abundances-methods | Extract taxa abundances |
aggregate_taxa | Aggregate Taxa |
assign-marker_table | Assign marker_table to 'object' |
assign-otu_table | Assign a new OTU table |
calculate_geometricmean_abundance | Calculate the Mean abundance of features per group (two... |
calculate_mean_abundance | Calculate the Mean abundance of features per group (two... |
calculate_MeanRank_abundance | Calculate the Rank Mean abundance of features per group(two... |
calculate_median_abundance | Calculate the Median abundance of features per group (two... |
calculate_occurrence_taxa | Calculate the Occurrence of features per group (two groups) |
check_sample_names | check whether samples' names start with numeric and then... |
confounder | Confounder analysis |
data-caporaso | 16S rRNA data from "Moving pictures of the human microbiome" |
data-ecam | Data from Early Childhood Antibiotics and the Microbiome... |
data-enterotypes_arumugam | Enterotypes data of 39 samples |
data-Zeybel_2022_gut | gut microbiota from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper |
data-Zeybel_2022_gut_paired | Paired gut microbiota from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper |
data-Zeybel_2022_metabolite | fecal metabolites from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper |
data-Zeybel_2022_metabolite_paired | Paired fecal metabolites from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper |
data-Zeybel_2022_oral | oral microbiota from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper |
data-Zeybel_2022_oral_paired | Paired oral microbiota from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper |
data-Zeybel_2022_protein | serum protein from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper |
data-Zeybel_2022_protein_paired | Paired serum protein from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper |
default_color | generate multiple colors for visualization |
extract-methods | Extract 'marker_table' object |
filter_abundance | Filtering feature who is low relative abundance or... |
get_alphaindex | Calculating index of Alpha diversity on microbiota data |
get_eigValue | Extract and visualize the eigenvalues/variances of dimensions |
get_GUniFrac | Generalized UniFrac distances for comparing microbial... |
import_dada2 | Convert the output of dada2 into phyloseq object |
import_qiime2 | Convert the qiime2 output of dada2 into phyloseq object |
import_SE | Convert inputs into SummarizedExperiment object |
impute_abundance | Imputation methods on missing value |
insertCol | Insert Row into a Matrix |
insertRow | Insert Row into a Matrix |
marker_table-class | The S4 class for storing microbiome marker information |
marker_table-methods | Build or access the marker_table |
microbiomeMarker | Build microbiomeMarker-class objects |
microbiomeMarker-class | The main class for microbiomeMarker data |
nmarker-methods | Get the number of microbiome markers |
normalize-methods | Normalize the microbial abundance data |
phyloseq2DESeq2 | Convert 'phyloseq-class' object to 'DESeqDataSet-class'... |
phyloseq2edgeR | Convert phyloseq data to edgeR 'DGEList' object |
phyloseq2metagenomeSeq | Convert phyloseq data to MetagenomeSeq 'MRexperiment' object |
plot_ord | Visualization of Ordination results with scatterplot |
plot_volcano | plot the differential analysis results by volcano plot |
postHocTest | Build postHocTest object |
postHocTest-class | The postHocTest Class, represents the result of post-hoc test... |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
run_aldex | Perform differential analysis using ALDEx2 |
run_ancom | Perform differential analysis using ANCOM |
run_ancombc | Differential analysis of compositions of microbiomes with... |
run_ANOSIM | Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) |
run_betadisper | Multivariate homogeneity of groups dispersions (variances) |
run_CI | Confidence Interval |
run_deseq2 | Perform DESeq differential analysis |
run_distance | Calculate the distance among samples |
run_edger | Perform differential analysis using edgeR |
run_group.CI | Group Confidence Interval |
run_group.STDERR | Group Standard Error Interval |
run_lefse | Liner discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEFSe)... |
run_limma_voom | Differential analysis using limma-voom |
run_MANTEL | Mantel Test (MANTEL) |
run_marker | Find makers (differentially expressed metagenomic features) |
run_metabolomeDA | Perform differential analysis on metabolomic data |
run_metagenomeseq | metagenomeSeq differential analysis |
run_MRPP | Multi-response Permutation Procedures (MRPP) |
run_OddRatio | 95% confidential interval Odds Ratio |
run_ord | Ordination for microbiota data |
run_PERMANOVA | Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) |
run_simple_stat | Simple statistical analysis of metagenomic profiles |
run_sl | Identify biomarkers using supervised leaning (SL) methods |
run_STDERR | Standard Error |
run_summarySE | Summarizes data for mean median sd etc |
run_test_multiple_groups | Statistical test for multiple groups |
run_test_two_groups | Statistical test between two groups |
scale_variables | Data scaling adjusts each variable/feature |
subset_marker | Subset microbiome markers |
summarize_taxa | Summarize taxa into a taxonomic level within each sample |
transform_abundances | Transform the abundances in 'profile' sample by sample |
trim_prevalence | Trimming samples or features whose prevalence is less than... |
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