
#' Make data.frame from regression models for easy export.
#' This is a function to create a data frame out of regression results.
#' @keywords tables export
#' @param ... Any number of model objects. So far tested with lm and glm-objects.
#' @param standard_errors An optional list of vectors of standard_errors. If this is supplied, it will override the standard errors from the model-object(s).
#' @param t.values If TRUE, T-values are printed in the final data.frame instead of standard errors. Defaults to FALSE
#' @param digits The number of digits to use. This number is global for all resultsing statistics
#' @param omit.coef Optional vector of covariate names to omit from the table. These are identified with regex, so take caution with covariates with similar names.
#' @param omit.coef.label Optional vector of labels to include in the table to indicate whether covariates were omitted by omit.coef.If provided, the length of this vector must be equal to the length of the vector provided in omit.coefs.
#' @param omit.stat Optional vector of model statistics to be omitted from the table. 
#' Currently, the functions creates the following statistics, use the label in parentheses to omit the respective statistic: Number of observations (N), Adjusted R-squared (Adj. R-squared), R-squared (R-squared), Degrees of freedom (DF), model type (model type), Log-likelihood (LL).
#' By default, R-squared and DF are omitted.
#' @param stars If TRUE, stars indicating significance is printed in the table. Currently prints 5 \% \(\*\), 1 \% \(\*\*\) and 0.1 \% \(\*\*\*\). Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param intercept.placement Should the intercept be printed at the "top" of the table, or "bottom"? Defaults to "bottom".
#' @param covariate.labels Optional list of covariate labels that overrides the names provided by the model objects. Length must be equal to the number of covariates.
#' @param intercept.label What should be the label of the interept? Defaults to "Constant".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' results_frame()

######    \\    --    results_frame()   --    //   #####
#This function produces a data.frame of regression results ready to be printed.

results_frame <- function(..., standard_errors=NULL, t.values=FALSE, digits=2, omit.coef=NULL, omit.coef.label=NULL,
                          omit.stat=c("R-squared", "DF"), stars=TRUE,
                          intercept.placement="bottom", covariate.labels=NULL, intercept.label="Constant"){

  #####     \\    Fix main part of frame      //      #####

  ##### Extract coefficients  #####
  betalist <- lapply(list(...), function(x) coef(x))

  ##### Extract covariate names  #####
  namelist <- lapply(list(...), function(x) names(coef(x)))

  ##### Extract standard errors #####
  ##### TODO: Add possibility to have robust/clustered standard errors
    uncertainty <- lapply(list(...), function(x) sqrt(diag(vcov(x))))

  } else if(length(list(...))!=length(standard_errors)){
    warning("List of standard errors is not of equal length as the number of models.")

  } else{
    uncertainty <- standard_errors

  #####   Change to T-values if desired   #####
  tval <- mapply(FUN = "/", betalist, uncertainty, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    uncertainty <- tval

  #####   Significance level      #####
    sig <- lapply(tval, function(x) ifelse(abs(x) >=3.3, "***",
                                           ifelse(abs(x) >=2.58, "**",
                                                  ifelse(abs(x) >=1.96, "*", ""
  } else if(!stars){
    sig <- lapply(tval, function(x) ifelse(abs(x) >=0, "", ""))

  ##### Connect Coefficient and uncertainty     #####
  res <- mapply(function(name, x, y, z) cbind(name, paste0(round(x, digits), y, ";(", round(z, digits), ")")), name=namelist, x=betalist, y=sig, z=uncertainty, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  #####   Separate into rows    #####
  res <- lapply(res, function(x) separate_rows(data.frame(x), 2, sep=";"))
  newnames <- lapply(res, function(x) ifelse(duplicated(x[,"name"]), paste0(x[, "name"], "_se"), as.character(x[,"name"])))
  res <- mapply(function(name, x) data.frame("names"=name, "res"=x[, 2], stringsAsFactors = FALSE), name=newnames, x=res, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  #####   Make frame of main results  ####
  res <- Reduce(function(...) full_join(..., by = c("names"), all=TRUE), res)
  colnames(res) <- c("Covariate", paste0("Model ", 1:(ncol(res)-1)))

