
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

has_dt <- requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE)
has_tibble <- requireNamespace('tibble', quietly = TRUE)

#has_dt <- FALSE

test_that('max rows and cols are reasonable', {
	rows <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows')
	cols <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
	expect_identical(length(rows), 1L)
	expect_identical(length(cols), 1L)
	expect_true(rows >= 2L)
	expect_true(cols >= 2L)
	expect_true(rows < .Machine$integer.max)
	expect_true(cols < .Machine$integer.max)

test_that('ellip_limit_arr doesn\'t change arrays that are small', {
	# Make sure the limits are reasonable before we test.
	orig_rows_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows')
	orig_cols_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
	if (orig_rows_limit < 6L) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 6L)
	if (orig_cols_limit < 3L) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.cols = 3L)
	# Run some tests.
	test_mat <- matrix(1:10, ncol = 2)
	test_df <- data.frame(V1 = 1:5, V2 = 6:10)
	expected_mat <- matrix(c(format(1:5), format(6:10)), ncol = 2)
	expected_df_mat <- structure(expected_mat, dimnames = list(1:5, c('V1', 'V2')))
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df_mat, expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		test_dt <- data.table::as.data.table(test_mat)
		limited_dt_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt_mat, expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		test_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(test_df)
		limited_tbl_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl_mat, expected_df_mat)

	# Reset limits
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows') != orig_rows_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.rows = orig_rows_limit)
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols') != orig_cols_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.cols = orig_cols_limit)

test_that('ellip_limit_arr limits arrays that are wide (but not long)', {
	# Make sure the limits are reasonable before we test.
	orig_rows_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows')
	orig_cols_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
	if (orig_rows_limit < 6L) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 6L)
	test_mat <- matrix(16:1, nrow = 2L)
	test_df <- as.data.frame(test_mat)

	# We'll test even and odd limits, sticking with small numbers to keep things sane.
	options(repr.matrix.max.cols = 4L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df	<- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expected_mat <- matrix(
		c('16', '15',
			'14', '13',
			chars$ellip_h, chars$ellip_h,
			'4', '3',
			'2', '1'),
		nrow = 2L)
	expected_df_mat	<- as.matrix(data.frame(
		V1 = c(16, 15),
		V2 = c(14, 13),
		ellips = rep(chars$ellip_h, 2L),
		V7 = c(4, 3),
		V8 = c(2, 1)))
	colnames(expected_df_mat)[[3]] <- chars$ellip_h
	rownames(expected_df_mat) <- 1:2	# TODO: is this correct or should it rather not have those
	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		test_dt <- data.table::as.data.table(test_mat)
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt, expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		test_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(test_df)
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)

	# Repeat with an odd limit.
	options(repr.matrix.max.cols = 5L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expected_mat <- matrix(
		c('16', '15',
			'14', '13',
			'12', '11',
			chars$ellip_h, chars$ellip_h,
			'4', '3',
			'2', '1'),
		nrow = 2L)
	expected_df_mat <- as.matrix(data.frame(
		V1 = c(16, 15),
		V2 = c(14, 13),
		V3 = c(12, 11),
		ellips = rep(chars$ellip_h, 2L),
		V7 = c(4, 3),
		V8 = c(2, 1)))
	colnames(expected_df_mat)[[4]] <- chars$ellip_h
	rownames(expected_df_mat) <- 1:2	# TODO: see above

	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt, expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)
	# Reset limits
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows') != orig_rows_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.rows = orig_rows_limit)
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols') != orig_cols_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.cols = orig_cols_limit)

test_that('ellip_limit_arr limits arrays that are long (but not wide)', {
	# Make sure the limits are reasonable before we test.
	orig_rows_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows')
	orig_cols_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
	if (orig_cols_limit < 3L) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.cols = 3L)
	test_mat <- matrix(16:1, ncol = 2L)
	test_df <- as.data.frame(test_mat)

	options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 4L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expected_mat <- matrix(c(
		'16', '15', chars$ellip_v, '10', ' 9',
		'8', '7', chars$ellip_v, '2', '1'), ncol = 2L)
	expected_df_mat <- as.matrix(data.frame(
		V1 = c('16', '15', chars$ellip_v, '10', ' 9'),
		V2 = c('8', '7', chars$ellip_v, '2', '1')))
	rownames(expected_df_mat) <- c('1', '2', chars$ellip_v, '7', '8')
	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		test_dt <- data.table::as.data.table(test_mat)
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt, expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		test_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(test_df)
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)
	# Repeat with an odd limit.
	options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 5L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expected_mat <- matrix(c(
		'16', '15', '14', chars$ellip_v, '10', ' 9',
		'8', '7', '6', chars$ellip_v, '2', '1'), ncol = 2L)
	expected_df_mat <- as.matrix(data.frame(
		V1 = c('16', '15', '14', chars$ellip_v, '10', ' 9'),
		V2 = c('8', '7', '6', chars$ellip_v, '2', '1')))
	rownames(expected_df_mat) <- c('1', '2', '3', chars$ellip_v, '7', '8')
	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt, expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)
	# Reset limits
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows') != orig_rows_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.rows = orig_rows_limit)
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols') != orig_cols_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.cols = orig_cols_limit)

