
Defines functions new_script

Documented in new_script

#' new_script
#' @description Create new R script according to the PHS template. This function is meant to be used within RStudio by clicking on the Addins dropdown menu.
#' @return New R script created according to the PHS R project structure.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' new_script()
#' }
new_script <- function() {
  author <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(
    title = "Author",
    message = "Name of Author",
    default = Sys.info()[["user"]]

  if (is.null(author)) {
    stop("Please enter a name for the script author")

  git <- rstudioapi::showQuestion(
    title = "Git",
    message = "Are you version controlling using git?",
    "Yes", "No"

  r_code <- script_template(author = author)

  if (git) {
    remove_start <- gregexpr("# Latest", r_code)[[1]][1] - 1
    remove_end <- gregexpr("Latest update description \\(delete if using version control\\)\n", r_code)[[1]]
    remove_end <- as.integer(remove_end + attr(remove_end, "match.length"))

    r_code_part1 <- substr(r_code, 1, remove_start)
    r_code_part2 <- substr(r_code, remove_end, nchar(r_code))

    r_code <- paste0(r_code_part1, r_code_part2, collapse = "")

  dated_version <- grepl("[0-9]{4}\\.[0-9]+\\.", rstudioapi::getVersion())

  if (dated_version) {
    required_version <- TRUE
  } else {
    required_version <- rstudioapi::getVersion() >= 1.2

  if (required_version) {
    invisible(rstudioapi::documentNew(r_code, type = "r"))
  } else {
    filename <- rstudioapi::showPrompt(
      title = "Filename",
      message = "Filename for new script\nYou can choose a folder to store this in after this",
      default = "code.R"
    folder <- rstudioapi::selectDirectory()

    writeLines(r_code, con = file.path(folder, filename))
    rstudioapi::navigateToFile(file.path(folder, filename))
Health-SocialCare-Scotland/phstemplates documentation built on Dec. 12, 2024, 12:23 a.m.