fateSelectionTest_multipleSamples: Differential fate selection Test with multiple samples

fateSelectionTest_multipleSamplesR Documentation

Differential fate selection Test with multiple samples


Test whether or not the cell repartition between lineages is independent of the conditions, with samples not being confounded by conditions


fateSelectionTest_multipleSamples(cellWeights, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
fateSelectionTest_multipleSamples(cellWeights, conditions, Samples, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SlingshotDataSet'
fateSelectionTest_multipleSamples(cellWeights, conditions, Samples, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SingleCellExperiment'
fateSelectionTest_multipleSamples(cellWeights, conditions, Samples, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'PseudotimeOrdering'
fateSelectionTest_multipleSamples(cellWeights, conditions, Samples, ...)



Can be either a SlingshotDataSet, a SingleCellExperiment object or a matrix of cell weights defining the probability that a cell belongs to a particular lineage. Each row represents a cell and each column represents a lineage. If only a single lineage, provide a matrix with one column containing all values of 1.


Other arguments passed to fateSelectionTest.


Either the vector of conditions, or a character indicating which column of the metadata contains this vector.


A vector assigning each cell to a sample. Samples must be shared across all conditions.


The same object has the fateSelectionTest with one more column per sample.


data('slingshotExample', package = "slingshot")
rd <- slingshotExample$rd
cl <- slingshotExample$cl
condition <- factor(rep(c('A','B'), length.out = nrow(rd)))
condition[110:139] <- 'A'
sds <- slingshot::slingshot(rd, cl)
samples <- sample(1:2, 140, replace = TRUE)
fateSelectionTest_multipleSamples(cellWeights = sds, conditions = condition, Samples = samples)

HectorRDB/condiments documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 10:13 p.m.