
Defines functions get_desctools_opts_str window_summary_desc

Documented in window_summary_desc

# 1) DescTools options may be incorrect at start up, if only some options
#    are reset.

#' @rdname Menu-window-functions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
window_summary_desc <- function() {
  # Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  get_default <- function(val, default) {

    if (is.null(val) || is.na(val)) {
    } else {
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  activate_num <- function() {

    if (get_values(f2_num_enable)) {

    } else {

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  activate_plots <- function() {

    if (get_values(f2_plot_enable)) {

    } else {

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  activate_results_name <- function() {

    if (isTRUE(get_values(f4_keep_results))) {

    } else {
      set_values(f4_results_name, get_default_rez_name())

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  activate_trendline_options <- function() {
    if (isTRUE(get_values(f2_plot_trendline, "use_trendline"))) {
      # Enable trendline options
      tk_normalize(f2_plot_trendline, "trendline_on_top")
      tk_normalize(f2_plot_conf_band, "use_conf_band")
      tkconfigure(f2_trendline_type$obj_label, foreground = "black")
      tkconfigure(f2_conf_band_level$obj_label, foreground = "black")

    } else {
      # Disable trendline options
      tk_disable(f2_plot_trendline, "trendline_on_top")
      tk_disable(f2_plot_conf_band, "use_conf_band")
      tkconfigure(f2_trendline_type$obj_label, foreground = "grey")
      tkconfigure(f2_conf_band_level$obj_label, foreground = "grey")

  hide_trendline_options <- function() {
    # Hide options if the version of package is to old.
    if (packageVersion("DescTools") < "0.99.36") {

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  activate_all <- function() {

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  get_default_rez_name <- function() {
    unique_obj_names("desc_summary", all_numbered = TRUE)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  get_big_mark_list <- function() {
      ~name,                       ~fun,
      gettext_bs("None"),            "",
      gettext_bs("Space [ ]"),       " ",
      gettext_bs("Apostrophe [']"),  "'",
      gettext_bs("Comma [,]"),       ",",
      gettext_bs("Backtick [`]"),    "`")

  get_big_mark_symbol <- function() {
    name  <- get_selection(f2_big_mark)
    bands <- get_big_mark_list()
    bands[bands$name == name, ]$fun

  get_big_mark_label <- function(symbol = get_big_mark_symbol()) {
    bands <- get_big_mark_list()
    bands[bands$fun == symbol, ]$name

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  get_lab_direction_list <- function() {
      ~name,                                  ~las,
      gettext_bs("Parallel to the axis"),      0,
      gettext_bs("Always horizontal"),         1,
      gettext_bs("Perpendicular to the axis"), 2,
      gettext_bs("Always vertical"),           3

  get_lab_direction_las <- function() {
    name  <- get_selection(f2_plot_las)
    bands <- get_lab_direction_list()
    bands[bands$name == name, ]$las

  get_lab_direction_label <- function(las = get_lab_direction_las()) {
    bands <- get_lab_direction_list()
    bands[bands$las == las, ]$name

  # ...

  # Function onOK ----------------------------------------------------------
  onOK <- function() {
    # Cursor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    # Get values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    by_group         <- get_values(f1_widget_y_gr$checkbox)
    y_var            <- get_selection(f1_widget_y_gr$y)
    gr_var           <- get_selection(f1_widget_y_gr$gr)
    rez              <- get_values(f4_results_name)

    # Numeric output
    print_num        <- get_values(f2_num_enable)
    digits_per       <- get_values(f2_digits_per)
    digits_num       <- get_values(f2_digits_num)
    scipen           <- get_values(f2_scipen)
    big_mark         <- get_big_mark_symbol()
    verbose          <- get_selection(f2_verbose)

    # Plots
    use_plot         <- get_values(f2_plot_enable)
    new_plots_window <- get_values(f2_plot_opts,      "new_plots_window")
    use_trendline    <- get_values(f2_plot_trendline, "use_trendline")
    trendline_on_top <- get_values(f2_plot_trendline, "trendline_on_top")
    use_conf_band    <- get_values(f2_plot_conf_band, "use_conf_band")

    trendline_type   <- get_selection(f2_trendline_type)
    conf_band_level  <- get_selection(f2_conf_band_level)

    pch              <- get_selection(f2_plot_pch)
    las              <- get_lab_direction_las()

