
Defines functions mspc

Documented in mspc

#' Multiple Sample Peak Calling
#' MSPC comparatively evaluates ChIP-seq peaks and combines the
#' statistical significance of repeated evidences, with the aim
#' of lowering the minimum significance required to rescue
#' weak peaks; hence reducing false-negatives.
#' @param input Character vector or GRanges list. 
#' The input argument is a character vector when the data the user wants to use 
#' as a sample is in a BED file format. In this case, the data should 
#' be a tab-delimited file in BED format for each replicate, each 
#' containing enriched regions (aka peaks) called with a
#' permissive p-value threshold.
#' The input argument will then be a character vector, each element of the 
#' vector will have the file path of the BED file the user wants to use. 
#' The input argument is a GRanges list when the user wants to use 
#' multiple GRanges objects as samples.
#' This arguments is required. More information in Details
#' @param replicateType Character string. This argument defines
#' the replicate type. Possible values of the argument : 
#' 'Bio','Biological', 'Tec', 'Technical'. 
#' This arguments is required . More information in Details. 
#' @param stringencyThreshold Double. A threshold on p-values,
#' where peaks with p-value lower than this threshold, are
#' considered stringent.This arguments is required
#' @param weakThreshold Double. A threshold on p-values,
#' such that peaks with p-value between this and stringency
#' threshold, are considered weak peaks. This arguments is required
#' @param gamma Double. The combined stringency threshold.
#' Peaks with combined p-value below this threshold are confirmed.
#' Default value is the value of the argument stringencyThreshold.
#' This arguments is optional.
#' @param c Integer or character string. the minimum number of overlapping peaks
#' required before the MSPC program combines their p-value.
#' The value of c can be given in absolute (e.g., c = 2 will require
#' at least 2 samples) or percentage of input samples (e.g., c = 50% 
#' will require at least 50% of input samples) formats.
#' Default value is 1. This arguments is optional.
#' More information in Details.
#' @param alpha Double. The threshold for Benjamini-Hochberg
#' multiple testing correction.
#' Default value is 0.05. This arguments is optional.
#' @param multipleIntersections Character string. When multiple peaks
#' from a sample overlap with a given peak, this argument
#' defines which of the peaks to be considered: the one with
#' lowest p-value, or the one with highest p-value?
#' Possible value of the argument are either 'Lowest'
#' or 'Highest'.
#' Default value is 'Lowest'. This arguments is optional.
#' @param degreeOfParallelism  Integer. The number of parallel
#' threads the MSPC program can utilize simultaneously when 
#' processing data.
#' Default value is the number of logical processors
#' on the current machine. This arguments is optional.
#' @param inputParserConfiguration File path. The path to a JSON file
#' containing the configuration for the input BED file parser.
#' This is an optional argument and it has no default value. 
#' @param outputPath Directory path. This argument sets the path in 
#' which analysis results should be persisted. 
#' This is an optional argument. More information in Details. 
#' @param keep Logical. This argument determines whether the mspc function
#' should keep or delete all the files generated while running
#' the MSPC program.This is an optional argument.
#' More information in Details.
#' @param GRanges Logical. Determines whether or not the mspc
#' function should import the files, created while running the mspc function, 
#' as GRanges objects into the R environment. The default value is FALSE.
#' However, when the keep argument is set to FALSE, the value 
#' of the argument GRanges is set to TRUE, and the value
#' given by the user to the GRanges argument is ignored. 
#' @param directoryGRangesInput Folder path. When the input argument is
#' a GRanges list, the mspc function exports it as
#' multiple BED files.
#' The directoryGRangesInput argument specifies the 
#' directory where these BED files should be stored.
#' More information in Details. 
#' @param mspcPath File path. The MSPC program that the rmspc package
#' uses can be installed from the official Github page of the MSPC program.
#' If the users wishes to use the version of the MSPC program he installs, 
#' he can specify the installation path of the mspc dll program installed
#' using the mspcPath argument.
#' The default value is NULL. If no value is given to this argument,
#' the MSPC program used is the one included in the rmspc package.
