
Defines functions profmem_depth profmem_status profmem_resume profmem_suspend profmem_end profmem_begin profmem

Documented in profmem profmem_begin profmem_depth profmem_end profmem_resume profmem_status profmem_suspend

#' Memory profiling R
#' `profmem()` evaluates and memory profiles an \R expression.
#' @param expr An \R expression to be evaluated and profiled.
#' @param envir The environment in which the expression should be evaluated.
#' @param substitute Should `expr` be [base::substitute()]:d or not.
#' @param threshold The smallest memory allocation (in bytes) to log.
#' @param on_error (character) Controls whether evaluation errors should
#' signal an error (`"error"`), a warning (`"warning"), or be ignored
#' (`"ignore"`; default).
#' @return `profmem()` and `profmem_end()` returns the collected allocation
#' data as an `Rprofmem` data.frame with additional attributes set.
#' An `Rprofmem` data.frame has columns `what`, `bytes`, and `trace`, with:
#'  * `what`:  (character) type of memory event;
#'             either `"alloc"` or `"new page"`
#'  * `bytes`: (numeric) number of bytes allocated or `NA_real_`
#'             (when `what` is `"new page"`)
#'  * `trace`: (list of character vectors) zero or more function names
#' The attributes set are:
#'  * `threshold` : The threshold used (= argument `threshold`)
#'  * `expression`: The expression profiled (= argument `expr`)
#'  * `value`     : The value of the evaluated expression
#'                  (only set if there was no error)
#'  * `error`     : The error object in case the evaluation failed
#'                  (only set if there was an error)
#' @details
#' In order for memory profiling to work, \R must have been _built_ with memory
#' profiling enabled.  Function
#' \code{\link[base:capabilities]{base::capabilities("profmem")}} will
#' return `TRUE` of it is enabled, otherwise `FALSE`.
#' If memory profiling is _not_ supported, `profmem()` and `profmem_begin()`
#' will produce an informative error.  The pre-built \R binaries on
#' [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/) support memory profiling.
#' What is logged?  The `profmem()` function uses [utils::Rprofmem()] for
#' logging memory, which logs all memory _allocations_ that are done via the
#' \R framework.  Specifically, the logger is tied to `allocVector3()` part
#' of \R's native API.  This means that nearly all memory allocations done
#' in \R are logged. _Neither_ memory deallocations _nor_ garbage collection
#' events are logged.  Furthermore, allocations done by non-\R native libraries
#' or \R packages that use native code `Calloc() / Free()` for internal objects
#' are also _not_ logged.
#' Any memory events that would occur due to calling any of the \pkg{profmem}
#' functions themselves will _not_ be logged and _not_ be part of the returned
#' profile data (regardless whether memory profiling is active or not).
#' This is intentional.
#' If a profmem profiling is already active, `profmem()` and `profmem_begin()`
#' performs an _independent_, _nested_ profiling, which does not affect the
#' already active one.  When the active one completes, it will contain all
#' memory events also collected by the nested profiling as if the nested one
#' never occurred.
#' Profiling gathered by \pkg{profmem} _will_ be corrupted if the code profiled
#' calls [utils::Rprofmem()], with the exception of such calls done via the
#' \pkg{profmem} package itself.
#' @example incl/profmem.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils Rprofmem
profmem <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, threshold = getOption("profmem.threshold", 0L), on_error = c("ignore", "warning", "error")) {
  if (substitute) expr <- substitute(expr)
  on_error <- match.arg(on_error, choices = c("ignore", "warning", "error"))

  profmem_begin(threshold = threshold)

  ## Profile memory
  error <- NULL
  value <- tryCatch({
    eval(expr, envir=envir, enclos = baseenv())
  }, error = function(ex) {
    error <<- ex

  pm <-  profmem_end()

  if (on_error != "ignore") {
    action <- switch(on_error, error = stop, warning = warning)
    action(paste("profmem::profmem() detected a run-time error:",

  ## Annotate
  attr(pm, "expression") <- expr
  attr(pm, "value") <- value
  attr(pm, "error") <- error

} ## profmem()

#' Memory profiling R
#' `profmem_begin()` starts the memory profiling of all the following \R
#' evaluations until `profmem_end()` is called.
#' @return `profmem_begin()` returns (invisibly) the number of nested profmem
#' session currently active.
#' @rdname profmem
#' @export
profmem_begin <- function(threshold = getOption("profmem.threshold", 0L)) {
  ## Is memory profiling supported?
  if (!capableOfProfmem()) {
    msg <- "Profiling of memory allocations is not supported on this R system (capabilities('profmem') reports FALSE). See help('tracemem')."
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
      msg <- paste(msg, "To enable memory profiling for R on Linux, R needs to be configured and built using './configure --enable-memory-profiling'.")

  threshold <- as.integer(threshold)
  stop_if_not(length(threshold) == 1, is.finite(threshold), threshold >= 0L)

  depth <- profmem_stack("depth")
  if (depth > 0) {
    threshold_parent <- profmem_stack("threshold")
    if (threshold > threshold_parent) {
      warning(sprintf("Nested profmem threshold (%d bytes) cannot be greater than the threshold (%d bytes) of active profmem sessions (n = %d). Will use the active threshold instead.", threshold, threshold_parent, depth))
      threshold <- threshold_parent
  ## Push new level
  depth <- profmem_stack("push", threshold = threshold)

