
###  plotspc - Plots spectra of hyperSpec object
###  convenient plot interface for plotting spectra

##' Plotting Spectra
##' Plot the spectra of a \code{hyperSpec} object, i.e. intensity over
##' wavelength. Instead of the intensity values of the spectra matrix summary
##' values calculated from these may be used.
##' This is \code{hyperSpec}'s main plotting function for spectra plots.
##' New plots are created by \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}, but the abscissa and
##' ordinate are drawn separately by \code{\link[graphics]{axis}}. Also,
##' \code{\link[graphics]{title}} is called explicitly to set up titles and
##' axis labels. This allows fine-grained customization of the plots.
##' If package plotrix is available, its function
##' \code{\link[plotrix]{axis.break}} is used to produce break marks for cut
##' wavelength axes.
##' @param object the \code{hyperSpec} object
##' @param wl.range the wavelength range to be plotted.
##' Either a numeric vector or a list of vectors with different wavelength
##'   ranges to be plotted separately.
##' The values can be either wavelengths or wavelength indices (according to
##'   \code{wl.index}).
##' @param wl.index if \code{TRUE}, \code{wl.range} is considered to give
##'   column indices into the spectra matrix. Defaults to specifying wavelength
##'   values rather than indices.
##' @param wl.reverse if \code{TRUE}, the wavelength axis is plotted backwards.
##' @param spc.nmax maximal number of spectra to be plotted (to avoid
##'   accidentally plotting of large numbers of spectra).
##' @param func a function to apply to each wavelength in order to calculate
##'   summary spectra such as mean, min, max, etc.
##' @param func.args \code{list} with furter arguments for \code{func}
##' @param add if \code{TRUE}, the output is added to the existing plot
##' @param bty see \code{\link[graphics]{par}}
##' @param col see \code{\link[graphics]{par}}. \code{col} might be a vector
##'   giving individual colors for the spectra.
##' @param xoffset vector with abscissa offsets for each of the
##'   \code{wl.range}s. If it has one element less than there are
##'   \code{wl.range}s, 0 is padded at the beginning.
##' The values are interpreted as the distance along the wavelength axis that
##'   the following parts of the spectra are shifted towards the origin. E.g.
##'   if \code{wl.range = list (600 ~ 1800, 2800 ~ 3200)}, \code{xoffset = 750}
##'   would result in a reasonable plot. See also the examples.
##' @param yoffset ordinate offset values for the spectra. May be offsets to
##'   stack the spectra (\code{\link{stacked.offsets}}). Either one for all
##'   spectra, one per spectrum or one per group in \code{stacked}.
##' @param nxticks hint how many tick marks the abscissa should have.
##' @param stacked if not \code{NULL}, a "stacked" plot is produced, see the
##'   example. \code{stacked} may be \code{TRUE} to stack single spectra.  A
##'   numeric or factor is interpreted as giving the grouping, character is
##'   interpreted as the name of the extra data column that holds the groups.
##' @param stacked.args a list with further arguments to
##'   \code{\link{stacked.offsets}}.
##' @param fill if not \code{NULL}, the area between the specified spectra is
##'   filled with color \code{col}. The grouping can be given as factor or
##'   numeric, or as a character with the name of the extra data column to use.
##'   If a group contains more than 2 spectra, the first and the last are used.
##' If \code{TRUE} spectra n and nrow (spc) - n build a group.
##' @param fill.col character vector with fill color. Defaults to brightened
##'   colors from \code{col}.
##' @param border character vector with border color. You will need to set the
##'   line color \code{col} to \code{NA} in order see the effect.
##' @param plot.args \code{list} with further arguments to
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
##' @param axis.args \code{list} with further arguments for
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{axis}}. \code{axis.args$x} should contain arguments
##'   for plotting the abscissa, \code{axis.args$y} those for the ordinate
##'   (again as \code{lists}).
##' @param title.args list with further arguments to
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{title}}.
##' \code{title.args} may contain two lists, \code{$x}, and \code{$y} to set
##'   parameters individually for each axis.
