#' Performs T test on cytoband level CIN data, and plots heatmap
#' @export
#' @description \code{ttest.cyto.cin.heatmap} to perform T test to find differentially expressed cytobands.
#' It also plots a heatmap after performing heirarchical clustering. When to use this function:
#' #Step 1: Run cytoband CIN - using \code{run.cin.chr()}.
#' #Step 2: Plot cytoband level heatmap - using \code{comp.heatmap()}.
#' #Step 3: Go through heatmaps as select one appropriate threshold. Load the file.
#' #Step 4: Call this function.
#' More details and tutorial are given in the accompanying vignette
#' @importFrom gplots heatmap.2
#' @importFrom utils write.csv write.table
#' @importFrom stats t.test
#' @import som
#' @param cytobands.cin.obj (eg. cytobands.cin_2.25_1.75_unnormalized_amp.Rdata), a list in which each cell is chromosome cin matrix
#' @param clinical.inf In a clinical.inf.Rdata is a two columns array, the 1st column is samplename, the 2nd is the label
#' @param genome.ucsc Reference sequence
#' @param file.ext Provide a meaningful file name extension. Ideally include the gain, loss threshold settings
#' @param folder.name Name of folder where the output files will be generated
#' @param combine.cyto.flag Whether or not to save the combine cytobands as a uni array rather than a list
#' @return #Outputs:
#' 1. cyto.cin.uni.file.ext.Rdata (eg. cyto.cin.uni.gainT_lossT_unnormalized.Rdata)
#' 2. Heatmaps: eg. CIN relapse-free VS relapse for gainT_lossT_unnormalized_dendrogram.pdf
#' 3. Raw CIN array for the corresponding heatmap:
#' #ttest.cyto.cin4heatmap.gainT_lossT_unnormalized.csv
#' #ttest.cyto.cin4heatmap.gainT_lossT_unnormalized.Rdata
#' 4. T test results for all cytobands on the whole genome
#' #ttest.cytobands.cin.gainT_lossT_unnormalized.txt
#' @examples
#' #For this example, we load an example cytoband CIN data
#' data("cytobands.cin")
#' data("clin.crc") # sample names with group information
#' data("hg18.ucsctrack") #hg18 reference file
#' ttest.cyto.cin.heatmap(cytobands.cin.obj = cytobands.cin,
#' clinical.inf = clin.crc, genome.ucsc = hg18.ucsctrack)
#' @seealso See accompaying vignette for a detailed end to end workflow tutorial
"ttest.cyto.cin.heatmap" <- function(cytobands.cin.obj, clinical.inf, genome.ucsc,
file.ext = "gainT_lossT_unnorm", folder.name = "output_ttest",
combine.cyto.flag = FALSE) {
if(is.matrix(clinical.inf)) {
if(class(genome.ucsc)=="GRanges") {
labels = unique(clinical.inf[, 2])
samples.label.1 = clinical.inf[clinical.inf[, 2] == labels[1], 1]
samples.label.2 = clinical.inf[clinical.inf[, 2] == labels[2], 1]
n.chr = length(cytobands.cin.obj)
cyto.cin.uni = NULL
## convert reference GRanges object into required format
ref.info <- process.reference.genome(genome.ucsc)
ref <- ref.info$cytobands
dir.create(folder.name, showWarnings = FALSE)
combine.cyto.Rdata.name = paste(folder.name, "/", "cyto.cin.uni.", file.ext, ".RData", sep = "")
ttest.file.name = paste(folder.name, "/", "ttest.result.cyto.cin.", file.ext, ".csv", sep = "")
out_line = c("chr", "cur.cyto.name", "start.position", "end.position", "p.value", "fold.change", "flag.variation")
# write(out_line,file=ttest.file.name, ncolumns=7, append=TRUE,sep='\t')
finalM <- {
for (chr in 1:n.chr) {
cur.chr.cyto = cytobands.cin.obj[[chr]]
if (chr == 23)
hg.chr = paste("chr", "X", sep = "") else hg.chr = paste("chr", chr, sep = "")
cur.chr.ref = ref[ref[, 1] == hg.chr, ]
cur.chr.cyto.tmp = cur.chr.cyto
colnames(cur.chr.cyto.tmp) = paste("chr_", chr, "_", colnames(cur.chr.cyto.tmp), sep = "")
