#' Prepare monthly data in GeoCLIM format
#' @description `prepare_geoclim_month` takes a data frame that is in monthly
#' format. This data is then rearranged to a format suitable for use in GeoCLIM.
#' This data frame can be rearranged and exported to a file or connection with
#' `export_geoclim_month`.
#' @param data \code{data.frame} The data.frame to calculate from.
#' @param date_time \code{\link[base]{Date}} The name of the date column in \code{data}.
#' @param year \code{character(1)} The name of the year column in \code{data}. If \code{NULL} it will be created using \code{lubridate::year(data[[date_time]])}.
#' @param month \code{character(1)} The name of the month column in \code{data}. If \code{NULL} it will be created using \code{lubridate::month(data[[date_time]])}.
#' @param element \code{character(1)} The name of the element column in \code{data} to apply the function to.
#' @param station_id \code{character(1)} The name of the station column in \code{metadata}, or \code{data} if \code{metadata = NULL}.
#' @param latitude \code{character(1)} The name of the latitude column in \code{metadata}, or \code{data} if \code{metadata = NULL}.
#' @param longitude \code{character(1)} The name of the longitude column in \code{metadata}, or \code{data} if \code{metadata = NULL}.
#' @param metadata \code{data.frame} The metadata data.frame to calculate from.
#' @param join_by \code{character} The variable(s) to merge the \code{data} and \code{metadata} data frames.
#' @param add_cols \code{character} Names of additional metadata columns that should be included in the output
#' @return A data.frame formatted for use in GeoCLIM
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Calculate monthly summaries for the rainfall column
#' summary_data <- daily_niger %>% dplyr::group_by(year, month, station_name) %>%
#' dplyr::summarise(mean_rain = mean(rain))
#' prepare_geoclim_month(data = summary_data, year = "year", month = "month",
#' station_id = "station_name",
#' element = "mean_rain", metadata = stations_niger,
#' join_by = "station_name",
#' latitude = "lat", longitude = "long")
prepare_geoclim_month <- function(data, date_time = NULL, year = NULL, month = NULL, element, station_id,
latitude, longitude, metadata = NULL,
join_by = NULL, add_cols = NULL) {
assert_column_names(data, element)
checkmate::assert_data_frame(metadata, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_string(join_by, null.ok = TRUE)
if (!is.null(date_time)) assert_column_names(data, date_time)
if (!is.null(year)) assert_column_names(data, year)
if (!is.null(month)) assert_column_names(data, month)
if (is.null(names(join_by))) names(join_by) <- join_by
# data_with_meta is whichever data.frame has the metadata columns in
if (is.null(metadata)) {
data_with_meta <- data
} else {
data_with_meta <- metadata
if (is.null(join_by)) stop("join_by must be specified when metadata is supplied.")
assert_column_names(data_with_meta, station_id)
assert_column_names(data_with_meta, latitude)
assert_column_names(data_with_meta, longitude)
if(is.null(year)) {
year <- "year"
data[[year]] <- lubridate::year(data[[date_time]])
if(is.null(month)) {
month <- "month"
data[[month]] <- lubridate::month(data[[date_time]])
unique_months <- unique(data[[month]])
if (setequal(as.character(unique_months), as.character(1:12))) {
data[[month]] <- factor(data[[month]],
levels = 1:12,
labels = month_name_english)
} else if (setequal(unique_months, month_abb_english)) {
data[[month]] <- factor(data[[month]], levels = month_abb_english)
} else if (setequal(unique_months, month_name_english)) {
data[[month]] <- factor(data[[month]], levels = month_name_english)
} else if (setequal(unique_months, month.abb)) {
data[[month]] <- factor(data[[month]], levels = month.abb)
} else if (setequal(unique_months, month.name)) {
data[[month]] <- factor(data[[month]], levels = month.name)
} else {
if (!is.factor(data[[month]]) || nlevels(data[[month]]) != 12) {
stop("Values in month column are not recognised. ",
"Values must be full or abbreviated month names ",
"or numbers 1 to 12 or a factor with 12 levels.")
month_levels <- levels(data[[month]])
if (!is.null(metadata)) {
data_by <- unique(data[[names(join_by)]])
metadata_by <- unique(metadata[[as.vector(join_by)]])
if (!all(data_by %in% metadata_by)) {
stop("metadata is missing some values of '", join_by, "' found in data.")
names_data <- setdiff(names(data), names(join_by))
names_metadata <- setdiff(names(metadata), as.vector(join_by))
same_names <- intersect(names_data, names_metadata)
for (col in c(station_id, latitude, longitude)) {
if (col %in% same_names) {
names(data)[names(data) == col] <- paste0(col, "_x")
data_with_meta <- dplyr::left_join(data, metadata, by = join_by)
id_cols <- c(names(metadata), year)
} else {
data_with_meta <- data
id_cols <- c(station_id, latitude, longitude, add_cols, year)
data_with_meta[[element]] <- tidyr::replace_na(data_with_meta[[element]], -999)
geoclim_data <-
id_cols = tidyselect::all_of(id_cols),
names_from = tidyselect::all_of(month),
values_from = tidyselect::all_of(element),
values_fill = -999)
names(geoclim_data)[names(geoclim_data) == station_id] <- "id"
names(geoclim_data)[names(geoclim_data) == latitude] <- "lat"
names(geoclim_data)[names(geoclim_data) == longitude] <- "lon"
names(geoclim_data)[names(geoclim_data) == year] <- "year"
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