##' @param lines.args list with further arguments to
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{lines}}.
##' \code{lines.args$type} defaults to "l".
##' @param break.args list with arguments for
##'   \code{\link[plotrix]{axis.break}}.
##' @param polygon.args list with further arguments to
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}} which draws the filled areas.
##' @param zeroline \code{NA} or a list with arguments
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{abline}}, used to plot line (s) marking I = 0.
##' \code{NA} suppresses plotting of the line.  The line is by default turned
##'   off if \code{yoffset} is not 0.
##' @param debuglevel if > 0, additional debug output is produced,
##' see \code{\link[hyperSpec]{options}} for details
##' @return \code{plotspc} invisibly returns a list with
##' \item{x}{the abscissa coordinates of the plotted spectral data points}
##' \item{y}{a matrix the ordinate coordinates of the plotted spectral data
##'   points}
##' \item{wavelengths}{the wavelengths of the plotted spectral data points}
##' This can be used together with \code{\link{spc.identify}}.
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @seealso \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}, \code{\link[graphics]{axis}},
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{title}}, \code{\link[graphics]{lines}},
##'   \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}}, \code{\link[graphics]{par}} for the
##'   description of the respective arguments.
##' \code{\link[plotrix]{axis.break}} for cut marks
##' See \code{\link{plot}} for some predefined spectra plots such as mean
##'   spectrum +/- one standard deviation and the like.
##' \code{\link[graphics]{identify}} and \code{\link[graphics]{locator}} about
##'   interaction with plots.
##' @keywords hplot
##' @export
##' @examples
##' plotspc (flu)
##' ## artificial example to show wavelength axis cutting
##' plotspc (chondro [sample (nrow (chondro), 50)],
##'          wl.range = list (600 ~ 650, 1000 ~ 1100, 1600 ~ 1700),
##'          xoffset = c (0, 300, 450))
##' plotspc (chondro [sample (nrow (chondro), 50)],
##'          wl.range = list (600 ~ 650, 1000 ~ 1100, 1600 ~ 1700),
##'          xoffset = c (300, 450))
##' ## some journals publish Raman spectra backwards
##' plotspc (chondro [sample (nrow (chondro), 50)], wl.reverse = TRUE)
##' plotspc (laser[(0:4)*20+1,,], stacked = TRUE)
##' plotspc (laser, func = mean_pm_sd,
##'          col = c(NA, "red", "black"), lines.args = list (lwd = 2),
##'          fill = c (1, NA, 1),
##'          fill.col = "yellow", border = "blue",
##'          polygon.args = list (lty = 2, lwd = 4),
##'          title.args = list (xlab = expression (lambda[emission] / nm),
##'                             y = list(line = 3.4),
##'                             col.lab = "darkgreen"),
##'          axis.args = list (x = list (col = "magenta"), y = list (las = 1))
##'         )
##' mean.pm.sd <- aggregate (chondro, chondro$clusters, mean_pm_sd)
##' plot (mean.pm.sd, col = matlab.palette (3), fill = ".aggregate", stacked = ".aggregate")
##' @importFrom utils modifyList relist head tail
##' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
plotspc <- function  (object,
                       ## what wavelengths to plot
                      wl.range = NULL, wl.index = FALSE,  wl.reverse = FALSE,
                      ## what spectra to plot
                      spc.nmax = hy.getOption("plot.spc.nmax"),
                      func = NULL, func.args = list (),
                      stacked = NULL, stacked.args = list (),
                      ## plot area
                      add = FALSE, bty = "l", plot.args = list(),
                      ## lines
                      col = "black", lines.args = list (),
                      ## axes
                      xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0, nxticks = 10, axis.args = list (),
                      break.args = list (),
                      ## title (axis labels)
                      title.args = list (),
                      ## parameters for filled regions
                      fill = NULL, fill.col = NULL, border = NA, polygon.args = list (),
                      ## line indicating zero intensity
                      zeroline = list (lty = 2, col = col),
                      debuglevel = hy.getOption("debuglevel")){
  force (zeroline) # otherwise stacking messes up colors

