data-Zeybel_2022_oral: oral microbiota from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper

data-Zeybel_2022_oralR Documentation

oral microbiota from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper


The data from Zeybel et al. - 2022 paper, which investigated the microbiome composition and development of 56 MAFLD, identifying gut microbiome associations with oral microbiome.


a phyloseq::phyloseq object


Zeybel, Mujdat, et al. "Multiomics analysis reveals the impact of microbiota on host metabolism in hepatic steatosis." Advanced Science 9.11 (2022): 2104373.

HuaZou/MicrobiomeAnalysis documentation built on May 13, 2024, 11:10 a.m.