
Defines functions sqlUpdateTargetTable updateTargetTable sqlDropRedundantColumns dropRedundantFields sqlCreateTemporaryTable createTemporaryTable addTmpPrefix updateTable sqlLoadData writeTable cacheTable truncateTable convertToCharacter .sendData

#' Copy data to database tables
#' These functions copy data frames to database tables
#' @details Basically, these functions are intended to behave like dbWriteTable.
#' However, there are two notebale exceptions:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item append is always set to TRUE, i.e. the target database table must
#'   be created or already exist before sendData is called
#'   \item row.names is always set to FALSE, i.e., row.names must be converted
#'   to a variable if you want to keep them
#' }
#' There are four different modes for sending data to the database:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{insert}{INSERT INTO TABLE, i.e. in case of duplicates only the first
#'   entry will be kept}
#'   \item{replace}{REPLACE INTO TABLE, i.e. in case of duplicates only the last
#'   entry will be kept}
#'   \item{truncate}{like dbWriteTable with argument overwrite = TRUE, i.e., the
#'   table is truncated before sending the data}
#'   \item{update}{like insert but falls back to update on duplicate key}
#' }
#' @inheritParams sendQuery
#' @param data A data.frame (or coercible to data.frame)
#' @param table A character string specifying a DBMS table name
#' @param mode One of "insert", "replace", or "truncate"
#' @param chunkSize An integer specifying the number of rows send to the db at
#' a time. Defaults to \code{Inf}.
#' @param ... arguments passed to methods and to \link[dbtools]{reTry}
#' @rdname sendData
#' @export
setGeneric("sendData", function(db, data, table = deparse(substitute(data)), ...) {

#' @rdname sendData
#' @export
  "sendData", c(db = "CredentialsList", data = "data.frame"),
  function(db, data, table, ..., applyFun = lapply) {
    applyFun(db, sendData, data = data, table = table, ...)

#' @rdname sendData
#' @export
  "sendData", c(db = "Credentials", data = "data.frame"),
  function(db, data, table, chunkSize = Inf, ...) {
    stopifnot(chunkSize > 0)
    if (NROW(data) == 0) {
      # Fixes https://github.com/INWTlab/dbtools/issues/48
    reTry(..., fun = function(...) {
        if (exists("con")) {

      con <- do.call(dbConnect, as.list(db))
      chunkInd <- ceiling(seq_len(NROW(data)) / chunkSize)
      for (chunk in unique(chunkInd)) {
        sendData(db = con, data = data[chunkInd == chunk, , drop = FALSE], table = table, ...)

#' @rdname sendData
#' @export
  "sendData", c(db = "DBIConnection", data = "data.frame"),
  function(db, data, table, ...) {
    dbWriteTable(db, table, data, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

#' @rdname sendData
#' @export
  "sendData", c(db = "MySQLConnection", data = "data.frame"),
  function(db, data, table, ..., mode = "insert") {
    .sendData(db, data, table, ..., mode = mode)

#' @rdname sendData
#' @export
  "sendData", c(db = "MariaDBConnection", data = "data.frame"),
  function(db, data, table, ..., mode = "insert") {
    .sendData(db, data, table, ..., mode = mode)

.sendData <- function(db, data, table, ..., mode) {
  stopifnot(is.element(mode, c("insert", "replace", "truncate", "update")))

  data <- convertToCharacter(data)
  path <- normalizePath(tempfile("dbtools"), "/", FALSE)

  cacheTable(data, path)
  if (mode == "truncate") {
    truncateTable(db, table)

  if (mode == "update") {
    updateTable(db, path, table, names(data))
  } else {
    writeTable(db, path, table, names(data), mode)


convertToCharacter <- function(data) {
  data[is.na(data)] <- NA # Expression is.na(as.character(NaN)) is false
  data[] <- lapply(data, as.character)

truncateTable <- function(db, table) {
  sendQuery(db, SingleQuery(paste0("truncate table ", sqlEsc(table), ";")))

cacheTable <- function(data, path) {
  fwrite(data, path, eol = "\n", na = "\\N")

writeTable <- function(db, path, table, names, mode) {
  sendQuery(db, sqlLoadData(path, table, names, mode))

sqlLoadData <- function(path, table, names, mode) {
      "load data local infile '", path, "' ",
      if (mode == "replace") "replace ",
      "into table ", sqlEsc(table), " ",
      "character set utf8mb4 ",
      "fields terminated by ',' ",
      "optionally enclosed by '\"' ",
      "lines terminated by '\n' ",
      "ignore 1 lines ",
      sqlParan(sqlEsc(names)), ";"

updateTable <- function(db, path, table, names) {

  # 1. create temporary table like target table
  createTemporaryTable(db, table)

  # 2. (not implemented) drop indices - this will speed up the process for
  # larger objects

  # 3. remove redundant fiels - otherwise we won't be able to do updates on
  # particular fields only without considering defaults
  dropRedundantFields(db, addTmpPrefix(table), names)

  # 4. insert into temporary table
  writeTable(db, path, addTmpPrefix(table), names, mode = "insert")

  # 5. actual update via insert into statement
  updateTargetTable(db, table, names)

addTmpPrefix <- function(table) {
  paste0("tmp_", table)

createTemporaryTable <- function(db, table) {
  sendQuery(db, sqlCreateTemporaryTable(table))

sqlCreateTemporaryTable <- function(table) {
      "create temporary table", sqlEsc(addTmpPrefix(table)),
      "like ", sqlEsc(table), ";"

dropRedundantFields <- function(db, table, names) {
  sql <- paste0("show columns from ", sqlEsc(table), ";")
  allFields <- sendQuery(db, SingleQuery(sql))$Field
  redundantFields <- setdiff(allFields, names)

  if (length(redundantFields)) {
    sendQuery(db, sqlDropRedundantColumns(table, redundantFields))

sqlDropRedundantColumns <- function(table, redundantFields) {
      "alter table", sqlEsc(table),
      paste("drop", unlist(lapply(redundantFields, sqlNames)), collapse = ", "), ";"

updateTargetTable <- function(db, table, names) {
  sendQuery(db, sqlUpdateTargetTable(table, names))

sqlUpdateTargetTable <- function(table, names) {
  cols <- unlist(lapply(names, sqlEsc))
  commaSeperatedCols <- sqlComma(cols)
  colsInParan <- sqlParan(cols)
  updateStatement <- sqlComma(sprintf("%s = `new`.%s", cols, cols))
      "insert into", sqlEsc(table), colsInParan,
      "select", commaSeperatedCols, "from", sqlEsc(addTmpPrefix(table)), "as `new`",
      "on duplicate key update",
      updateStatement, ";"
INWT/dbtools documentation built on Aug. 21, 2022, 9:37 p.m.