  chk.hy (object)
  validObject (object)
  if (nrow (object) == 0) stop ("No spectra.")

  ## prepare wavelengths ............................................................................
  ## somewhat more complicated here because of plotting with cut wavelength axis
  if (is.null (wl.range)) {
    wl.range <- seq_along (object@wavelength)
    wl.index <- TRUE

  if (!is.list (wl.range))
    wl.range <- list (wl.range)

  if (!wl.index)
    wl.range <- lapply (wl.range, function (w) {
      tmp <- unique (wl2i (object, w))
      tmp [! is.na (tmp)]

  ## xoffset ........................................................................................
  ## may be
  ## - one number for all wl.ranges
  ## - a number for each wl.range
  ## - one less than wl.ranges: first will be 0
  if (length (xoffset) == length (wl.range) - 1)
    xoffset = c (0, xoffset)
  else if (length (xoffset) == 1)
    xoffset = rep (xoffset, times = length (wl.range))
  if (!is.numeric(xoffset) || (length (xoffset) != length (wl.range)))
    stop ("xoffset must be a numeric  vector of the same length (or one less) as the list with",
          "wavenumber ranges.")
  xoffset <- cumsum (xoffset)

  ## for indexing wavelength.range is needed unlisted
  u.wl.range <- unlist (wl.range)

  ## wavelengths are the numbers to print at the x axis
  wavelengths <- relist (object@wavelength [u.wl.range], wl.range)

  ## x are the actual x coordinates
  x <- wavelengths
  for (i in seq_along(x))
    x [[i]] <- x [[i]] - xoffset[i]

  ## prepare spectra ................................................................................
  ## indices into columns of spectra matrix spc
  ispc <- relist (seq_along (u.wl.range), wl.range)

  rm (wl.range)
  spc <- object[[,, u.wl.range, drop = FALSE, wl.index = TRUE]]
  rm (u.wl.range)

  ## summary statistics: apply function func to spc
  if (!is.null (func)){
    if (!is.function (func))
      stop ("func needs to be a function.");

    apply.args <- c (list (X = spc, MARGIN = 2, FUN = func), func.args)
    spc <- matrix (do.call (apply, apply.args),  #apply (spc, 2, func),
                   ncol = ncol (spc)
    if (nrow (spc) == 0)
      stop ("No spectra after", func, "was applied.")

  ## do not plot too many spectra by default: can take very long and there is most probably nothing
  ## visible on the resulting picture
  if (nrow (spc) > spc.nmax){
    if (debuglevel >= 1L)
      message ("Number of spectra exceeds spc.nmax. Only the first", spc.nmax, "are plotted.")

    spc <- spc [seq_len (spc.nmax), , drop = FALSE]

  ## stacked plot
  if (!is.null (stacked)){
    stacked.args <- modifyList (stacked.args,
                                list (x = object, stacked = stacked, .spc = spc))

    if (! is.null (lines.args$type) && lines.args$type == "h")
      stacked.args <- modifyList (stacked.args, list (min.zero = TRUE))

    stacked <- do.call (stacked.offsets, stacked.args)
    if (all (yoffset == 0))
      yoffset <- stacked$offsets [stacked$groups]
    else if (length (yoffset) == length (unique (stacked$groups)))
      yoffset <- yoffset [stacked$groups]

  ## yoffset ........................................................................................
  ## either one value for all spectra
  ## or one per spectrum or one per group
  if (length (yoffset) != nrow (spc)){
    if (length (yoffset) == 1)
      yoffset <- rep (yoffset, nrow (spc))
    else if (length (yoffset) > nrow (spc))
      yoffset <- yoffset [seq_len (nrow (spc))]
      stop ("yoffset must be single number or one number for each spectrum (or stacking group).")

  spc <- sweep (spc, 1, yoffset, "+")

  ## plot area --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## should a new plot be set up?
  if (! add){
    ## set default plot args
    plot.args <- modifyList (list (xlim = range (unlist (x), na.rm = TRUE),
                                   ylim = range (spc, na.rm = TRUE)),

    ## the actual spectra are plotted below, so we do not need any line parametrers here

    ## reverse x axis ?
    if (wl.reverse)
      plot.args$xlim <- rev(plot.args$xlim)

    ## some arguments must be overwritten if given:
    plot.args <- modifyList (plot.args,
                             list (x = unlist (x), y = spc[1,,drop=FALSE],
                                   type = "n", bty = "n",
                                   xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", # axes and title are called separately
                                   xlab = NA,  ylab = NA)) # for finer control

    do.call (plot, plot.args)

                             ## reversed x axis leads to trouble with tick positions
    if (diff (plot.args$xlim) < 0)
      plot.args$xlim <- rev(plot.args$xlim)

    ## Axes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    axis.args <- modifyList (list (x = list (), y = list ()), axis.args)

    ## x-axis labels & ticks
    if (bty %in% c("o", "l", "c", "u", "]", "x") ){
      cuts <- .cut.ticks (sapply (wavelengths, min), sapply (wavelengths, max), xoffset, nxticks)

      axis.args$x <- modifyList (axis.args [! names (axis.args) %in% c ("x", "y")],
      if (is.null (axis.args$x$labels) & ! is.null (axis.args$x$at))
        axis.args$x$labels <- axis.args$x$at
      axis.args$x <- modifyList (list (side = 1, at = cuts$at, labels = cuts$labels),

      axis (side = 1, at = max (abs (plot.args$xlim)) * c(-1.1, 1.1))
      do.call (axis, axis.args$x)