    # General
    keep_results     <- get_values(f4_keep_results,  "keep_results")
    force_options    <- get_values(f2_force_options, "force_options")

    # # Not implemented yet
    # conf_level           <- get_values(f2_conf)
    # results_name         <- get_values(f2_results_name)

    # Check values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if (variable_is_not_selected(y_var, "response variable", parent = top)) {

    if (isTRUE(by_group)) {
      if (variable_is_not_selected(gr_var, "explanatory variable",
        parent = top, article = "an")) {

    if (is_empty_name(rez, parent = top)) {
    if (is_not_valid_name(rez, parent = top)) {
    if (forbid_to_replace_object(rez, parent = top)) {

    all_selected <- c(y_var, gr_var)
    non_standard <- all_selected != make.names(all_selected)

    if (by_group && any(non_standard)) {
      # RcmdrTkmessageBox(popup_msg, icon = "error", title = title, type = "ok")
        # parent = top,
        message = str_c(collapse = "\n",
          "The calculations may fail due to non-standard variable names: \n",
        caption = "Non-standard Variable Names",
        type = "ok",
        icon = "warning")

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Save default values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    putDialog("window_summary_desc", list(
      # Variables
      y_var     = y_var,
      gr_var    = gr_var,
      by_group  = by_group,

      keep_results  = keep_results,
      force_options = force_options,
      # conf_level   = 0.95,    # Not implemented

      # Numeric output
      print_num  = print_num,
      verbose    = verbose,
      digits_per = digits_per,
      digits_num = digits_num,
      scipen     = scipen,
      big_mark   = get_big_mark_label(big_mark),

      # Plots
      use_plot         = use_plot,
      new_plots_window = new_plots_window,

      use_trendline    = use_trendline,
      trendline_on_top = trendline_on_top,
      trendline_type   = trendline_type,

      use_conf_band    = use_conf_band,
      conf_band_level  = conf_band_level,

      pch              = pch,
      labels_direction = get_lab_direction_label(las)

    # Construct commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    y_var  <- safe_names(y_var)
    gr_var <- safe_names(gr_var)

    if (isTRUE(print_num)) {
      print_code <- str_glue("print({rez}, plotit = FALSE) \n", .trim = FALSE)

      # Ensure required DescTools options are set properly
      if (!isTRUE(biostat_env$desctools_opts_are_set)) {
        force_options <- TRUE
        biostat_env$desctools_opts_are_set <- TRUE

      opts_code <-
          big_mark   = big_mark,
          num_digits = digits_num,
          per_digits = digits_per,
          scipen = scipen,
          .force = force_options)

    } else {
      print_code <- ""
      opts_code  <- ""
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if (isTRUE(use_plot)) {

      if (new_plots_window == TRUE) {

      both_num <-
          "is.numeric({.ds}${y_var}) && is.numeric({.ds}${gr_var})"

      pch_txt <-
        if (both_num && !(is.null(pch) || pch == "Default")) {
          str_glue(", pch = {pch}")

        } else {

      if (packageVersion("DescTools") >= "0.99.36") {

        if (isTRUE(use_trendline)) {

          if (trendline_type == "Default") {
            smooth_txt <- ""

          } else {
            smooth_name <-
                "Linear"      = "lm",
                "Spline"      = "spline",
                "LOESS"       = "loess",
                "Exponential" = "exp",
                "none"        = "none"

            smooth_txt <- str_glue(', smooth = "{smooth_name}"')

          trendline_on_top_txt <-
            if (trendline_on_top == FALSE) {
              ", smooth.front = FALSE"
            } else {

          conf_level_plot_txt <-
            if (isTRUE(use_conf_band)) {
                "Default"        = "",
                "none"           = ", conf.level = NA",
                # otherwise
                str_glue(", conf.level = {conf_band_level}")

            } else {
              ", conf.level = NA"

          trendline_opts <-

        } else {
          trendline_opts <- ', smooth = "none"'

      } else {
        # Too old version of DescTools
        trendline_opts <- ""

      plot_base <- str_glue("plot({rez}{pch_txt}{trendline_opts})")

      plot_code <-
        if (las == par("las")) {
          str_glue("{plot_base} \n", .trim = FALSE)

