
Defines functions objectAsJSON attributeAsJSON eventAsJSON recordAsJSON metadataAsJSON asList_ejAttribute asList_ejEvent asList_ejRecord asList_ejMetadata asList_ejObject

Documented in attributeAsJSON objectAsJSON

#' Convert an ejObject into JSON
#' @param object The object to be converted to JSON
#' @examples
#' library(sp)
#' library(rgdal)
#' #create an attribute
#' attribute <- create_ejAttribute("A test attribute","number",5.2,"metres")
#' #generate a polygon
#' polyPoints <- matrix(c(526870,181390,526817,181447,526880,181467,
#' 		526885,181447,526909,181425,526870,181390),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
#' demoPolygon <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(polyPoints)),"1")),
#' 		proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:27700"))
#' #create an event
#' event <- create_ejEvent(id=generateUUID(), name="A test Event", date=Sys.time(),
#' 		location=demoPolygon, attributes=list(attribute, attribute))
#' #create a record
#' record <- create_ejRecord(id=generateUUID(), attributes=list(attribute,attribute),
#' 		events=list(event,event))
#' #generate some metadata
#' metadata <- create_ejMetadata(list(attribute, attribute))
#' #create an EpiJSON object
#' object <- create_ejObject(metadata=metadata, records=list(record,record))
#' #print it as JSON
#' objectAsJSON(object)
#' @export
objectAsJSON <- function(object){
	jsonlite::toJSON(asList_ejObject(object), auto_unbox=TRUE)

#Similar functions for the other objects but not exported
#' Convert an attribute into JSON
#' @param attribute The attribute object to be converted to JSON
attributeAsJSON <- function(attribute){
	jsonlite::toJSON(asList_ejAttribute(attribute), auto_unbox=TRUE)

eventAsJSON <- function(event){
	jsonlite::toJSON(asList_ejEvent(event), auto_unbox=TRUE)

recordAsJSON <- function(record){
	jsonlite::toJSON(asList_ejRecord(record), auto_unbox=TRUE)

metadataAsJSON <- function(metadata){
	jsonlite::toJSON(asList_ejMetadata(metadata), auto_unbox=TRUE)
#The following functions are not exported they create JSON compatable lists from ejobjects

asList_ejAttribute <- function(attribute){ 
    ## escape if attribute is NA
    if(is.na(attribute[1])) return(list(name=NA,type=NA))
    result <- list()
    result$name <- attribute$name
    result$type <- attribute$type
    type <- pmatch(attribute$type, ejAttributeTypes)
    if (type %in% c(1:3,7)){
        result$value <- attribute$value
    } else
	if (type == 4){
        result$value <- tolower(attribute$value)
	} else
    if (type == 5){
		result$value <- strftime(attribute$value, tz = "UTC", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ")
    } else
	if (type == 6){
		result$value <- spToGeojsonList(attribute$value)
    if (!is.na(attribute$units)){
        result$units <- attribute$units

asList_ejEvent <- function(event){
	result <- list()
	result$id <- event$id
	result$name <- event$name
		result$date <- strftime(event$date, tz = "UTC", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ")
	result$attributes=lapply(event$attributes, asList_ejAttribute)

asList_ejRecord <- function(record){
	result <- list()
	result$id <- record$id
	result$attributes <- lapply(record$attributes, asList_ejAttribute)
	result$events <- lapply(record$events, asList_ejEvent)

asList_ejMetadata <- function(metadata){
	result <- structure(lapply(metadata, asList_ejAttribute), names=NULL)

asList_ejObject <- function(object){
	result <- list()
	result$metadata <- asList_ejMetadata(object$metadata)
	result$records <- lapply(object$records, asList_ejRecord)
Hackout2/repijson documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:48 p.m.