
#' Create a knitr document to generate charts
#' @description Not to be used for reports: clone the grattex repository instead. Use-case is
#' creating an atlas of charts.
#' @param path A file path, either to a filename to create, or a directory into which to create a file.
#' Will be assumed to be a directory, unless it ends in \code{.Rnw} in which case it will be taken
#' to be the filename.
#' @param rstudio Should the RStudio API be used (if available)? 
#' @details
#' If using RStudio, will pop to the document when completed.
#' @export

start_rnw <- function(path, rstudio = TRUE) {
  if (length(path) != 1L) {
    stop("`path` had length ", length(path), ", but must be length-one.")
  if (!is.character(path)) {
    stop("`path = ", deparse(substitute(path)), "` was type ", typeof(path), ", ",
         "but must be a string.")
  if (grepl("\\.Rnw$", path, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    .dir <- dirname(path)
    .file <- path
  } else {
    .dir <- path
    .file <- file.path(path, "Report.Rnw")
  download_failure <-
                  destfile = file.path(.dir, "grattan.cls"),
                  quiet = TRUE)
  if (download_failure) {
    stop("grattan.cls failed to download from master branch (and be updated).")
  hutils::provide.dir(paste0(.dir, "/logos"))
  logos <-
  for (l in logos) {
    download_logos_failure <-
      download.file(paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HughParsonage/grattex/master/logos/", l),
                    destfile = file.path(.dir, "logos", l),
                    mode = "wb",
                    quiet = TRUE)
    if (download_logos_failure) {
      stop(l, " failed to download from master branch. (May be out-of-date.)")
               "<<knitrOpts, include=FALSE>>=", 
               "<<grattanCharts-setup, include=FALSE>>=",
  if (rstudio && 
      requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE) &&
      rstudioapi::verifyAvailable()) {
    rstudioapi::navigateToFile(.file, line = 18L)
HughParsonage/grattanCharts documentation built on May 8, 2019, 10:52 a.m.