        } else {
            .trim = FALSE,
            "withr::with_par(list(las = {las}),\n{plot_base}) \n")

    } else {
      plot_code <- ""
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    opts <- ""
    if (isTRUE(by_group)) {
      variables <- str_glue("{y_var} ~ {gr_var}")

    } else {
      variables <- str_glue("{y_var}")
      if (any(variables %in% variables_fct() &
        !variables %in% variables_fct_like_2_lvls())) {
        opts <- ', ord = "level"'
        # TODO: add possibility to use other options of "ord":
        # "level" by factor levels
        # "name"  alphabetical order
        # "asc"   by frequencies ascending
        # "desc"  by frequencies descending

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if (isTRUE(keep_results)) {
      rm_code <- ""

    } else {
      rm_code <- str_glue("remove({rez}) \n")


    verbose_txt <- dplyr::recode(
      "Minimal"  = ", verbose = 1",
      "Regular"  = "",
      "Extended" = ", verbose = 3",
      .default   = ", verbose = 3"

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    command <- str_glue(
      .trim = FALSE,
      "## Summary of variables\n",
      "{rez} <- \n   with({.ds}, DescTools::Desc({variables}{opts}{verbose_txt})) \n",

    # Apply commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Checks for syntax errors
    result <- try_command(command)

    if (class(result)[1] == "try-error") {
      logger_error(command, error_msg = as.character(result))
      show_code_evaluation_error_message(parent = top, result$message)

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Checks for code evaluation errors

    result <- doItAndPrint(style_cmd(command))

    if (class(result)[1] == "try-error") {

      logger_error(command, error_msg = result)
      show_code_evaluation_error_message(parent = top, result)

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # On "Apply", updates the nae of "rez"
    set_values(f4_results_name, get_default_rez_name())
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Announce about the success to run the function `onOk()`
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  # Initial values ---------------------------------------------------------

  # Set initial values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  .ds    <- active_dataset() # active_dataset_0()

  # Initialize dialog window and title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  dialogue_title <- gettext_bs("Summarize Single Variable or Pair of Variables")
  initializeDialog(title = dialogue_title)
  tk_title(top, dialogue_title)

  # Get default values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  defaults <- list(
    # Variables
    y_var     = NULL,
    gr_var    = NULL,
    by_group  = FALSE,

    keep_results  = FALSE,
    force_options = FALSE,
    conf_level    = 0.95,   # Not implemented

    # Numeric output
    print_num  = TRUE,
    verbose    = "Extended",
    digits_per = get_default(DescTools::Fmt()$per$digits,       1),
    digits_num = get_default(DescTools::Fmt()$num$digits,       3),
    scipen     = get_default(dplyr::na_if(options()$scipen, 0), 9),
    big_mark   = gettext_bs("None"),

    # Plots
    use_plot         = TRUE,
    new_plots_window = is_plot_in_separate_window(),
    use_trendline    = TRUE,
    trendline_type   = "Default",
    trendline_on_top = TRUE,
    use_conf_band    = TRUE,
    conf_band_level  = "Default",
    pch              = "19",
    labels_direction = gettext_bs("Parallel to the axis")

  initial <- getDialog("window_summary_desc", defaults)

  # Widgets ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  f0 <- tkframe(top)

  # F1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  f1 <- tkframe(f0)

  f1_widget_y_gr <- bs_listbox_y_gr(
    parent         = f1,
    y_title        = gettext_bs("Response variable (Y)\n(pick one)"),
    y_var_type     = "all",
    y_initial      = initial$y_var,
    y_select_mode  = "single",

    gr_title       = gettext_bs("Explanatory/Groups variable (X)\n(pick one or none)"),
    gr_var_type    = "all",
    gr_initial     = initial$gr_var,
    gr_select_mode = "single",

    ch_initial     = initial$by_group,
    ch_label = "Two-variable summary",
    ch_tip = str_c(
      "If selected - two-variable summary; \n",
      "If unselected - single-variable summary.")

  f4 <- tkframe(f0)

  f4_keep_results <- bs_checkboxes(
    parent   = f4,
    boxes    = "keep_results",
    labels   = gettext_bs("Keep results in R memory as:"),
    values   = initial$keep_results,
    commands = list("keep_results"  = activate_results_name)

  f4_results_name <- bs_entry(
    parent = f4,
    width  = 44,
    value  = get_default_rez_name(),
    justify  = "center",
    validate = "focus",
    validatecommand = validate_var_name_string,
    invalidcommand  = make_red_text