#' @return 
#' The mspc function prints the results of the MSPC program.   
#' The mspc function also creates a set of files in the directory 
#' specified by the argument outputPath.
#' The function can return the following :
#' 1. status : Integer. The exit status of running the mspc function.
#' A zero exit status means the function ran successfully.   
#' 2. filesCreated : List of character vectors. The names of the
#' files generated while running the mspc function.   
#' 3. GrangesObjects : GRanges list. All the files generated while
#' running the mspc function are imported as GRanges objects, 
#' and are combined in a GRanges list. 
#' It is important to note that the mspc function does not
#' always return these 3 elements.   
#' The output of the function depends on the arguments keep
#' and GRanges given to the mspc function. 
#' More information regarding the output in Details. 
#' @details
#' input :     
#' The input can either be BED files or a GRanges list.
#' Only one type of inputs is supported by the mspc function 
#' at a time, ie, the user can either give all the inputs as names of 
#' BED files, or all the inputs as GRanges objects. 
#' Therefore, the user cannot give an input argument that contains
#' BED files and GRanges objects.
#' replicateType:    
#' Samples could be biological or technical replicates. 
#' MSPC differentiates between the two replicate types
#' based on the fact that less variations between 
#' technical replicates is expected compared to biological 
#' replicates. 
#' c :    
#' It sets the minimum number of overlapping peaks required before MSPC
#' combines their p-value. For example, given three replicates 
#' (rep1, rep2 and rep3), if c = 3, a peak on rep1 must overlap 
#' with at least two peaks, one from rep2 and one from rep3,
#' before MSPC combines their p-value; otherwise, MSPC discards
#' the peak. If c = 2, a peak on rep1 must overlap with at 
#' least one peak from either rep2 or rep3, before MSPC combines
#' their p-values; otherwise MSPC discards the peak.
#' outputPath:    
#' When the mspc function is called, it creates a set of files 
#' in the directory specified by the argument outputPath. If 
#' no value is given to this argument, a folder is created in 
#' the current working directory, under the name
#' "session_ + <Timestamp>". If a folder name is given to the 
#' argument outputPath, a folder under the name specified is 
#' created in the current working directory. If a given folder 
#' name already exists, and is not empty, the MSPC program
#' will append _n where n is an integer until no duplicate is
#' found in which analysis results should be persisted.
#' keep :    
#' When the mspc function is called, it creates a set of files
#' in the user's computer. The user can choose to keep or not the
#' files created. 
#' When the argument keep is set to FALSE, all the files 
#' are created in a temporary folder, which is deleted after
#' the R session is closed. 
#' When the argument keep is set to TRUE, the files are created
#' in the folder specified by the argument outputPath.
#' The default value of the argument keep is defined as follows : 
#' if the input argument is a GRanges object, the default value
#' of the keep argument is FALSE.
#' if the input argument is a character vector of 
#' the file path of input BED files, the default value of the
#' keep argument is TRUE. 
#' directoryGRangesInput :    
#' The default value is the current working directory. 
#' It is important to note that when the argument keep is set to FALSE, 
#' the value of this argument is set to a temporary folder.
#' If the input argument is a character vector of BED files names,
#' the argument directoryGRangesInput is ignored.
#' Output of the mspc function :    
#' When the value of the argument keep is set to FALSE,
#' the argument GRanges is automatically set to TRUE. 
#' all the files are created in a temporary folder, 
#' which is deleted after the R session is closed. 
#' The files created are also imported to the R environment 
#' as GRanges objects. 
#' In this case, the function mspc returns the following :  
#' 1. status  
#' 2. GRangesObjects
#' When the value of the argument GRanges is set to FALSE
#' and the argument keep is set to TRUE, no GRanges object will be 
#' imported to the R environment. 
#' In this case, the function mspc returns the following :  
#' 1. status   
#' 2. filesCreated. 
#' About the files generated by mspc : 
#' As previously mentioned, when the mspc function is 
#' called, it creates a set of files. These files are
#' listed in the object filesCreated, returned by mspc. 
