
Defines functions nsg_rule add_template_variables.nsg_config build_resource_fields.nsg_config nsg_config

Documented in nsg_config nsg_rule

#' Network security group configuration
#' @param rules for `nsg_config`, a list of security rule objects, each obtained via a call to `nsg_rule`.
#' @param dest_port,dest_addr,dest_asgs For `nsg_rule`, the destination port, address range, and application security groups for a rule.
#' @param source_port,source_addr,source_asgs For `nsg_rule`, the source port, address range, and application security groups for a rule.
#' @param ... Other named arguments that will be treated as resource properties.
#' @param name For `nsg_rule`, a name for the rule.
#' @param access For `nsg_rule`, the action to take: "allow" or "deny".
#' @param direction For `nsg_rule`, the direction of traffic: "inbound" or "outbound".
#' @param protocol For `nsg_rule`, the network protocol: either "Tcp" or "Udp".
#' @param priority For `nsg_rule`, the rule priority. If NULL, this will be set automatically by AzureVM.
#' @seealso
#' [create_vm], [vm_config], [vmss_config], [nsg_rules] for some predefined security rules
#' @examples
#' nsg_config()
#' nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_ssh))  # for Linux
#' nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_rdp))  # for Windows
#' nsg_config(list(nsg_rule_allow_http, nsg_rule_allow_https))
#' # a custom rule
#' nsg_config(list(
#'     nsg_rule(
#'         name="whitelist",
#'         source_addr="",
#'         access="allow",
#'         protocol="*"
#'     )
#' ))
#' @export
nsg_config <- function(rules=list(), ...)
    props <- list(securityRules=rules, ...)
    structure(list(properties=props), class="nsg_config")

build_resource_fields.nsg_config <- function(config, ...)
    for(i in seq_along(config$properties$securityRules))
        # fixup nsg security rule priorities
            config$properties$securityRules[[i]]$properties$priority <- 1000 + 10 * i

        config$properties$securityRules[[i]] <- unclass(config$properties$securityRules[[i]])

    utils::modifyList(nsg_default, config)

add_template_variables.nsg_config <- function(config, ...)
    name <- "[concat(parameters('vmName'), '-nsg')]"
    id <- "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups', variables('nsgName'))]"
    ref <- "[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/', variables('nsgName'))]"
    list(nsgName=name, nsgId=id, nsgRef=ref)

#' @rdname nsg_config
#' @export
nsg_rule <- function(name, dest_port="*", dest_addr="*", dest_asgs=NULL,
                     source_port="*", source_addr="*", source_asgs=NULL,
                     access="allow", direction="inbound",
                     protocol="Tcp", priority=NULL)
        dest_asgs <- logical(0)
        source_asgs <- logical(0)

    properties <- list(

        properties$priority <- priority

    structure(list(name=name, properties=properties), class="nsg_rule")

#' Network security rules
#' @format
#' Objects of class `nsg_rule`.
#' @details
#' Some predefined network security rule objects, to unblock commonly used ports.
#' - HTTP: TCP port 80
#' - HTTPS: TCP port 443
#' - JupyterHub: TCP port 8000
#' - RDP: TCP port 3389
#' - RStudio Server: TCP port 8787
#' - SSH: TCP port 22
#' - SQL Server: TCP port 1433
#' - SQL Server browser service: TCP port 1434
#' @docType data
#' @seealso
#' [nsg_config]
#' @rdname nsg_rules
#' @aliases nsg_rules
#' @export
nsg_rule_allow_ssh <- nsg_rule("Allow-ssh", 22)

#' @rdname nsg_rules
#' @export
nsg_rule_allow_http <- nsg_rule("Allow-http", 80)

#' @rdname nsg_rules
#' @export
nsg_rule_allow_https <- nsg_rule("Allow-https", 443)

#' @rdname nsg_rules
#' @export
nsg_rule_allow_rdp <- nsg_rule("Allow-rdp", 3389)

#' @rdname nsg_rules
#' @export
nsg_rule_allow_jupyter <- nsg_rule("Allow-jupyter", 8000)

#' @rdname nsg_rules
#' @export
nsg_rule_allow_rstudio <- nsg_rule("Allow-rstudio", 8787)

#' @rdname nsg_rules
#' @export
nsg_rule_allow_mssql <- nsg_rule("Allow-mssql", 1433)

#' @rdname nsg_rules
#' @export
nsg_rule_allow_mssql_browser <- nsg_rule("Allow-mssql-browser", 1434)
Hong-Revo/AzureVM documentation built on Jan. 21, 2021, 2:02 p.m.