
## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
#  # If you don't have it yet, install 'devtools':
#  # install.packages('devtools')
#  library(devtools)
#  install_github('IVFL-BOKU/sentinel2')

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

S2_initialize_user(user = '', password = 'test')

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
S2_query_granule(atmCorr  = TRUE, 
                 geometry = c(x = 16.20, y = 48.15), 
                 dateMin  = '2016-09-15', 
                 dateMax  = '2016-09-30')

## ----eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
#  S2_buy_granule(granuleId = 1080943)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
S2_query_image(band        = 'LAI', 
               utm         = '33U', 
               dateMin     = '2016-09-15', 
               dateMax     = '2016-09-30')

## ----eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
#  S2_put_ROI(geometry    = c(x=16, y=48),
#             regionId    = 'testROI',
#             cloudCovMax = 20,
#             dateMin     = '2016-06-01',
#             dateMax     = '2016-07-01')

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
granules_owned <- S2_query_granule(owned = TRUE)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
save_names <- S2_generate_names(x = granules_owned)

## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
#  S2_download(url = granules_owned$url, destfile = save_names)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
images = S2_query_image(owned = TRUE, band = 'B08', cloudCovMax = 85)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
save_names = paste0(images$date, '.', images$format)

## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
#  S2_download(images$url, save_names)

## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
#  # find some images and prepare file names
#  images = S2_query_image(owned = TRUE, band = 'B08', cloudCovMax = 85)
#  file_names = paste0(images$date, '.tif')
#  # read the geometry from file
#  geom = roi_to_jgeom('/my/path/my_geom_file.kml')
#  # download them:
#  # - reporojecting to WGS-84 (srid 4326)
#  # - changing data format to Byte (0-255)
#  # - dividing all values by 20 so they will better fit the Byte range
#  #   (and setting max value to 254 so it will not overlap with the no data value)
#  # - cutting to the given geometry
#  S2_download(images$url, file_names, srid = 4326, dataType = 'Byte', range = 50, max = 254, geometry = geom)
IVFL-BOKU/sentinel2 documentation built on May 13, 2022, 11:15 p.m.