
#' Utility to build a vector (or sometimes matrix) of weights for analysis model.
#' This takes standardized Zelig user input about weights, and tailors it
#'   via developer defined settings, to correspond with the format of 
#'   weights acceptable by the model Zelig bridges to.  It also runs a
#'   set of checks to uncover any potential errors in the specified weights.
#' @param weights A set of non-negative value weights.  Overrides repweights 
#'   if defined.
#' @param repweights A set of whole number (non-negative integer) weights.  
#'   useful if weights are just for making copies or deleting certain 
#'   or frequency weights.
#' @param zeros An option on how to deal with zero valued user supplied weights.
#'   Default of "zero" allows zero weights, "epsilon" changes zeroes to 1e-08,
#'   "remove" removes those observations from the dataset.
#' @param rebuild An option to allow specified repweights to reconfigure the 
#'   rows of the dataset to rebuild a corresponding dataset where every row is
#'   of weight 1.  Useful if analysis model does not accept weights.  
#' @param allowweights Defines if weights are allowed in model.
#' @param allowrepweights Defines if repweights are allowed in model.  Overridden if
#'   \code{useweights=TRUE}.
#' @param data Dataset, required if weights are defined by variable name, or if
#'   dataset is to be reconfigured (by \code{rebuild} or \code{zeros} options)
#' @return weights A vector of weights of the structure defined by the
#'   developer and required by the analysis model.  Or NULL if certain checks 
#'   are failed.
#' @return data A reconfigured dataset, if modified.
#' @author James Honaker \email{zelig-zee@@iq.harvard.edu}
#' @export

zeligBuildWeights <- function (weights=NULL, repweights=NULL, zeros="zeros", rebuild=FALSE, allowweights=TRUE, allowrepweights=TRUE, data=NULL) {

  ## Developer can turn off certain types of weights
  ## NOTE: Can't currently turn off "repweights", if "weights" allowable.
  if(!allowweights & !allowrepweights & !is.null(weights)){
    warning("You have specified weights, but weighting is not available for this model.  Ignoring weights.  ")
    return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))

  if(!allowweights & !allowrepweights & !is.null(repweights)){
    warning("You have specified repweights, but weighting is not available for this model.  Ignoring weights.  ")
    return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))

  if(!allowweights & !is.null(weights)){
    warning("You have specified weights, but weights are not an option in this model.  Ignoring weights.  repweights may be an available option.")

  ## Override repweights with weights when in conflict.
  if(!is.null(weights) & !is.null(repweights)){
    warning("You have specified both weights and repweights.  The repweights will be ignored.")

  ## Turn weights as variable name into vector, with checking.
      warning("ZELIG DEVELOPER WARNING: You have named a weight variable in the dataset, but not supplied dataset to zeligBuildWeights.  Weights will be ignored in your model until amended.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))
    }else if (!(weights %in% names(data))){
      warning("The variable name supplied for the weights is not present in the dataset. Ignoring weights.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))
    }else if ( !is.numeric(data[,weights])){
      warning("The variable supplied for the weights is not numeric. Ignoring weights.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))

  ## Turn repweights as variable name into vector, with checking.
      warning("ZELIG DEVELOPER WARNING: You have named a repweight variable in the dataset, but not supplied dataset to zeligBuildWeights.  repweights will be ignored in your model until amended.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))
    }else if (!(repweights %in% names(data))){
      warning("The variable name supplied for the repweights is not present in the dataset. Ignoring weights.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))
    }else if ( !is.numeric(data[,repweights])){
      warning("The variable supplied for the repweights is not numeric. Ignoring weights.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))

  ## Some checking/transforming on repweights
      warning("Defined repweights are not integer, so will be rounded.")
      repweights=round(repweights)   # Maybe allow floor/ceiling as other options?
    if(sum(is.na(repweights))>0){  # any(is.na()) sometimes has issues
      warning("Some defined repweights are missing values, so will be treated as zeros")
      warning("Some defined repweights are negative, so will be treated as zeros")
      warning("Defined repweights give no weight to any observation.  Ignoring weights.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))

  ## Some checking/transforming on weights
    if(sum(is.na(weights))>0){  # any(is.na()) sometimes has issues
      warning("Some defined weights are missing values, so will be treated as zeros")
      warning("Some defined weights are negative, so will be treated as zeros")
      warning("Defined weights give no weight to any observation.  Ignoring weights.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))

  ## If repweights not available to function, reconstruct a dataset
  ## NOTE: "rebuild" overrides any setting of "zeros"
  if( is.null(weights) & !is.null(repweights) & rebuild){
      warning("ZELIG DEVELOPER WARNING: You have set zeligBuildWeights to rebuild dataset, but not supplied dataset to zeligBuildWeights function.  Weights will be ignored in your model until amended.")
      return(list(weights=NULL, data=data))
      ##  Rebuild dataset according to replication weights
      newobs<-rep(1:nrow(data), repweights)  # Index of rows to use
      data<-data[newobs,]                    # Copy relevant rows
    weights<-NULL # Or, could be weights<-rep(1,nrow(data))
  ## when repweights are correct, but need to be transfered to final output
  }else if (is.null(weights) & !is.null(repweights) ){

  ## From this point, only "weights" exists in a meaningful way.

    ## Implement zeros option.
      weights[flag]<- .00000001
    }else if (zeros=="remove"){

  ## NOTE: Ideally, we could just pass back a vector of indexes to reformat the 
  ##   data, rather than passing back and forwards the data.
  ##   But simpler for developer this way.  

  built <- list(weights=weights, data=data)

  # Return
IQSS/Zelig4 documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:13 a.m.