splitMerge: Apply a function to a subset of a data.frame

View source: R/splitMerge.R

splitMergeR Documentation

Apply a function to a subset of a data.frame


Subset a data.frame according to a condition, apply a function to the rows where the condition is TRUE, then rejoin with the rows where condition is FALSE or NA. A split-apply-combine where function is only applied to a subset of rows.

Filtering expression can be either quoted or unquoted, e.g. complete.cases(x, y) (where x and y are column names) or "complete.cases(x, y)". To filter with multiple conditions use "&", e.g. "x == 1 & y == 2"


splitMerge(df, ex, f, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A data.frame or tibble


character(1) An character expression for filtering df using dplyr::filter, e.g. 'grepl("X", colname)'


A function to apply to the rows where ex is TRUE and returns a data.frame


Should a warning be issued if extra rows are added after applying f? (Default: TRUE)


Extra arguments for f


df where function f has been applied only to the rows where ex is TRUE

HelenLindsay/AbNames documentation built on June 6, 2023, 1:18 p.m.