
Defines functions CytoKProc

Documented in CytoKProc

#' @title CytoKProc
#' @description This function is a helper function that
#' computes the shrunk effective size mean, shrunk effective size
#' standard deviation (sd), p value and adjusted p value of each 
#' feature for the function \code{CytoK}.
#' @param object an object which is a \code{matrix} or
#' \code{data.frame} with features (e.g. cluster-marker combinations
#'  or genes) on the rows and samples (group factors) as the columns.
#'  Alternatively, a user can provide a \code{SummarizedExperiment}
#'  object and the \code{assay(object)} will be used as input
#' for the CytoK procedure.
#' @param group_factor a group level binary categorical 
#' response associated with each sample or column in the 
#' \code{object}. The order of the \code{group_factor} must 
#' match the order of the columns in \code{object}. 
#' @param lowerRho (Optional) lower bound of the kernel parameter.
#' @param upperRho (Optional) upper bound of the kernel parameter.
#' @param gridRho (Optional) number of grid points in the interval
#' [lowerRho, upperRho].
#' @return A list of CytoK statistics including
#' \item{shrunkEffectSizeMean}{the shrunk effective size
#' posterior mean per feature}
#' \item{shrunkEffectSizeSD}{the shrunk effective size
#' posterior sd per feature}
#' \item{vec_pValue}{the unadjusted p value
#' per feature}
#' \item{AdjPvalue_features}{the adjusted p value
#' per feature using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure.}
#' @aliases CytoKProc
#' @docType methods
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @import ashr
#' @examples
#' data <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(1200,mean=2, sd=1.5),
#' nrow=200, ncol=6), matrix(rnorm(1200,mean=5, sd=1.9),
#' nrow=200, ncol=6))
#' data_CytoKProc <- CytoKProc(object=data,
#' group_factor = rep(c(0,1), each=6), lowerRho=2,
#' upperRho=12,gridRho=4)
#' @rdname CytoKProc
#' @export
CytoKProc <- function(object,group_factor,lowerRho=2,
                      upperRho=12, gridRho=4) {
    BPPARAM <- MulticoreParam(workers=2)
    KST_matrix <- bplapply(seq_len(dim(object)[1]),
                           BPPARAM= BPPARAM)
    Q_store<- rbindlist(lapply(KST_matrix, "[[", "Q1"))
    Q_store<- matrix(Q_store$Q, nrow = dim(object)[1], byrow = TRUE)
    mu_store<- rbindlist(lapply(KST_matrix, "[[", "mu1"))
    mu_store<- matrix(mu_store$mu, nrow = dim(object)[1], byrow = TRUE)
    sigma_store<- rbindlist(lapply(KST_matrix, "[[", "sigma1"))
    sigma_store<- matrix(sigma_store$sigma, nrow = dim(object)[1],
                         byrow = TRUE)
    postmean_EB_matrix <-
                                        sigma_store[,l])},BPPARAM= BPPARAM)
    mu_store_EB<- rbindlist(lapply(postmean_EB_matrix,
                                   "[[", "mu_post1"))
    mu_store_EB<- matrix(mu_store_EB$mu_post,
                         nrow = dim(object)[1], byrow = TRUE)
    sigma_store_EB<- rbindlist(lapply(postmean_EB_matrix,
                                      "[[", "sigma_post1"))
    sigma_store_EB<- matrix(sigma_store_EB$sigma_post,
                            nrow = dim(object)[1], byrow = TRUE)
    shrunkEffectSizeMean<- .rowMaxcpp(mu_store_EB)
    shrunkEffectSizeSD<- .rowMaxcpp(sigma_store_EB)
    pValue_features <- bplapply(seq_len(dim(object)[1]),
                                BPPARAM= BPPARAM)
    vec_pValue<- unlist(pValue_features)
    AdjPvalue_features<- stats::p.adjust(vec_pValue,method=c("BH"))
    return(list(shrunkEffectSizeMean= shrunkEffectSizeMean,
                shrunkEffectSizeSD= shrunkEffectSizeSD,
                AdjPvalue_features = AdjPvalue_features))
Ghoshlab/cytoKernel documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 9:32 p.m.