
Defines functions reset_input clear_input invalidate_input input

Documented in clear_input input invalidate_input reset_input

#' Input
#' Create a input field for use in Shiny. This component returns an
#' input element (either password or text) with the addition of functions for
#' validating inputs
#' @param inputId unique ID for the component
#' @param label text that describes the input
#' @param type input type (password or text)
#' @param icon an rheroicons icon
#' @export
input <- function(inputId, label, type = "text", icon = NULL) {

    # generate internal IDs
    ids <- list(
        label = paste0(inputId, "__label"),
        error = paste0(inputId, "__status")

    # define input type
    if (!type %in% c("password", "text")) {
        stop("Value for 'type' is invalid. Use 'password' or 'text'")

    # generate markup
            id = ids$label,
            class = "field__label",
            `for` = inputId,
            id = ids$error,
            role = "alert",
            class = "field__status"
            class = "field__icon__input",
                id = inputId,
                type = type,
                class = paste0("field__input field__", type),
                `aria-describedby` = paste0(ids$label, " ", ids$error)

#' Invalidate Input
#' Invalidate an input field based on server side logic
#' @param inputId Id of the password component to invalidate
#' @param error message to display that describes the error
#' @export
invalidate_input <- function(inputId, error) {
    session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
        inputId = inputId,
        message = list(
            type = "invalidateInput",
            error = error

#' Clear Input
#' Remove all invalidation attributes from an input element while
#' leaving user entered input text untouched. Use `reset_input` for
#' removing everything.
#' @param inputId Id of the component to clear
#' @export
clear_input <- function(inputId) {
    session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
        inputId = inputId,
        message = list(
            type = "clearInput"

#' Reset Input
#' Clear and reset input to its default state
#' @param inputId ID of the component to reset
#' @export
reset_input <- function(inputId) {
    session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
        inputId = inputId,
        message = list(
            type = "resetInput"
InControlofEffects/iceComponents documentation built on April 1, 2021, 5:51 a.m.