
Defines functions getVarValues

# =============================================================================
# <environment: namespace:spMisc>
# [!!!] Will be removed in the future
# =============================================================================
getVarValues <-
  function(VAR, DATA,
           CALL = match.call(definition = sys.function(sys.parent()),
             call = sys.call(sys.parent())),
           env = parent.frame(2L)
  ) {

    # Prepare data, if needed -------------------------------------------------
    if (inherits(DATA, "hyperSpec")) {
      DATA <- DATA$..

    # If VAR is NULL --------------------------------------------------------
    if (is.null(VAR)) {

    # Force evaluation of function arguments ----------------------------------
    force(env) # Get parent environment
    force(CALL) # Get call of function which parameters are going to be evaluated.

    # Look for missing arguments-----------------------------------------------
    missVar <- vector("logical", 2)
    missVar[1] <- missing(VAR)
    missVar[2] <- missing(DATA)

    if (any(missVar)) {
      missVarTXT <- paste(c("VAR", "DATA")[missVar],
        collapse = ", ")
      stop(paste("Missing arguments with no default values:", missVarTXT))
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    VAR_value <- NULL
        VAR_value <- VAR
      silent = TRUE)

    # If data is missing (i.e. is NULL) -------------------------------------
    if (is.null(DATA))

    # If DATA is provided ---------------------------------------------------
    # and ...
    VAR_length            <- VAR_value  %>% simplify2array()  %>% length()
    is_VAR_value_in_DATA  <- all(VAR_value %in% colnames(DATA))
    if (VAR_length == 1 & is_VAR_value_in_DATA)

    #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    DATA_length  <- nrow(DATA) %if_null% length(DATA)  # <<<< this line may
    #  need reviewing:
    #  length(data.frame) vs.
    #          length(matrix)
    if (VAR_length == DATA_length)

    #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Convert input variable names to character (without evaluation)
    VAR_name   <- CALL[[match.call()$VAR  %>% as.character()]] %>% as.character()
    is_VAR_name_in_DATA <- VAR_name %in% colnames(DATA)

    if (is_VAR_name_in_DATA)

    # VAR_value_in_DATA <- env[[DATA_name]][[VAR_name]]
    # VAR_value_in_DATA <- env[[DATA_name]][[,VAR_name,drop=TRUE]]
    # VAR_value %in% colnames(env[[DATA_name]]

    #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    warning("Lengths of arguments 'DATA' and 'VAR' do not match!!!") # <<<< this line may need reviewing:
    # Error message is not informative enough

GegznaV/multiROC documentation built on Sept. 15, 2020, 10:33 a.m.