  # F2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  f2 <- tkframe(f0)

  # F2 numeric output ------------------------------------------------------
  f2_num <- tk2labelframe(f2, text = "Numeric output options")

  f2_num_enable <- bs_checkboxes(
    parent   = f2_num,
    boxes    = "print_num",
    labels   = gettext_bs("Print numeric output"),
    values   = initial$print_num,
    commands = list("print_num"  = activate_num)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  f2_num_sub <- tk2frame(f2_num)

  f2_digits_per <- bs_entry(
    parent = f2_num_sub,
    width  = 3,
    label  = "Decimal digits in percentages:",
    label_color = "black",
    value = initial$digits_per,
    tip = str_c(
      "The number of decimal  \n",
      "digits in percentages. \n",
      "1   10.1%   \n",
      "2   10.12%   \n",
      "3   10.123% "),
    justify  = "right",
    validate = "focus",
    validatecommand = validate_int_0_inf,
    invalidcommand  = make_red_text_reset_val("1")

  f2_digits_num <- bs_entry(
    parent = f2_num_sub,
    width  = 3,
    label  = "Decimal digits in numbers:",
    label_color = "black",
    value = initial$digits_num,
    tip = str_c(
      "The number of decimal digits \n",
      "in real numbers.         \n",
      "1   10.1   \n",
      "2   10.12  \n",
      "3   10.123"),
    justify  = "right",
    validate = "focus",
    validatecommand = validate_int_0_inf,
    invalidcommand  = make_red_text_reset_val("3")

  f2_scipen <- bs_entry(
    parent = f2_num_sub,
    width  = 3,
    label  = "Width of numbers (scipen): ",
    label_color = "black",
    value = initial$scipen,
    tip = str_c("If the width of a number exceeds \n",
      "defined width (in digits), it is \n",
      "converted into a scientific notation.\n",
      "E.g., 1000 is printed as 1e+03."),
    justify  = "right",
    validate = "focus",
    validatecommand = validate_int_0_inf,
    invalidcommand  = make_red_text_reset_val("9")

  f2_big_mark <- bs_combobox(
    parent = f2_num_sub,
    width  = 16,
    label  = "Big mark: ",
    label_color = "black",
    values = gettext_bs(c(
      "None", "Space [ ]", "Comma [,]", "Apostrophe [']", "Backtick [`]")),
    tip = str_c("Big mark, e.g.: \n10000 \n10 000 \n10'000 \n10`000 \n10,000"),
    value = initial$big_mark

  f2_verbose <- bs_combobox(
    parent = f2_num_sub,
    width  = 12,
    label  = "Level of detail: ",
    label_color = "black",
    values = c("Minimal", "Regular", "Extended"),
    tip = str_c(
      "The level of details in the results. For more details, \n",
      "see the documentation of argument 'verbose' in DescTools::Desc()"
    value = initial$verbose

  f2_force_options <- bs_checkboxes(
    parent   = f2_num_sub,
    boxes    = "force_options",
    labels   = gettext_bs("Force to print rounding options"),
    default_tip = str_c(
      "Force to print the code of rounding options\n",
      "even if the options are not changed."),
    values   = initial$force_options

  # F2 plot ----------------------------------------------------------------

  f2_plot <- tk2labelframe(f2, text = "Plot options")

  f2_plot_enable <- bs_checkboxes(
    parent   = f2_plot,
    boxes    = "use_plot",
    labels   = gettext_bs("Draw summary plot"),
    values   = initial$use_plot,
    commands = list("use_plot" = activate_plots)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  f2_plot_sub <- tk2frame(f2_plot)

  f2_plot_opts <- bs_checkboxes(
    parent = f2_plot_sub,
    border = FALSE,
    boxes  = c("new_plots_window"),
    values = c(initial$new_plots_window),
    labels = gettext_bs(c("Create new window for plots")),
    tips = list(
      "new_plots_window" = str_c(
        "A new window will be created for a new plot. \n",
        "Do not use this option if you want your results in RStudio"

  f2_plot_trendline <- bs_checkboxes(
    parent = f2_plot_sub,
    border = FALSE,
    boxes  = c("use_trendline", "trendline_on_top"),
    values = c(
    labels = gettext_bs(c(
      "Add trendline to scatterplots",
      "Trendline in front of points"
    commands = list(
      "use_trendline" = activate_trendline_options
    tips = list(
      "use_trendline" = str_c(
        "Should a trendline be plotted in scatterplots?"
      "trendline_on_top" = str_c(
        "In scatterplots, should a trendline \nbe plotted in front of points?"