test_that('ellip_limit_arr preserves rownames when limiting rows', {
	# Make sure the limits are reasonable before we test.
	orig_rows_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows')
	orig_cols_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
	if (orig_cols_limit < 3L) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.cols = 3L)
	test_mat <- matrix(16:1, ncol = 2L, dimnames = list(letters[1:8], NULL))
	test_df <- as.data.frame(test_mat)
	options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 4L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expected_rownames <- c(letters[1:2], chars$ellip_v, letters[7:8])
	expected_mat <- matrix(c(
		'16', '15', chars$ellip_v, '10', ' 9',
		'8', '7', chars$ellip_v, '2', '1'), ncol = 2L, dimnames = list(expected_rownames, NULL))
	expected_df_mat <- as.matrix(data.frame(
		V1 = c('16', '15', chars$ellip_v, '10', ' 9'),
		V2 = c('8', '7', chars$ellip_v, '2', '1'), row.names = expected_rownames))
	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		test_dt <- data.table::as.data.table(test_mat)
		rownames(test_dt) <- rownames(test_mat)	# force keeping rownames
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt, expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		test_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(test_df)
		# tibble removes rownames, so we have to reset them
		suppressWarnings(rownames(test_tbl) <- rownames(test_df))
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)
	# Repeat with an odd limit.
	options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 5L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expected_rownames <- c(letters[1:3], chars$ellip_v, letters[7:8])
	expected_mat <- matrix(
			'16', '15', '14', chars$ellip_v, '10', ' 9',
			'8', '7', '6', chars$ellip_v, '2', '1'),
		ncol = 2L,
		dimnames = list(expected_rownames, NULL))
	expected_df_mat <- as.matrix(data.frame(
		V1 = c('16', '15', '14', chars$ellip_v, '10', ' 9'),
		V2 = c('8', '7', '6', chars$ellip_v, '2', '1'),
		row.names = expected_rownames))
	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)
	# Reset limits
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows') != orig_rows_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.rows = orig_rows_limit)
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols') != orig_cols_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.cols = orig_cols_limit)

test_that('ellip_limit_arr limits arrays that are long and wide', {

	# Make sure the limits are reasonable before we test.
	orig_rows_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows')
	orig_cols_limit <- getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols')
	# Make a 7x7 because I want to test with limits of 4, 5 and 6. I want to test
	# both the normal cases and the weird case where a dimension is one less than
	# the limit (and therefore the 'smaller' output array is actually the same dim
	# as the original)
	test_mat <- matrix(1:49, ncol = 7)
	test_df <- as.data.frame(test_mat)

	# We'll test with even and odd limits (but not all combinations of the two)
	# Test with small numbers to keep things reasonable.
	options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 4L)
	options(repr.matrix.max.cols = 4L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expected_mat <- matrix(c(
		'1', '2', chars$ellip_v, '6', '7',
		'8', '9', chars$ellip_v, '13', '14',
		chars$ellip_h, chars$ellip_h, chars$ellip_d, chars$ellip_h, chars$ellip_h,
		'36', '37', chars$ellip_v, '41', '42',
		'43', '44', chars$ellip_v, '48', '49'), nrow = 5L)
	expected_df_mat <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(expected_mat))
	colnames(expected_df_mat) <- c('V1', 'V2', chars$ellip_h, 'V6', 'V7')
	rownames(expected_df_mat) <- c('1', '2', chars$ellip_v, '6', '7')

	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		test_dt <- data.table::as.data.table(test_mat)
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		test_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(test_df)
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)
	options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 5L)
	options(repr.matrix.max.cols = 5L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)
	expected_mat <- matrix(c(
		'1', '2', '3', chars$ellip_v, '6', '7',
		' 8', ' 9', '10', chars$ellip_v, '13', '14',
		'15', '16', '17', chars$ellip_v, '20', '21',
		rep_len(chars$ellip_h, 3L), chars$ellip_d, rep_len(chars$ellip_h, 2L),
		'36', '37', '38', chars$ellip_v,'41', '42',
		'43', '44', '45', chars$ellip_v, '48', '49'), nrow = 6L)
	expected_df_mat <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(expected_mat))
	colnames(expected_df_mat) <- c('V1', 'V2', 'V3', chars$ellip_h, 'V6', 'V7')
	rownames(expected_df_mat) <- c('1', '2', '3', chars$ellip_v, '6', '7')

	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)
	options(repr.matrix.max.rows = 6L)
	options(repr.matrix.max.cols = 6L)
	limited_mat <- ellip_limit_arr(test_mat)
	limited_df <- ellip_limit_arr(test_df)

	expected_mat <- matrix(c(
		'1', '2', '3', chars$ellip_v, '5', '6', '7',
		' 8', ' 9', '10', chars$ellip_v, '12', '13', '14',
		'15', '16', '17', chars$ellip_v, '19', '20', '21',
		rep_len(chars$ellip_h, 3L), chars$ellip_d, rep_len(chars$ellip_h, 3L),
		'29', '30', '31', chars$ellip_v, '33', '34', '35',
		'36', '37', '38', chars$ellip_v, '40', '41', '42',
		'43', '44', '45', chars$ellip_v, '47', '48', '49'), nrow = 7L)
	expected_df_mat <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(expected_mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
	colnames(expected_df_mat) <- c('V1', 'V2', 'V3', chars$ellip_h, 'V5', 'V6', 'V7')
	rownames(expected_df_mat) <- c('1', '2', '3', chars$ellip_v, '5', '6', '7')

	expect_identical(limited_mat, expected_mat)
	expect_identical(limited_df,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_dt) {
		limited_dt <- ellip_limit_arr(test_dt)
		expect_identical(limited_dt,	expected_df_mat)
	if (has_tibble) {
		limited_tbl <- ellip_limit_arr(test_tbl)
		expect_identical(limited_tbl, expected_df_mat)

	# Reset limits
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.rows') != orig_rows_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.rows = orig_rows_limit)
	if (getOption('repr.matrix.max.cols') != orig_cols_limit) {
		options(repr.matrix.max.cols = orig_cols_limit)
IRkernel/repr documentation built on March 26, 2024, 3:12 a.m.