
Defines functions eval_glue count_spectra has_too_few_IDs sp_manyroc_with_cv

Documented in sp_manyroc_with_cv

# =============================================================================
# Spectra <- Spectra
# Var <- "CitoGr"

#' Do manyROC analysis with cross-validation for hyperSpec object
#' [!!!] // No description yet //
#' @param Var (\code{character(1)}\ \code{factor}) \cr
#'             \bold{Either} the name of variable in \code{Spectra} which
#'             contains the grouping variable
#'             \bold{or} a factor vector (or convertible to factor) with
#'             values for grouping.
#' @param n_min \code{integer(1)} \cr
#'             minimum acceptable number of unique samples per group.
#'             Must be at least \code{k_folds} or bigger.
#' @inheritParams sp_manyroc_with_cv_by_variable
#' @details
#' Function \code{sp_manyroc_with_cv} will be \bold{renamed} in the future.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{sp_manyroc_with_cv_by_variable}}
#' @examples
#' library(manyROC)
#' fluorescence$ID  <- 1:nrow(fluorescence)
#' sp_manyroc_with_cv("gr", fluorescence[, , 500 ~ 502], k_folds = 3, times = 2)
sp_manyroc_with_cv <-
           k_folds = 5,
           times = 10,
           seeds = 2222222,
           kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG",
           # reikia ideti seed generatoriaus pavadinima
           n_min = k_folds
  ) {
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Remove rows with NA values and with groups which have too few samples in
    # that group

    # Convert to factor and drop unnecessary levels
    Spectra$ID %<>% as.factor()

    var_values         <- get_var_values(Var, Spectra) %>% as.factor()

    too_few_in_gr      <- has_too_few_IDs(Spectra, Var, n_min = n_min)
    ind_too_few        <- var_values %in% too_few_in_gr
    ind_NA             <- is.na(var_values)
    ind_included_rows  <- !ind_NA & !ind_too_few
    Spectra            <- Spectra[ind_included_rows, ]

    # Drop unnecessary levels after subsetting
    eval_glue("Spectra$`{Var}` %<>% droplevels()")

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Make a cross-validation object
    cvo <- cvo_create_folds(
      block_by = "ID",
      stratify_by = Var,
      k = k_folds,
      times = times,
      seeds = seeds,
      kind = kind

    x  <- Spectra[[]]
    gr <- Spectra[[, Var, drop = TRUE]]

    roc_res <- roc_manyroc_cv(
      x = x,
      gr = gr,
      optimize_by = "bac",
      cvo = cvo

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      variable = Var,
      n_included = sum(ind_included_rows),
      ind_included_rows = add_class_label(ind_included_rows, "as_str"),
      # x  = add_class_label(x, "as_str"),
      # gr = add_class_label(gr, "as_str"),
      cvo = cvo,

      results = add_class_label(roc_res, "roc_df")

# =============================================================================
# Helpers
# =============================================================================
has_too_few_IDs <- function(OBJ,
                            Var = colnames(OBJ)[1],
                            ID = "ID",
                            n_min = 5,
                            na.rm = TRUE) {

  DF <- OBJ[, c(ID, Var)]$..
  if (na.rm) DF <- tidyr::drop_na(DF)
  DF <- dplyr::distinct(DF, .keep_all = TRUE)
  gr_ <- table(DF[, 2], useNA = "ifany")
  names(gr_[gr_ < n_min])

  # gr_ <- count_spectra(OBJ, Var = Var, ID = ID, na.rm = na.rm)$n_ID
  # names(gr_[gr_ < n_min])
# =============================================================================
# TODO: ...
count_spectra <- function(OBJ,
                          Var = NULL, # colnames(OBJ)[1],
                          ID = "ID",
                          na.rm = TRUE,
                          decimals   = 1,
                          include_na = TRUE,
                          na_level = "(Missing)") {

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # Define necessary functions

  # Get counts and percentages
  n_unique <- function(x) {
    unique(x) %>% length()

  get_percent <- function(x) {
    sprintf(fmt = glue::glue("%.{decimals}f%%"),
      100 * (x / sum(x, na.rm = na.rm)))
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  if (!ID %in% hyperSpec::colnames(OBJ)) {
    stop("The dataset does not contain variable called `", ID, "`")

  # For whole dataset
  if (is.null(Var)) { # new part of the function

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Extract necessary variables
    ID_  <- eval_glue("OBJ$`{ID}`")

    if (include_na == TRUE) {
      ID_  %<>% forcats::fct_explicit_na(na_level = "(Missing)")

    n_ID      <- n_unique(ID_)
    n_spectra <- length(ID_)

    percent_ID      <- get_percent(n_ID)
    percent_spectra <- get_percent(n_spectra)

    # For subsets by values of `VAR`
  } else { # The original part of the function

    if (!Var %in% hyperSpec::colnames(OBJ)) {
      stop("The dataset does not contain variable called `", Var, "`")

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Extract necessary variables
    Var_ <- eval_glue("OBJ$`{Var}`")
    ID_  <- eval_glue("OBJ$`{ID}`")

    # Get counts and percentages
    n_unique <- function(x) {
      unique(x) %>% length()

    if (include_na == TRUE) {
      ID_  %<>% forcats::fct_explicit_na(na_level = "(Missing)")
      Var_ %<>% forcats::fct_explicit_na(na_level = "(Missing)")

    n_ID      <- tapply(ID_, Var_, n_unique)
    n_spectra <- tapply(ID_, Var_, length)

    percent_ID      <- get_percent(n_ID)
    percent_spectra <- get_percent(n_spectra)

  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  # Return results

  data.frame(n_ID, n_spectra, percent_ID, percent_spectra,
    check.names = FALSE)
  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# =============================================================================
eval_glue <- function(..., envir = parent.frame(),
                      .sep = "", .open = "{", .close = "}") {

  x2 <- glue::glue(..., .envir = envir, .open = .open, .close = .close)
  eval(parse(text = x2), envir = envir)
# =============================================================================
GegznaV/manyROC documentation built on Sept. 18, 2020, 10:28 p.m.