  f2_plot_conf_band <- bs_checkboxes(
    parent = f2_plot_sub,
    border = FALSE,
    boxes  = c("use_conf_band"),
    values = c(initial$use_conf_band),
    labels = gettext_bs(c(
      "Draw confidence band for trendline"
    tips = list(
      "use_conf_band" = str_c(
        "Use confidence band for trendline"

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  f2_trendline_type <- bs_combobox(
    parent = f2_plot_sub,
    width  = 11,
    label  = "Type of trendline: ",
    label_color = "black",
    values = c("Default", "Linear", "Spline", "LOESS", "Exponential"),
    tip = str_c("The type of trendline.\n(In scatterplos only)"),
    value = initial$trendline_type

  f2_conf_band_level <- bs_combobox(
    parent = f2_plot_sub,
    width  = 7,
    label  = "Level for confidence band: ",
    label_color = "black",
    values = c("Default", "0.90", "0.95", "0.99", "0.999"),
    tip = str_c(
      "The level for confidence band of trendline."
    value = initial$conf_band_level

  f2_plot_pch <- bs_combobox(
    parent = f2_plot_sub,
    width  = 7,
    label  = "Shape of points: ",
    label_color = "black",
    values = c("Default", 1, 3, 4, 16, 19, 20, 21),
    tip = str_c(
      "The number of point shape.\nParameter 'pch'.\n(In scatterplos only)"
    value = initial$pch
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  f2_plot_las <- bs_combobox(
    parent = f2_plot_sub,
    width  = 24,
    label  = "Direction of plot axis labels:",
    label_position = "above",
    values = gettext_bs(c(
      "Parallel to the axis",
      "Perpendicular to the axis",
      "Always horizontal",
      "Always vertical")),
    value = initial$labels_direction,
    tip = "Graphical parameter 'las' in function 'par()'.")

  # Layout -----------------------------------------------------------------

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid(f1,                    sticky = "nwe", padx = c(0,  4))
  tkgrid(f1_widget_y_gr$frame,  sticky = "nwe", padx = c(10, 0))

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid(f2, pady = c(5, 0),  sticky = "")
  tkgrid(f2_num, f2_plot,     sticky = "ns", padx = c(0, 5))

  tkgrid(f2_num_enable$frame, sticky = "nwe", padx = c(5, 65))
  tkgrid(f2_num_sub,          sticky = "nwe")
  tkgrid(f2_verbose$frame,    sticky = "e",   padx = 5, pady = c(5, 5))
  tkgrid(f2_digits_per$frame, sticky = "e",   padx = 5, pady = 1)
  tkgrid(f2_digits_num$frame, sticky = "e",   padx = 5, pady = 1)
  tkgrid(f2_scipen$frame,     sticky = "e",   padx = 5, pady = 1)
  tkgrid(f2_big_mark$frame,   sticky = "e",   padx = 5, pady = 1)
  tkgrid(f2_force_options$frame, sticky = "w", padx = 5, pady = c(1, 5))

  tkgrid(f2_plot_enable$frame,     sticky = "nwe", padx = c(5, 100))
  tkgrid(f2_plot_sub,              sticky = "nwe")
  tkgrid(f2_plot_opts$frame,       sticky = "nwe", padx = c(5, 0))
  tkgrid(f2_plot_las$frame,        sticky = "w",   padx = 5, pady = c(1, 4))
  tkgrid(f2_plot_trendline$frame,  sticky = "nwe", padx = c(5, 0))
  tkgrid(f2_trendline_type$frame,  sticky = "e",   padx = 5, pady = 1)
  tkgrid(f2_plot_conf_band$frame,  sticky = "nwe", padx = c(5, 0))
  tkgrid(f2_conf_band_level$frame, sticky = "e",   padx = 5, pady = 1)
  tkgrid(f2_plot_pch$frame,        sticky = "e",   padx = 5, pady = c(1, 5))

