plots menus ----------------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__plots <- function() {

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_p <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_a <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Default place to draw plots",
    menu     = menu_a

  tkadd(menu_a, "command",
    label    = "Separate window for plots",
    compound = "left",
    image    =
      if (which_graphical_device() == "separate_window") {
      } else {
    command    = set_plots_to_separate_window

  if (is_rstudio()) {
    tkadd(menu_a, "command",
      label    = "RStudio 'Plots' tab",
      compound = "left",
      image    =
        if (which_graphical_device() == "RStudioGD") {
        } else {
      command  = set_plots_to_rstudio_window)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Open new window for plots",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_new_window",
    command  = open_new_plots_window

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Close all plots",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_plot_close",
    command  = close_all_plots

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (packageAvailable('esquisse')) {

    tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

    tkadd(menu_p, "command",
      label    = "Create simple ggplot2 plot (esquisse)...",
      compound = "left",
      image    = "::image::bs_ggplot",
      state    = set_menu_state(activeDataSetP()),
      command  = open_esquisse_app

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  if (packageAvailable('plotly')) {

    tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

    tkadd(menu_p, "command",
      label    = "Convert ggplot into interactive plot...",
      state    = set_menu_state(gg_objects_exist() || gg_lastplot_exists()),
      compound = "left",
      image    = "::image::bs_plotly",
      command  = window_plots_ggplotly)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # tkadd(menu_p, "separator")
  # tkadd(menu_p, "command",
  #     label    = "Import data from plot (online)...",
  #     compound = "left",
  #     image    = "::image::bs_chart",
  #     command  = window_online_image_digitizer)

  if (packageAvailable('officer') && packageAvailable('rvg')) {
    tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

    tkadd(menu_p, "command",
      label    = "Save editable plot to PowerPoint...",
      compound = "left",
      image    = "::image::bs_pptx",
      command  = window_export_fig_to_pptx)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Settings, etc. menus -------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__settings <- function() {

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_p <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # tkadd(menu_p, "command",
  #       label    = "Always on top",
  #       compound = "left",
  #       image    =
  #           if (isTRUE(rcmdr_get_always_on_top())) {
  #               "::image::bs_tick"
  #           } else {
  #               "::image::bs_delete"
  #           },
  #       command    = toggle_always_on_top)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # menu_lng <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  # tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
  #   label    = "Language",
  #   compound = "left",
  #   image    = "::image::bs_locale",
  #   menu     = menu_lng)
  # tkadd(menu_lng, "command",
  #   label    = "Locale...",
  #   compound = "left",
  #   image    = "::image::bs_locale",
  #   command  = window_locale_set)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Locale...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_locale",
    command  = window_locale_set)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Load R packages...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_package",
    command  = window_load_packages)

 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_wd <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Working directory (WD)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_folder",
    menu     = menu_wd)

  tkadd(menu_wd, "command",
    label    = "Print path to WD",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_path_to_wd",
    command  = command_getwd)

  tkadd(menu_wd, "command",
    label    = "Print file and folder names in WD",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_print_wd",
    command  = command_list_files_wd)

  tkadd(menu_wd, "command",
    label    = "Open WD",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_open_wd",
    command  = command_openwd)

  tkadd(menu_wd, "command",
    label    = "Change WD",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_set_wd",
    command  = command_setwd)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_opts  <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Options",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_r_yellow",
    menu     = menu_opts)

  to_console <- is_console_output()

  tkadd(menu_opts, "command",
    label    = "Output to R console (1 window mode)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = if (to_console) "::image::bs_tick" else "",
    command  = if (to_console) do_nothing else command_rcmdr_use_1_window)

  tkadd(menu_opts, "command",
    label    = "Output to R Commander (3 windows mode)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = if (!to_console) "::image::bs_tick" else "",
    command  = if (!to_console) do_nothing else command_rcmdr_use_3_windows)

  tkadd(menu_opts, "separator")

  sort_names <- getRcmdr("sort.names")

  tkadd(menu_opts, "command",
    label    = "Keep original order (column names in widgets)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = if (!sort_names) "::image::bs_tick" else "",
    command  =
      if (!sort_names) {
      } else {
        function() {
          putRcmdr("sort.names", FALSE)
          # options(Rcmdr = list(sort.names = FALSE))

  tkadd(menu_opts, "command",
    label    = "Sort alphabetically (column names in widgets)",
    compound = "left",
    image    = if (sort_names) "::image::bs_tick" else "",
    command  =
      if (sort_names) {
      } else {
        function() {
          putRcmdr("sort.names", TRUE)
          # options(Rcmdr = list(sort.names = TRUE))

