
Defines functions prep_flow

Documented in prep_flow

#' prep_flow
#' @param wm_output_dir directory of results folder
#' @param hyd_output_dir output directory
#' @param in_parallel run data extraction in parallel (where multiple regions are being assessed)
#' @details extracts flow data for hydropower grids; combines files if runs are temporally split
#' @return daily time series of regulated flows at hydropower grids
#' @importFrom readr read_table2 read_csv write_csv
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate mutate_if rename bind_rows select one_of filter distinct
#' @importFrom magrittr set_colnames
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom purrr map pmap
#' @importFrom future plan multiprocess
#' @importFrom furrr future_map
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export
prep_flow <- function(wm_output_dir,
                      output_dir = "",
                      in_parallel = FALSE){

  # set up parallel processing if selected
  if(in_parallel == TRUE){
    map_wm <- furrr::future_map
    map_wm <- purrr::map

  # get names of all flow files and folders in results directory
  list.files(wm_output_dir, recursive = T) %>%
    .[grepl(".KW.flow", .)] %>%
    .[!grepl(".KW.flow.month", .)] -> flow_files

  hucwm_regions <- huc2_hucwm$hucwm %>% unique()

  get_huc4_data() -> huc4_data

  # infer regions, simulation names, and temporal splits from sub-folders
  flow_files %>%
    str_split_fixed("/", 4) %>% .[,1:3] %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    rename(reg_hucwm = V1, sim = V2, section = V3) %>%
    filter(reg_hucwm %in% huc2_hucwm$hucwm) ->
    # ^^ ensures results folders unconnected to HUC-WM regions are excluded

  # read flows, combine temporal splits, and extract hydro grids
  flow_by_region_sim_sec %>%
    split(.$reg_hucwm) %>%
    # map on all regions (accross cores if available)
      x_reg$reg_hucwm %>% unique() -> reg
      reg %>% read_grid_ids() %>% as.character() -> grid_ids
      reg %>% read_hydro_plant_grids() -> hydro_grid_ids
      huc4_data %>% filter(hucwm == reg) %>% .$grid_id -> huc4_grid_ids
      x_reg %>%
        split(.$sim) %>%
        # map on all simulations within each region
          x_reg_sim %>%
            unique() %>%
            # ^^ deals with cases without section splits
            # map on all temporal sections of simalution
            # pmap(~ read_table2(paste0(wm_output_dir, "/",
            #                           ..1, "/", ..2, "/", ..3, "/",
            #                           ..1, ".KW.flow"), col_names = F) %>%
            pmap(~ fread(paste0(wm_output_dir, "/",
                                ..1, "/", ..2, "/", ..3, "/",
                                ..1, ".KW.flow")) %>%
                 ) %>% bind_rows() %>%
            mutate(V1 = ymd(V1)) %>%
            # ^^ temporal splits may contain overlapping dates (spin-up periods)
            distinct(V1, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
            set_colnames(c("date", grid_ids)) ->

          # hydro grids
          all_flows %>%
            select(one_of(c("date", hydro_grid_ids))) %>%
            mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3) %>%
            write_csv(paste0(output_dir, "/hydro_", reg, "_", x_reg_sim$sim %>% unique(), ".csv"))

          # huc4 grids
          all_flows %>%
            select(one_of(c("date", huc4_grid_ids))) %>%
            mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3) %>%
            write_csv(paste0(output_dir, "/huc4_", reg, "_", x_reg_sim$sim %>% unique(), ".csv"))

          return(message(paste0(x_reg_sim$sim %>% unique(), " done!")))

      return(message(paste0(reg, " done!")))
IMMM-SFA/wmpp documentation built on March 21, 2020, 4:26 p.m.