plotMultiHeatmap: Multi-panel expression & frequency heatmaps

View source: R/plotMultiHeatmap.R

plotMultiHeatmapR Documentation

Multi-panel expression & frequency heatmaps


Combines expression and frequency heatmaps from plotExprHeatmap and plotFreqHeatmap, respectively, into a HeatmapList.


  hm1 = "type",
  hm2 = "abundances",
  k = "meta20",
  m = NULL,
  assay = "exprs",
  fun = c("median", "mean", "sum"),
  scale = c("first", ifelse(hm2 == "state", "first", "last")),
  q = c(0.01, ifelse(hm2 == "state", 0.01, 0)),
  normalize = TRUE,
  row_anno = TRUE,
  col_anno = TRUE,
  row_clust = TRUE,
  col_clust = c(TRUE, hm2 == "state"),
  row_dend = TRUE,
  col_dend = c(TRUE, hm2 == "state"),
  bars = FALSE,
  perc = FALSE,
  hm1_pal = rev(brewer.pal(11, "RdYlBu")),
  hm2_pal = if (isTRUE(hm2 == "abundances")) rev(brewer.pal(11, "PuOr")) else hm1_pal,
  k_pal = .cluster_cols,
  m_pal = k_pal,
  distance = c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski"),
  linkage = c("average", "ward.D", "single", "complete", "mcquitty", "median",
    "centroid", "ward.D2")



a SingleCellExperiment.


character string specifying which features to include in the 1st heatmap; valid values are "type"/"state" for type/state_markers(x) if rowData(x)$marker_class have been specified; a subset of rownames(x); NULL to use all features; and FALSE to omit the 1st heatmap altogether.


character string. Specifies the right-hand side heatmap. One of:

  • "abundances": cluster frequencies across samples

  • "state": median state-marker expressions across clusters (analogous to the left-hand side heatmap)

  • a character string/vector corresponding to one/multiple marker(s): median marker expressions across samples and clusters


character string specifying which; valid values are names(cluster_codes(x)).


character string specifying a metaclustering to include as an annotation when row_anno = TRUE.


character string specifying which assay data to use; valid values are assayNames(x).


character string specifying the function to use as summary statistic.


character string specifying the scaling strategy; for expression heatmaps (see plotExprHeatmap).


single numeric in [0,1) determining the quantiles to trim when scale != "never".


logical specifying whether to Z-score normalize cluster frequencies across samples; see plotFreqHeatmap.

row_anno, col_anno

logical specifying whether to include row/column annotations for cell metadata variables and clustering(s); see plotExprHeatmap and plotFreqHeatmap.

row_clust, col_clust

logical specifying whether rows/columns should be hierarchically clustered and re-ordered accordingly.

row_dend, col_dend

logical specifying whether to include the row/column dendrograms.


logical specifying whether to include a barplot of cell counts per cluster as a right-hand side row annotation.


logical specifying whether to display percentage labels next to bars when bars = TRUE.

hm1_pal, hm2_pal

character vector of colors to interpolate for each heatmap.

k_pal, m_pal

character vector of colors to use for cluster and merging row annotations. If less than nlevels(cluster_ids(x, k/m)) values are supplied, colors will be interpolated via colorRampPalette.


character string specifying the distance metric to use in dist for hierarchical clustering.


character string specifying the agglomeration method to use in hclust for hierarchical clustering.


In its 1st panel, plotMultiHeatmap will display (scaled) type-marker expressions aggregated by cluster (across all samples). Depending on argument hm2, the 2nd panel will contain one of:

hm2 = "abundances"

relataive cluster abundances by cluster & sample

hm2 = "state"

aggregated (scaled) state-marker expressions by cluster (across all samples; analogous to panel 1)

hm2 %in% rownames(x)

aggregated (scaled) marker expressions by cluster & sample


a HeatmapList-class object.


Helena L Crowell


Nowicka M, Krieg C, Crowell HL, Weber LM et al. CyTOF workflow: Differential discovery in high-throughput high-dimensional cytometry datasets. F1000Research 2017, 6:748 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.11622.1)

See Also

plotAbundances, plotExprHeatmap, plotFreqHeatmap


# construct SCE & run clustering
data(PBMC_fs, PBMC_panel, PBMC_md)
sce <- prepData(PBMC_fs, PBMC_panel, PBMC_md)
sce <- cluster(sce)

# state-markers + cluster frequencies
  hm1 = "state", hm2 = "abundances", 
  bars = TRUE, perc = TRUE)

# type-markers + marker of interest
plotMultiHeatmap(sce, hm2 = "pp38", k = "meta12", m = "meta8")

# both, type- & state-markers
plotMultiHeatmap(sce, hm2 = "state")

# plot markers of interest side-by-side 
# without left-hand side heatmap
plotMultiHeatmap(sce, k = "meta10", 
  hm1 = NULL, hm2 = c("pS6", "pNFkB", "pBtk"), 
  row_anno = FALSE, hm2_pal = c("white", "black"))

HelenaLC/CATALYST documentation built on Nov. 30, 2024, 4:04 a.m.