  # F4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  tkgrid(f4, sticky = "nw",  padx = c(0, 0), pady = c(2, 0))

  tkgrid(f4_keep_results$frame, f4_results_name$frame, sticky = "nwe")
  tkgrid.configure(f4_results_name$frame, padx = c(5, 0))

  # Help menus ---------------------------------------------------------------
  help_menu <- function() {

    menu_main <- tk2menu(tk2menu(top), tearoff = FALSE)

    tkadd(menu_main, "command",
      label    = "Function 'Desc' (package 'DescTools')",
      command  = open_help("Desc", package = "DescTools"))

    tkadd(menu_main, "separator")

    tkadd(menu_main, "command",
      label    = "How to interpret the results (sections 2-10 in PDF)",
      command  = open_help(vignette = "DescToolsCompanion", package = "DescTools"))

    tkadd(menu_main, "separator")

    tkadd(menu_main, "command",
      label    = "Options for package 'DescTools' (see 'Fmt()')",
      command  = open_help("DescToolsOptions", package = "DescTools"))

    tkadd(menu_main, "command",
      label    = "R options (see section 'scipen')",
      command  = open_help("options", package = "base"))

    tkadd(menu_main, "command",
      label    = "Direction of axis labels (see section 'las')",
      command  = open_help("par", package = "graphics"))

    tkadd(menu_main, "command",
      label    = "The number of point shape (see section 'pch')",
      command  = open_help("points ", package = "graphics"))

    tkadd(menu_main, "command",
      label    = "Function 'with'",
      command  = open_help("with", package = "base"))

    tkadd(menu_main, "command",
      label    = "Function 'with_par'",
      command  = open_help("with_par", package = "withr"))

    # tkadd(menu_qq, "command",
    #       label    = "Package 'xxx'",
    #       command  = open_online_fun("https://   xxx"))

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      tkwinfo("pointerx", top),
      tkwinfo("pointery", top))
  # Finalize ---------------------------------------------------------------

  # Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    close_on_ok = TRUE,
    on_help = help_menu,
    reset_location = TRUE,
    reset = "window_summary_desc()",
    apply = "window_summary_desc()")

  tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky = "ew")
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # Apply initial configuration functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



# Helper functions ===========================================================

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Returns only those options that have to be changed.
# .force = TRUE  -- print options string even if options are not changed
get_desctools_opts_str <- function(num_digits = 3, per_digits = 1, scipen = 9,
    big_mark = "", abs_big_mark = big_mark, num_big_mark = big_mark,
    .force = FALSE) {

  x <- DescTools::Fmt()
  str <- ""

  if (options("scipen")$scipen != scipen || .force) {
    str <- str_c(str, str_glue(
      .trim = FALSE,
      "options(scipen = {scipen}) \n"

  if (isTRUE(x$abs$big.mark != abs_big_mark) || .force) {
    str <- str_c(str, str_glue(
      .trim = FALSE,
      'Fmt(abs = Fmt("abs", big.mark = "{abs_big_mark}")) # Whole numbers \n'

  if (isTRUE(x$num$big.mark != num_big_mark) || .force) {
    str <- str_c(str, str_glue(
      .trim = FALSE,
      'Fmt(num = Fmt("num", big.mark = "{num_big_mark}")) # Real numbers\n'

  if (isTRUE(x$num$digits != num_digits) || .force) {
    str <- str_c(str, str_glue(
      .trim = FALSE,
      'Fmt(num = Fmt("num", digits = {num_digits})) # Real numbers \n'

  if (isTRUE(x$per$digits != per_digits) || .force) {
    str <- str_c(str, str_glue(
      .trim = FALSE,
      'Fmt(per = Fmt("per", digits = {per_digits})) # Percentages \n'

  # Suppress output of `Fmt()`
  if (str_detect(str, "Fmt")) {
    str <- str_glue(.trim = FALSE, "invisible({{\n{str}}})")

  if (str_detect(str, "Fmt|options")) {
    str <- str %>% style_cmd() %>% str_c("\n")

  structure(str, class = c("glue", "string"))
GegznaV/RcmdrPlugin.BioStat documentation built on May 8, 2023, 7:41 a.m.