      ## plot cut marks for x axis
      break.args <- modifyList (list (style = "zigzag"), break.args)
      break.args$axis <- NULL
      break.args$breakpos <- NULL

      if (length (cuts$cut) > 0) {
        if (! requireNamespace ("plotrix")){
          cat ("hyperSpec will use its own replacement for plotrix' axis.break\n\n")
          break.fun <- .axis.break
        } else {
          break.fun <- plotrix::axis.break
        for (i in cuts$cut)
          do.call (break.fun, c (list (axis = 1, breakpos = i), break.args))

    ## y-axis labels & ticks
    if (bty %in% c("o", "l", "c", "u", "y")){
      axis.args$y <- modifyList (axis.args [! names (axis.args) %in% c ("x", "y", "main", "sub")],

      ## default for stacked plots is marking the groups
      if (!is.null (stacked)){
        if (! is.null (stacked.args$min.zero) && stacked.args$min.zero)
          group.mins <- stacked$offsets
          group.mins <- apply (spc[!duplicated (stacked$groups),, drop = FALSE], 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)

        axis.args$y <- modifyList (list (at = stacked$offsets,
                                         labels = stacked$levels [!duplicated (stacked$levels)]),

      axis.args$y <- modifyList (list (side = 2), axis.args$y)
      axis (side = 2, at = max (abs (plot.args$ylim)) * c(-1.1, 1.1))
      do.call (axis, axis.args$y)

    ## Title: axis labels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    tmp <- title.args [! names (title.args) %in% c ("x","y", "ylab", "main", "sub")]
    tmp <- modifyList (tmp, as.list (title.args$x))
    tmp <- modifyList (list (xlab = I(object@label$.wavelength), line = 2.5), tmp)
    do.call (title, tmp)

    tmp <- title.args [! names (title.args) %in% c ("x","y", "xlab", "main", "sub")]
    tmp <- modifyList (tmp, as.list (title.args$y))
    tmp <- modifyList (list (ylab = I(object@label$spc)), tmp)
    do.call (title, tmp)

    tmp <- title.args [! names (title.args) %in% c ("x","y", "xlab", "ylab")]
    tmp <- modifyList (tmp, as.list (title.args [c ("main", "sub")]))
    tmp <- modifyList (list (ylab = I(object@label$spc)), tmp)
    do.call (title, tmp)

  ## plot the spectra -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## if necessary, recycle colors
  col <- rep (col, each = ceiling (nrow (spc) / length (col)), length.out = nrow (spc))

  ## should the intensity zero be marked?
  if (!is.logical (zeroline) && !is.na (zeroline)){
    zeroline <- modifyList (list (h = unique (yoffset)), as.list (zeroline))
    do.call (abline, zeroline)

  ## start loop over wavelength ranges
  for (i in seq_along (x)){
    ## filling for polygons ........................................................................

    ## groupings for upper and lower bound of the bands
    if (!is.null (fill)){
      if (is.character (fill) && length (fill) == 1)
        fill <- unlist (object [[, fill]])
      else if (isTRUE (fill)){
        fill <- seq_len (nrow (spc) / 2)
        if (nrow (spc) %% 2 == 1) # odd number of spectra
          fill <- c (fill, NA, rev (fill))
          fill <- c (fill, rev (fill))
      } else if (is.factor (fill))
        fill <- as.numeric (fill)
      else if (!is.numeric (fill))
        stop ("fill must be either TRUE, the name of the extra data column to use for grouping,",
              "a factor or a numeric.")

      groups = unique (fill)
      groups = groups [!is.na (groups)]

      polygon.args <- modifyList (list (x = NULL, y = NULL),

      ## fill color
      if (is.null (fill.col)){
        fill.col <- character (length (groups))

        for (j in seq_along (groups)){
          tmp <- which (fill == groups [j])
          fill.col [j] <- rgb( t (col2rgb (col [tmp[1]]) / 255) / 3 + 2/3)
      } else {
        fill.col <- rep (fill.col, length.out = length (groups))

      border <- rep (border, length.out = length (groups))

      polygon.args$x <- c (x [[i]], rev (x [[i]]))

      for (j in seq_along (groups)){
        tmp <- which (fill == groups [j])
        polygon.args$y <- c (spc[head(tmp, 1), ispc[[i]]], rev (spc [tail (tmp, 1), ispc[[i]]]))
        polygon.args$col = fill.col [groups [j]]
        polygon.args$border <- border [groups [j]]

        do.call (polygon, polygon.args)