#' @rdname profmem
#' @export
profmem_end <- function() {

  depth <- profmem_stack("depth")
  if (depth == 0) {
    stop("Did you forget to call profmem_begin()?")

  data <- profmem_stack("pop")


#' `profmem_suspend()` suspends an active profiling until resumed by
#' `profmem_resume()` or ended by `profmem_end()`.
#' Calling `profmem_begin()` or `profmem()` will resume any suspended
#' profiling. _Nested_ resuming and suspending is _not_ supported;
#' it is a global state.
#' @return `profmem_suspend()` and `profmem_resume()` returns nothing.
#' @rdname profmem
#' @importFrom utils Rprofmem
#' @export
profmem_suspend <- function() {
  ## Works regardless of active Rprofmem exists or not

  ## Nothing more to do?
  if (profmem_stack("depth") == 0) return()
  ## Import current log
  drop <- length(sys.calls()) + 4L
  pathname <- profmem_pathname()
  data <- readRprofmem(pathname, drop = drop)
  attr(data, "threshold") <- profmem_stack("threshold")
  profmem_stack("append", data)


#' @rdname profmem
#' @importFrom utils Rprofmem
#' @export
profmem_resume <- function() {
  threshold <- profmem_stack("threshold")
  pathname <- profmem_pathname()
  Rprofmem(filename = pathname, threshold = threshold)

#' `profmem_status()` checks whether there is an active profmem session
#' or not, and whether it is suspended or not.
#' @return `profmem_status()` returns `"inactive"`, `"active"`,
#' or `"suspended"`.
#' @rdname profmem
#' @export
profmem_status <- function() {

#' `profmem_depth()` gets the number of nested / stacked profmem sessions.
#' @return `promem_depth()` returns a non-negative integer.
#' @rdname profmem
#' @export
profmem_depth <- function() {

profmem_pathname <- local({
  pathname <- NULL
  function() {
    if (!is.null(pathname)) return(pathname)
    pathname <<- tempfile(pattern = "profmem.", fileext = ".Rprofmem.out")

profmem_stack <- local({
  empty <- data.frame(what = NULL, bytes = NULL, trace = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  empty <- structure(empty, class = c("Rprofmem", "data.frame"), threshold = 0L)
  stack <- list()
  suspended <- FALSE
  function(action = c("status", "depth", "threshold", "push", "pop", "append", "suspend", "resume"),
           data = empty, threshold = 0L) {
    action <- match.arg(action)

    ## Status queries
    if (action == "status") {
      if (length(stack) == 0) return("inactive")
      if (suspended) return("suspended")
    } else if (action == "depth") {
    } else if (action == "threshold") {
      if (length(stack) == 0) return(NA_integer_)
      threshold <- attr(stack[[1]], "threshold")
    ## State changing
    if (action == "suspend") {
      suspended <<- TRUE
      ## WORKAROUND: If not, above won't happen /2018-01-29
      dummy <- suspended
    } else if (action == "resume") {
      suspended <<- FALSE
      ## WORKAROUND: If not, above won't happen /2018-01-29
      dummy <- suspended

    ## Stack changing
    if (action == "push") {
      stop_if_not(inherits(data, "Rprofmem"),
                length(threshold) == 1, is.finite(threshold),
                is.integer(threshold), threshold >= 0L)
      attr(data, "threshold") <- threshold
      stack <<- c(stack, list(data))
#      message("PUSH: stack depth: ", length(stack))
    } else if (action == "pop") {
      depth <- length(stack)
      if (depth == 0) stop("Cannot 'pop' - profmem stack is empty")
      value <- stack[[depth]]
      stack <<- stack[-depth]
      depth <- length(stack)
      if (depth >= 1) {
        tmp <- stack[[depth]]
        tmp <- if (is.null(tmp)) value else c(tmp, value)
        stack[[depth]] <<- tmp
#      message("POP: stack depth: ", length(stack))
    } else if (action == "append") {
      depth <- length(stack)
      if (depth == 0) stop("Cannot 'append' - profmem stack is empty")
      stop_if_not(inherits(data, "Rprofmem"),
                length(threshold) == 1, is.finite(threshold),
                is.integer(threshold), threshold >= 0L)
      attr(data, "threshold") <- threshold
      value <- stack[[depth]]
      value <- if (is.null(value)) data else c(value, data)
      stack[[depth]] <<- value
#      message("APPEND: stack depth: ", length(stack))

### TODO:
### profmem_add_string <- function(msg, ...) {
###   pathname <- profmem_pathname()
###   cat(msg, file = pathname, append = file_test("-f", pathname))
### }
### ## FIXME: This produces lots of extra memory allocations, which
### ## we don't want to inject.
### profmem_add_note <- function(..., timestamp = TRUE) {
###   msg <- sprintf(...)
###   if (timestamp) {
###     msg <- sprintf("[%s] %s", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), msg)
###   }
###   msg <- sprintf("# %s\n", msg)
###   profmem_add_string(msg)
### }
HenrikBengtsson/profmem documentation built on Oct. 18, 2021, 9:26 p.m.