
#' return matching indices
#' @param nRowD1,nRowD2 the number of rows for both datasets (ordered as they
#'   have been for all functions)
#' @param distMatrix a distance matrix
#' @param thresh distance threshold (smaller means more conservative matches)
#' @return list where each index are the row indices for data rows in dataset 1
#'   (d1), and 2 (d2) that correspond to the same person
#' @description This function collapses/sums the individual matrices from
#' different feature columns together.
#' Right now, the weights are not actually implemented (multiplying each matrix
#' by 1 minus its weight did not give distances that clearly stratified between
#' true and false patient matches.)
#' The matrices are simply summed together and then divided by the total number
#' of matrices fed in to provide a single output distance matrix, where each
#' index is on a scale of 0 to 1, with 0 being a perfect match (zero distance
#' between the two rows.)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # in this example, we will match one data set with the name distances
#' set.seed(9)
#' x <- data.frame(x = letters, y = LETTERS, z = 1:26)
#' x <- x[sample(nrow(x), 10, replace = TRUE), ]
#' y <- nameDists(x)
#' returnMatches(nrow(x), NULL, y, 0.8)
#' #in this example, the same row numbers in both datasets match
#' caseIDVector <- c("AB-10-1", "AB-10-5", "AB-10_1")
#' distMatrix <- adist(c(caseIDVector, caseIDVector), c(caseIDVector, caseIDVector))
#' returnMatches(3, 3, distMatrix, thresh = 0.5)
returnMatches <- function(nRowD1, nRowD2, distMatrix, thresh){
  rowCount <- 1
  distMatrix <- as.matrix(distMatrix)
  distMatrix[upper.tri(distMatrix, diag= TRUE)] <- NA
  numDistRow <- nrow(distMatrix)
  matchIndices <- vector("list", numDistRow)
  while(any(distMatrix < thresh, na.rm = TRUE) && rowCount <= numDistRow){
    indices <- which(distMatrix[, rowCount] < thresh)
    scoreSum <- sum(distMatrix[indices, rowCount], na.rm = TRUE)
    if(length(indices) >= 1){
      if(!missing(nRowD2)){ #dealing with 2 datasets?
          matchIndices[[rowCount]] <- vector("list",2)
          names(matchIndices[[rowCount]]) <- c("d1", "d2")
          names(matchIndices)[rowCount] <- scoreSum
          indices1 <- indices[which(indices <= nRowD1)]
          scores1 <- distMatrix[indices1, rowCount]
          indices2 <- indices[which(indices > nRowD1)]
          scores2 <- distMatrix[indices2, rowCount]
          #must also "tack on" the row index for this while loop:
          if(rowCount <= nRowD1){
            indices1 <- c(rowCount, indices1)
            scores1 <- c(0, scores1)
            indices2 <- c(rowCount, indices2)
            scores2 <- c(0, scores2)
          names(scores1) <- indices1
          matchIndices[[rowCount]][[1]] <- scores1
          if(length(indices2) > 0){
            #must re-adjust indices to start at one for dataset 2
            names(scores2) <- indices2 - nRowD1
            matchIndices[[rowCount]][[2]] <- scores2
          }else{ #just have this be blank like indices2 is
            names(scores2) <- indices2
            matchIndices[[rowCount]][[2]] <- scores2
        scores <- c(0, distMatrix[indices, rowCount])
        matchIndices[[rowCount]] <- vector("list",1)
        names(matchIndices)[rowCount] <- scoreSum
        names(scores) <-  c(rowCount, indices)
        matchIndices[[rowCount]][[1]] <- scores
        names(matchIndices[[rowCount]]) <- c("d1")
      #NA these out so that we don't compare them again
      distMatrix[indices, ] <- NA
      distMatrix[, indices] <- NA
    rowCount <- rowCount + 1

  if(length(matchIndices) > 0){
    matchIndices <- matchIndices[!is.na(names(matchIndices))]
    #order with lowest scoreSum (closest match) first
    matchIndices <- matchIndices[sort.int(as.numeric(names(matchIndices)),
                                                   decreasing = FALSE,
                                                   index.return= TRUE)$ix]
Hackout3/epimatch documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:48 p.m.