#' The files created are : 
#' 1. A log file that contains the execution log : This file
#' contains the information, debugging messages, and exceptions
#' that occurred during the execution. 
#' 2. Consensus peaks in standard BED and MSPC format.
#' 3. One folder per each replicates that contains BED files,
#' containing stringent, weak, background, confirmed, discarded,
#' true-positive, and false-positive peaks. 
#' @export
#' @import BiocManager
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList
#' @examples
#' #Providing input as BED files :
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package="rmspc")
#' input1 <- paste0(path, "/rep1.bed")
#' input2 <- paste0(path, "/rep2.bed")
#' input <- c(input1, input2)
#' results <- mspc(input = input, replicateType = "Technical",
#'                 stringencyThreshold = 1e-8,
#'                 weakThreshold = 1e-4, gamma = 1e-8,
#'                 keep = FALSE,GRanges = TRUE,
#'                 multipleIntersections = "Lowest",
#'                 c = 2,alpha = 0.05)
#' #Providing input as a GRanges list :
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' library(rtracklayer)
#' GR1 <- import(input1, format="bed")
#' GR2 <- import(input2, format="bed")
#' GR <- GRangesList("GR1"=GR1, "GR2"=GR2)
#' results <- mspc(
#' input = GR, replicateType = "Biological",
#' stringencyThreshold = 1e-8, weakThreshold = 1e-4,
#' gamma =  1e-8, GRanges = TRUE, keep = FALSE,
#' multipleIntersections = "Highest",
#' c = 2,alpha = 0.05)
mspc <- function(input, replicateType,
            stringencyThreshold, weakThreshold, gamma=NULL,
            c=NULL, alpha=NULL, multipleIntersections=NULL,
            degreeOfParallelism=NULL, inputParserConfiguration=NULL,
            outputPath=NULL, GRanges=FALSE, keep=NULL,
            directoryGRangesInput=NULL, mspcPath=NULL) {
    keep <- keepValue(keep, input);tempDir <- tempdir(check=FALSE);
    if (keep == FALSE) {
        directoryGRangesInput <- tempDir;GRanges <- TRUE;outputPath <- tempDir
    directoryGRangesInput <- checkArgs(directoryGRangesInput, GRanges, keep)
    input <- readInputs(input, directoryGRangesInput)
    if (is.null(mspcPath)) {
        zipPath <- system.file("CLI", package="rmspc")
        zipPath <- paste0(zipPath, "/mspc.zip")
        utils::unzip(zipfile = zipPath,exdir =tempDir)
        mspcPath <- paste0(tempDir,"/mspc.dll")
        # Since we are not sure if it is okey to have a *.zip file
        # in the package, we chose a simple solution, which is to 
        # extract the files of the mspc.zip file into a temporary folder 
        # everytime the function is called. 
        # Once we know we can have *.zip file in a Bioconductor, we will 
        # improve this solution by extracting the files in mspc.zip within
        # the package folder during the package installation, or extract them
        # in a temporary folder when the package is loaded.  
    cmdArgs <- c(mspcPath, "-i", as.character(input), "-r", replicateType,
            "-s", stringencyThreshold, "-w", weakThreshold)
    cmdArgs <- append(cmdArgs, unrequiredArgs(gamma ,c , alpha,
            multipleIntersections, degreeOfParallelism,
            inputParserConfiguration, outputPath, GRanges))
    status <- output$status; exportDir <- output$exportDir;
    objCreated <- objectsCreated(input, directoryGRangesInput, exportDir)
    if (GRanges == TRUE) {
        temp <- list.files(path=exportDir, pattern="*.bed", 
                        recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
        GRangesObj <- lapply(temp, rtracklayer::import)
        namesGranges <- gsub(temp,pattern = paste0(exportDir,"/"),
                            replacement = "",fixed = TRUE)
        namesGranges <- gsub(namesGranges,pattern = ".bed",
                            replacement = "",fixed = TRUE)
        names(GRangesObj) <- namesGranges
    results <- results(keep, GRanges, status, objCreated,
                GRangesObj, exportDir)
Genometric/rmspc documentation built on Jan. 2, 2023, 8:19 p.m.