    ## lines ........................................................................................

    lines.args <- modifyList (list (x = NULL, y = NULL, type = "l"), lines.args)

    if (lines.args$type == "h" && is.list (stacked)) {
    ## specialty: lines from the stacked zero line on!
      for (j in seq_len (nrow (spc))){
        keep <- ! is.na (spc [j, ispc[[i]]])
        lines.args$x <- rep (x[[i]] [keep], each = 3)
        lines.args$y <- as.numeric (matrix (c (rep (yoffset [j], sum (keep)),
                                               spc [j, ispc[[i]]] [keep],
                                               rep (NA, sum (keep))),
                                            byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3))
        lines.args$type = "l"
        lines.args$col <- col [j]
        do.call (lines, lines.args)
    } else {
      for (j in seq_len (nrow (spc))){
        keep <- ! is.na (spc [j, ispc[[i]]])

        lines.args$x <- x[[i]][keep]
        lines.args$y <- spc [j, ispc[[i]]] [keep]
        lines.args$col <- col [j]

        do.call (lines, lines.args)

  ## return some values that are needed by spc.identify
  invisible (list (x = rep (unlist (x), each = nrow (spc)) ,
                   y = spc,
                   wavelengths = rep (unlist (wavelengths), each = nrow (spc))

##' y Offsets for Stacked Plots
##' Calculate approriate \code{yoffset} values for stacking in \code{\link[hyperSpec]{plotspc}}.
##' Usually, the \code{stacked} argument of \code{\link[hyperSpec]{plotspc}} will do fine, but if you
##' need fine control over the stacking, you may calculate the y offsets yourself.
##' Empty levels of the stacking factor are dropped (as no stacking offset can be calculated in that
##' case.)
##' @param x a \code{hyperSpec} object
##' @param min.zero if \code{TRUE}, the lesser of zero and the minimum intensity of the spectrum is
##' used as minimum.
##' @param add.factor,add.sum proportion and absolute amount of space that should be added.
##' @param .spc for internal use. If given, the ranges are evaluated on \code{.spc}. However, this
##' may change in future.
##' @return a list containing \item{offsets}{numeric with the yoffset for each group in
##' \code{stacked}} \item{groups}{numeric with the group number for each spectrum} \item{levels}{if
##' \code{stacked} is a factor, the levels of the groups}
##' @author C. Beleites
##' @seealso \code{\link[hyperSpec]{plotspc}}
##' @rdname plotspc
##' @export
##' @examples
##' mean.pm.sd <- aggregate (chondro, chondro$clusters, mean_pm_sd)
##' offset <- stacked.offsets (mean.pm.sd, ".aggregate")
##' plot (mean.pm.sd, fill.col = matlab.palette (3), fill = ".aggregate",
##'       stacked = ".aggregate")
##' plot (aggregate (chondro, chondro$clusters, mean), yoffset = offset$offsets,
##'       lines.args = list (lty = 2, lwd = 2), add = TRUE)
##' barb <- do.call (collapse, barbiturates [1:3])
##' plot (barb, lines.args = list (type = "h"), stacked = TRUE,
##'       stacked.args = list (add.factor = .2))
stacked.offsets <- function (x, stacked = TRUE,
                             min.zero = FALSE, add.factor = 0.05, add.sum = 0,
                             #tight = FALSE, TODO
                             .spc = NULL, debuglevel = hy.getOption("debuglevel")){
  lvl <- NULL

  if (is.null (.spc))
    .spc <- x@data$spc

  if (is.character (stacked))
    stacked <- unlist (x [[, stacked]])
  else if (isTRUE (stacked))
    stacked <- row.seq (x)

  ## cut stacked if necessary
  if (length (stacked) != nrow (.spc)){
    stacked <- rep (stacked, length.out = nrow (.spc))
    if (debuglevel >= 1L)
      message ("stacking variable recycled to ", nrow (.spc), " values.")
  if (is.numeric (stacked))
    stacked <- as.factor (stacked)
  else if (!is.factor (stacked))
    stop ("stacked must be either TRUE, the name of the extra data column to use for grouping, a factor or a numeric.")