cyto.cin.uni = cbind(cyto.cin.uni, cur.chr.cyto.tmp)
for (i.cyto in 1:ncol(cur.chr.cyto)) {
cin.label.1 = cur.chr.cyto[samples.label.1, i.cyto]
cin.label.2 = cur.chr.cyto[samples.label.2, i.cyto]
cur.cyto.name = colnames(cur.chr.cyto)[i.cyto]
idx.hg.chr = cur.chr.ref[, "name"] == cur.cyto.name
start.position = cur.chr.ref[idx.hg.chr, "start"]
end.position = cur.chr.ref[idx.hg.chr, "end"]
test.res = t.test(cin.label.1, cin.label.2)
pvalue = NA
folder.change = NA
flag.variation = NA
if (!is.na(test.res$p.value)) {
pvalue = sprintf("%.4f", test.res$p.value)
folder.change = sprintf("%.4f", test.res$estimate[2]/test.res$estimate[1])
if (folder.change > 1)
flag.variation = "+" else flag.variation = "-"
out_line = c(chr, cur.cyto.name, start.position, end.position, pvalue, folder.change, flag.variation)
# write(out_line,file=ttest.file.name, ncolumns=7, append=TRUE,sep='\t')
finalM <- rbind(finalM, out_line)
colnames(finalM) <- c("chr", "cur.cyto.name", "start.position", "end.position", "p.value", "fold.change", "flag.variation")
write.table(finalM, file = ttest.file.name, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
# browser()
if (combine.cyto.flag) {
# cyto.cin.uni=t(cyto.cin.uni)
save(cyto.cin.uni, file = combine.cyto.Rdata.name)
# write.csv(cyto.cin.uni[idx,],file= paste(folder.name,'/','cyto.cin.uni.sig.csv', sep=''))
# browser() ttest.res = read.table(file = ttest.file.name, header = TRUE, sep = '\t')
ttest.res <- finalM
idx.non.na = !is.na(ttest.res[, "p.value"])
idx.significant = as.double(ttest.res[, "p.value"]) < 0.05
# browser()
idx = idx.non.na & idx.significant
cyto.cin.uni = t(cyto.cin.uni) ###added by kb, else code would give error
cyto.cin4heatmap = cbind(cyto.cin.uni[idx, samples.label.1], cyto.cin.uni[idx, samples.label.2])
save(cyto.cin4heatmap, file = paste(folder.name, "/", "cyto.cin4heatmap.", file.ext, ".RData", sep = ""))
output.label = clinical.inf[match(colnames(cyto.cin4heatmap), clinical.inf[, 1]), 2]
cyto.cin4heatmap.withLabel <- t(cbind(output.label, t(cyto.cin4heatmap)))
# save(cyto.cin4heatmap.withLabel, file=paste(folder.name,'/','cyto.cin4heatmapWithLabel.', file.ext,'.RData',sep='') )
write.csv(t(cbind(output.label, t(cyto.cin4heatmap))), file = paste(folder.name, "/", "cyto.cin4heatmap.", file.ext,
".csv", sep = ""))
# require(gplots) require(som)
cyto.cin4heatmap2 = som::normalize(cyto.cin4heatmap, byrow = TRUE)
dimnames(cyto.cin4heatmap2) = dimnames(cyto.cin4heatmap)
cyto.cin4heatmap = cyto.cin4heatmap2
col.cin = c(rep("blue", length(samples.label.1)), rep("red", length(samples.label.2)))
dev = pdf(file = paste(folder.name, "/", "CIN_", labels[1], "_VS_", labels[2], "_for_", file.ext, "_dendrogram.pdf",
sep = ""))
main.name = paste("CIN ", labels[1], " VS ", labels[2], " for ", strsplit(file.ext, "_")[[1]][1], "\n", "blue: ", labels[1],
"\n", "red: ", labels[2], sep = "")
par(mar = c(7, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)
gplots::heatmap.2(cyto.cin4heatmap, ColSideColors = col.cin, col = "greenred", dendrogram = "both", Colv = TRUE, Rowv = TRUE,
scale = "row", trace = "none", main = main.name, labRow = rownames(cyto.cin4heatmap), cexRow = 0.75, cexCol = 0.8,
margins = c(12, 8))
} else {
stop("Input 'genome.ucsc' must be a GRanges object")
} else {
stop("Input Clinical must be a n*2 matrix, the 1st column is 'sample name', the second is 'label'.Please re-format the input")
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