  #####   Omit covariates   #####

  if(!is.null(omit.coef) & is.null(omit.coef.label)){
    omitted <- lapply(omit.coef, function(x) c(x, if_else( apply( res[grep(x, res$Covariate),], 2, function(y) all(is.na(y)))[2:ncol(res)], "No", "Yes") ) )
    res <- res[grep(paste0(omit.coef, collapse = "|"), res$Covariate, invert = TRUE),]

  } else if(!is.null(omit.coef) & !is.null(omit.coef.label) & length(omit.coef)!=length(omit.coef.label)){
    stop("When used, omit.coef and omit.coef.label must be vectors of same length. Alternatively, omit.coef.label can be omitted. In this case, the labels from omit.coef will be used.")

  } else if(!is.null(omit.coef) & !is.null(omit.coef.label)){
    omitted <- mapply(function(x, y) c(y, if_else( apply( res[grep(x, res$Covariate),], 2, function(y) all(is.na(y)))[2:ncol(res)], "No", "Yes") ), x=omit.coef, y=omit.coef.label, SIMPLIFY=FALSE )
    res <- res[grep(paste0(omit.coef, collapse = "|"), res$Covariate, invert = TRUE),]

  #####   Change position of intercept and add covariate labels     #####
  if(!intercept.placement %in%  c("bottom", "top")){
    warning("intercept.placement should be either 'bottom' or 'top'")
  } else if(intercept.placement=="bottom"){
    res <- rbind(res[grep("Intercept|Constant", x=res$Covariate, invert=TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE),], res[grep("Intercept|Constant", x=res$Covariate, ignore.case = TRUE),])

  #####   Add covariate labels     #####
  if(!is.null(covariate.labels) & (length(res$Covariate[grep("_se$", res$Covariate, invert=TRUE)])-1)!=length(covariate.labels)){
    stop("covariate.labels is not of same length as number of covariates.")

  if(!is.null(covariate.labels) & intercept.placement=="bottom"){
    res$Covariate[grep("_se$", res$Covariate, invert=TRUE)] <- c(covariate.labels, intercept.label)
  } else if(!is.null(covariate.labels) & intercept.placement=="top"){
    res$Covariate[grep("_se$", res$Covariate, invert=TRUE)] <- c(intercept.label, covariate.labels)

  #####   \\    Model statistics    //    #####
  N        <- c("N", sapply(list(...), function(x) length(resid(x))))
  adj_r    <- c("Adj. R-squared", sapply(list(...), function(x) ifelse(is.null(summary(x)$adj.r.squared), "", as.character(round(summary(x)$adj.r.squared, digits)))))
  r_sq     <- c("R-squared", sapply(list(...), function(x) ifelse(is.null(summary(x)$r.squared), "", as.character(round(summary(x)$r.squared, digits)))))
  dfree    <- c("DF", sapply(list(...), function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$df.residual), "", as.character(round(x$df.residual, digits)))))
  modtype  <- c("Model type", sapply(list(...), function(x) class(x)[1]))
  ll       <- c("LL", sapply(list(...), function(x) ifelse("glm" %in% class(x), as.character(as.numeric(round(logLik(x), digits))) , "")))

  #Combine model statistics
  modstats <- data.frame(rbind(N, modtype, adj_r, r_sq, dfree, ll), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  #Remove model statistics that should be omitted
  modstats <- modstats[!modstats[,1] %in% omit.stat,]

  #Remove model statistics that are irrelevant
  modstats <- modstats[apply(modstats[,2:ncol(modstats)], 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse=""))!="",]

  #####   \\    Aesthetics    //    #####

  #####     Make NA empty    #####
  res[is.na(res)] <- ""

  #####   Remove _se-names    #####
  res$Covariate[grep("_se", res$Covariate)] <- ""

  #####   Add omitted to bottom   #####
    res <- force_bind(res, data.frame(do.call("rbind", omitted), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  #####   Add model statistics   #####
  res <- force_bind(res, modstats)


Hax2kon/hax2konUtility documentation built on June 7, 2019, 8:35 a.m.