  stacked <- droplevels (stacked)
  lvl <- levels (stacked)
  groups <- seq_along (levels (stacked))
  stacked <- as.numeric (stacked)

  offset <- matrix (nrow = 2, ncol = length (groups))

  for (i in groups)
    offset[, i] <- range (.spc [stacked == groups [i], ], na.rm = TRUE)

  ## should the minimum be at zero (or less)?
  if (min.zero)
    offset [1, ] <- sapply (offset [1, ], min, 0, na.rm = TRUE)

  offset [2,] <- offset[2,] - offset [1,]

  ## add some extra space
  offset [2,] <- offset [2, ] *  (1 + add.factor) + add.sum

  offset <- c(-offset[1,], 0) + c (0, cumsum (offset[2,]))

  list (offsets = offset [seq_along (groups)],
        groups = stacked,
        levels = if (is.null (lvl)) stacked else lvl

##' @include unittest.R
.test (stacked.offsets) <- function (){
  context ("stacked.offsets")

  test_that("ranges do not overlap", {
    spc <- do.call (collapse, barbiturates [1:3])
    ofs <- stacked.offsets (spc)
    spc <- spc + ofs$offsets
    rngs <- apply (spc [[]], 1, range, na.rm = TRUE)

    expect_equal (as.numeric (rngs), sort (rngs))

  test_that("extra space", {
    spc <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = matrix (c (0, 0, 2, 1 : 3), nrow = 3))

    expect_equal (stacked.offsets (spc, add.factor = 0)$offsets, c (0, 1, 1))
    expect_equal (stacked.offsets (spc, add.factor = 1)$offsets, c (0, 2, 4))
    expect_equal (stacked.offsets (spc, add.factor = 0, add.sum = 1)$offsets, c (0, 2, 3))

  test_that("min.zero", {
    ofs <- stacked.offsets (flu, min.zero = TRUE, add.factor = 0)
    expect_equal (ofs$offsets,
                  c (0, cumsum (apply (flu [[- nrow (flu)]], 1, max))))


###  .axis.break - poor man's version of axis.break
.axis.break <- function (axis = 1,breakpos = NULL, ...)
  mtext("//", at = breakpos, side = axis, padj = -1, adj = 0.5)

###.cut.ticks - pretty tick marks for cut axes
##' @importFrom utils head
.cut.ticks <- function (start.ranges,
  stopifnot (length (start.ranges) == length (end.ranges) &
             length (start.ranges) == length (offsets))

  ## if (length (start.ranges) == 1)

  ## what part of the plot is occupied by each range?
  part <- abs (end.ranges - start.ranges) / (max (end.ranges) - min (start.ranges) - max (offsets))

  ## nice labels
  labels <- mapply (function (start, end, part) pretty (c (start, end), part * nticks + 1),
                    start.ranges, end.ranges, part,
                    SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  ## user coordinates
  at <- mapply (`-`, labels, offsets, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  ## cut marks

  ## convert to device x in user coordinates
  start.ranges <- start.ranges - offsets
  end.ranges   <- end.ranges   - offsets

  delta <- start.ranges [-1] -  head (end.ranges, -1)

  cutmarks <-   head (end.ranges, -1) + delta / 2

  ## make sure that the ticks are not too close
  for (i in seq_along (delta)) {
    keep         <- at [[i]] < end.ranges [i] + delta / 4
    at [[i]]     <- at     [[i]][keep]
    labels [[i]] <- labels [[i]][keep]

    keep             <- at [[i + 1]] > start.ranges [i + 1] - delta / 4
    at [[i + 1]]     <- at     [[i + 1]][keep]
    labels [[i + 1]] <- labels [[i + 1]][keep]

  list (labels = as.numeric (unlist (labels)),
        at     = as.numeric (unlist (at)),
        cut    = cutmarks)

##' @include unittest.R
.test (.cut.ticks) <- function (){
  context (".cut.ticks")

  ## bugfix:
  ## plotspc (paracetamol, wl.range = c (min ~ 1800, 2800 ~ max), xoffset = 900)
  ## had 2600 1/cm label printed in low wavelength range
  test_that("labels not too far outside wl.range",{
    expect_equal (.cut.ticks (start.ranges = c (96.7865, 2799.86),
                              end.ranges = c(1799.95, 3200.07),
                              offsets = c (0, 900),
                              nticks = 10)$labels,
                  c (seq (0, 1800, 200), seq (2800, 3400, 200))
GegznaV/hyperSpec2 documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 9:43 a.m.