
Defines functions window_rows_filter window_rows_filter0

Documented in window_rows_filter window_rows_filter0

# 1. Check code for possible inconsisnencies and bugs.
# 2. When push "Apply" and error occurs, two windows open. Apply is now disabled.
#    It should be fixed.
# 3. Add buttons "==", "!=", "<" etc. in the same style as used in "fit linear model" window
# 4. By clicking on variable name, a list of possible values should appear:
#       - ranges from min to max for numeric;
#       - possible values, if just a few different numeric values are present;
#       - quoted values for other variable types (e.g. "Setosa")

#' @rdname Menu-window-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
# Correctly initializes window `window_rows_filter()`
window_rows_filter0  <- function() {

#' @rdname Menu-window-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
# new_dsname (character) - data frame name
# init_conditions (character) - conditions to be evaluated to select rows
# incorrect_cond_msg (character) - Message for incorrect expression.
window_rows_filter <- function(new_dsname = NULL,
    init_conditions = NULL,
    incorrect_cond_msg = NULL) {
  # Functions --------------------------------------------------------------
  onDoubleClick_variable <- function() {
    var <- trim.blanks(get_selection(y_var_box))

    word <- str_glue('\\[{gettext_bs("factor")}\\]')

    if (length(grep(word, var)) == 1)
      var <- trim.blanks(sub(word, "", var))

    conds <- tclvalue_chr(conditions_variable)
    tclvalue(conditions_variable) <-
      if (conds == "") {
      } else {
        last_chr <- stringr::str_sub(conds, -1)
        expr_sep <- if (last_chr %in% c("(", "[")) "" else " "
        paste(conds, var, sep = expr_sep)
    tkicursor(conditions_field, "end")
    tkxview.moveto(conditions_field, "1")

  # Dialog -----------------------------------------------------------------
  win_title <- gettext_bs("Filter: Create a Subset of Rows That Match Conditions")
  initializeDialog(title = win_title)
  tk_title(top, win_title)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  upper_frame <- tkframe(top)

  variable_labels <-
    paste(Variables(), ifelse(Variables() %in% Factors(),
      yes = gettext_bs("[factor]"),
      no  = ""

  y_var_box <-
      parent = upper_frame,
      title = gettext_bs("Current variables \n(double-click to add to conditions)"),
      values = variable_labels,
      height = 8,
      on_double_click = onDoubleClick_variable

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  lower_frame <- tkframe(top)

  if (is.null(new_dsname)) new_dsname <- unique_df_name(suffix = "_subset")
  new_dsname_variable <- tclVar(new_dsname)
  new_dsname_field    <- ttkentry(lower_frame,
    width = "30",
    textvariable = new_dsname_variable)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  conditions_frame <- tkframe(lower_frame)

  if (is.null(init_conditions)) init_conditions <- ""

  conditions_variable <- tclVar(init_conditions)
  conditions_field    <- ttkentry(conditions_frame,
    font = getRcmdr("logFont"),
    width = "50",
    textvariable = conditions_variable
  conditionsXscroll <- ttkscrollbar(conditions_frame,
    orient = "horizontal",
    command = function(...)
      tkxview(conditions_field, ...)
    xscrollcommand = function(...)
      tkset(conditionsXscroll, ...)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  onOK <- function() {
    new_dsname  <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(new_dsname_variable))
    conditions  <- tclvalue(conditions_variable)
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    # Check validity of var name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if (!is.valid.name(new_dsname)) {
      msg <- str_glue(gettext_bs("Dataset name"), ' "{new_dsname}" ',
        gettext_bs("is not valid!"))

      Message(message = msg, type = "error")
      window_rows_filter(new_dsname = make.names(new_dsname),
        init_conditions = conditions,
        incorrect_cond_msg = msg)

    # Check if expression is not empty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    check.empty <- gsub(";", "", gsub(" ", "", conditions))

    if ("" == check.empty) {
      Message(message = gettext_bs("No conditions were specified!"),
        type = "error")
      window_rows_filter(new_dsname = new_dsname,
        init_conditions = conditions,
        incorrect_cond_msg = "No conditions were specified!")

    # Check if dataset name already exists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if (is.element(new_dsname, listDataSets())) {
      if ("no" == tclvalue(checkReplace(new_dsname,
        gettext_bs("Data set")))) {
        window_rows_filter(new_dsname         = new_dsname,
          init_conditions    = conditions,
          incorrect_cond_msg =
            str_glue('Chose other name than "{new_dsname}".'))
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    command <- str_glue(
      "## Select rows that match conditions \n",
      "{new_dsname} <- {active_dataset()} %>% \n",
      "dplyr::filter({conditions})") %>%

    result <- justDoIt(command)

    if (class(result)[1] !=  "try-error") {
      # Change active dataset
      active_dataset(new_dsname, flushModel = FALSE)

    } else {
      # If evaluation of conditions results in error
      Message(message = gettext_bs("Evaluation of conditions resulted in error!"),
        type = "error")
      window_rows_filter(new_dsname = new_dsname,
        init_conditions = conditions,
        incorrect_cond_msg = "The definition of conditions contains error(s) or is invalid!")


  # ========================================================================
  ok_cancel_help(helpSubject = "filter", helpPackage = "dplyr",
    reset = "window_rows_filter"
    # , apply = "window_rows_filter"
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid(upper_frame, sticky = "nw")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  examples_frame <- tkframe(upper_frame)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid_text <- function(text = "", frame = examples_frame, fg = "black",
      sticky = "w", padx = 20, pady = 0, ...) {
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(frame, text = gettext_bs(text), fg = fg),
      sticky = sticky, padx = padx, pady = pady, ...)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid_text("\nExamples of logical conditions", fg = getRcmdr("title.color"))
  tkgrid_text("Standard operations:   ==   !=   <   <=   >   >=    %in%   |   &   !   between()", fg = "darkgreen")
  tkgrid_text("Example 1: age < 10")
  tkgrid_text('Example 2: color %in% c("red", "yellow")')
  tkgrid_text("Example 3: !is.na(color)")
  tkgrid_text('Example 4: sex == "male", age >= 20, between(weight, 50, 80)')
  tkgrid_text('Example 5: age_group != "young" | income > 500')
  if (!is.null(incorrect_cond_msg)) {
    tkgrid_text(incorrect_cond_msg, fg = "darkred", sticky = "e",
      pady = c(5, 0))
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid(getFrame(y_var_box), examples_frame,
    sticky = "nw",
    columnspan = 2)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      fg = getRcmdr("title.color"),
      text = gettext_bs("Name for filtered dataset")),
    labelRcmdr(lower_frame, text = "   "),
      fg = getRcmdr("title.color"),
      text = gettext_bs("Conditions for rows to include")),
    pady = c(15, 0),
    sticky = "nw")

    labelRcmdr(lower_frame, text = "    "),
    sticky = "nw")

  tkgrid(conditions_field,  sticky = "ew")
  tkgrid(conditionsXscroll, sticky = "ew")

  # tkgrid(variablesFrame, sticky = "nw")
  tkgrid(conditions_frame,  sticky = "nw")

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky = "ew", columnspan = 2)
  dialogSuffix(rows = 3,
    columns = 2,
    focus = conditions_field)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GegznaV/RcmdrPlugin.BioStat documentation built on May 8, 2023, 7:41 a.m.