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_session  <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "Session",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_r",
    menu     = menu_session)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  tkadd(menu_session, "command",
    label    = "Print session information: devtools style",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_ses_info_g",
    command  = command_session_info_devtools)

  tkadd(menu_session, "command",
    label    = "Print session information: base R style",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_ses_info_br",
    command  = command_session_info_utils)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkadd(menu_session, "separator")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  tkadd(menu_session, "command",
    label    = "Restart R Commander",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_restart",
    command  = rcmdr_restart_commander)

  if (is_rstudio()) {
    tkadd(menu_session, "command",
      label    = "Restart R session in RStudio",
      compound = "left",
      image    = "::image::bs_restart_r",
      command  = command_restart_rs_session)

  tkadd(menu_session, "command",
    label    = "Close R Commander",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_close_rcmdr",
    command  = Rcmdr::closeCommander)

  tkadd(menu_session, "command",
    label    = "Close R Commander & R",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_close_r",
    command  = command_rcmdr_close_r)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkadd(menu_p, "separator")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  menu_ab <- tk2menu(menu_p, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_p, "cascade",
    label    = "About",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_about",
    menu     = menu_ab)

  tkadd(menu_ab, "command",
    label    = "About BioStat...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_about",
    command  = window_about_biostat_version)

  tkadd(menu_ab, "command",
    label    = "Go to Homepage",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_home",
    command  = window_online_homepage)

  tkadd(menu_ab, "command",
    label    = "Feedback & bug reports",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_bug",
    command  = window_online_bug_report)

  # tkadd(menu_ab, "separator")
  # tkadd(menu_ab, "command",
  #   label    = "Check recommended packages for BioStat",
  #   compound = "left",
  #   image    = "::image::bs_chk_pkgs",
  #   command  = command_chk_packages_biostat)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Web ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__web <- function() {

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_web  <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_apps <- tk2menu(menu_web, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_web, "cascade",
    label    = "Web applications",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_web_app",
    menu     = menu_apps)

  tkadd(menu_apps, "command",
    label      = "Probability calculator: GeoGebra (online)...",
    # state      = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    compound   = "left",
    image      = "::image::bs_geogebra",
    command    = window_online_geogebra_probability
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  menu_down <- tk2menu(menu_web, tearoff = FALSE)

  tkadd(menu_web, "cascade",
    label    = "Applications to download",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_web_get",
    menu     = menu_down

  tkadd(menu_down, "command",
    label      = "Data mining: Orange (online)...",
    # state      = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    # compound   = "left",
    # image      = "::image::bs_geogebra",
    command    = window_online_orange

  tkadd(menu_down, "command",
    label      = "Power analysis: GPower (online)...",
    # state      = set_menu_state(numericP()),
    # compound   = "left",
    # image      = "::image::bs_geogebra",
    command    = window_online_gpower

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))

# Datasets and objects menus -------------------------------------------------
bs_mode_menu__datasets <- function() {

  top <- CommanderWindow()

  menu_p  <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Rename, copy, delete objects/datasets...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_objects",
    command  = window_data_obj_manage)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "List loaded objects/datasets",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_workspace",
    command  = command_list_objects)

  tkadd(menu_p, "separator")

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Join two datasets by matching row ID...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_join",
    command  = window_dataset_join)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Bind columns of several datasets...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_bind_cols",
    command  = window_dataset_bind_cols)

  tkadd(menu_p, "command",
    label    = "Bind rows of several datasets...",
    compound = "left",
    image    = "::image::bs_bind_rows",
    command  = window_dataset_bind_rows)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
    tkwinfo("pointery", top))
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GegznaV/RcmdrPlugin.BioStat documentation built on May 8, 2023, 7:41 a.m.