
#' @return Collection object
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @title A class description
#' @export Collection
#' @exportClass Collection
Collection <- setClass(

    slots = c(
              name = "character",
              domain = "ANY",
              shared = "logical"
             # Set the default values for the slots. (optional)

           def=function(collection_object, data, api, version = NULL, apis = NULL, method = NULL, api_key = FALSE, cloud = FALSE, ...) {
          definition=function(collection_object, data, api, version = NULL, apis = NULL, method = NULL, cloud = FALSE, ...) {
              data, 'custom', version=version, collection = collection_object@name,
              method = method, domain=collection_object@domain, shared=collection_object@shared, ...

           def=function(collection_object, data, version = NULL, domain = NULL, ...) {

#' This is the basic training endpoint. Given a piece of text and a score, either categorical
#' or numeric, this endpoint will train a new model given the additional piece of information.
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param data the text and collection/score associated with it. The length of the text (string) should ideally
#' be longer than 100 characters and contain at least 10 words. While the API will support
#' shorter text, you will find that the accuracy of results improves significantly with longer
#' examples. For an additional fee, this end point will support image input as well. The collection/score
#' can be a string or float. This is the variable associated with the text. This can either be categorical
#' (the tag associated with the post) or numeric (the number of Facebook shares the post
#' received). However it can only be one or another within a given label.
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return List with available collections
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' test_data <- list(list("I love my friends!", "extrovert"),
#'                   list("I love to be alone", "introvert"),
#'                   list("I have mixed feelings on people", "ambivert"))
#' addData(collection, test_data)
          definition=function(collection_object, data, version = NULL, domain=NULL, ...) {
                batch <- typeof(data[[1]]) == "list" || length(data[[1]]) > 1
                if (batch) {
                    image_process <- function(data_pair) {
                        data_pair[1] = format_image(data_pair[[1]], 48)
                    data = lapply(data, image_process)
                } else {
                    data[1] = format_image(data[[1]], 48)
                make_custom_request(collection_object, data, 'custom', version=version, method = "add_data", ...)

           def=function(collection_object, data, version = NULL, ...) {

#' This is an API made to remove all of the data associated from a given colletion. If there's been a data
#' corruption issue, or a large amount of incorrect data has been fed into the API it is often difficult
#' to correct. This allows you to clear a colletion and start from scratch. Use with caution! This is not
#' reversible.
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return List with available collections
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' clear(collection)
          definition=function(collection_object, version = NULL, ...) {
              make_custom_request(collection_object, NULL, 'custom', version=version, method = "clear_collection", ...)

           def=function(collection_object, version = NULL, domain=NULL,  ...) {

#' This is the basic training endpoint. Given an existing dataset this endpoint will train a model.
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return List with available collections
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' train(collection)
          definition=function(collection_object, version = NULL, domain=NULL, ...) {
             make_custom_request(collection_object, NULL, 'custom', version=version, method = "train", ...)

           def=function(collection_object, version = NULL, ...) {

#' Return the current state of the model associated with a given collection
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return List with available collections
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' status = info(collection)
#' cat(sprintf("This collection is a %s model trained on %s data with %i examples",
#'             status[["model_type"]],
#'             status[["input_type"]],
#'             status[["number_of_examples"]]))
          definition=function(collection_object, version = NULL, ...) {
              make_custom_request(collection_object, NULL, 'custom', version=version, method = "info", ...)

           def=function(collection_object, name, version = NULL, ...) {

#' Rename the current model to a new name.
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param name the new name to be used to access this collection
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return Boolean that indicates success or failure
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' success = rename(collection, 'new-example')
          definition=function(collection_object, name, version = NULL, ...) {
            if (is.null(name)) {
              stop("NULL is not a valid collection name.")
            make_custom_request(collection_object, NULL, 'custom', version = version, name = name, method = "rename", ...)
            collection_object@name <- name

           def=function(collection_object, version = NULL, ...) {

#' Register the current collection so that the collection can be shared with other users.
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return Boolean that indicates success or failure
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' success = register(collection)
          definition=function(collection_object, version = NULL, ...) {
            make_custom_request(collection_object, NULL, 'custom', version=version, method = "register", ...)

           def=function(collection_object, version = NULL, ...) {

#' Deregister the current collection so that the collection is no longer shared with other users.
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return Boolean that indicates success or failure
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' success = deregister(collection)
          definition=function(collection_object, version = NULL, ...) {
            make_custom_request(collection_object, NULL, 'custom', version = version, method = "deregister", ...)

           def=function(collection_object, email, permission_type = 'read', version = NULL, ...) {

#' Authorize a given user to access the current collection
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param email the email of the user you'd like to give access to
#' @param permission_type read / write -- the type of permission to give the authorized user
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return Boolean that indicates success or failure
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' success = authorize(collection, 'contact@indico.io')
          definition=function(collection_object, email, permission_type = 'read', version = NULL, ...) {
            make_custom_request(collection_object, NULL, 'custom', version=version, email = email, method = "authorize", permission_type = permission_type, ...)

           def=function(collection_object, email, version = NULL, ...) {

#' Remove a given user's access to the current collection
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param email the email of the user you'd like to remove access from
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return Boolean that indicates success or failure
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' success = deauthorize(collection, 'contact@indico.io')
          definition=function(collection_object, email, version = NULL, ...) {
            make_custom_request(collection_object, NULL, 'custom', version=version, email = email, method = "deauthorize", ...)

           def=function(collection_object, interval = 1, timeout=60, version = NULL, ...) {

#' Block until the collection's model is completed training
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param interval how reguarly to check if the model is done training
#' @param timeout max time to wait before erroring
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return List with available collections
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' test_data <- list(list("I love my friends!", "extrovert"),
#'                   list("I love to be alone", "introvert"),
#'                   list("I have mixed feelings on people", "ambivert"))
#' addData(collection, test_data)
#' train(collection)
#' wait(collection)
          definition=function(collection_object, interval = 1, timeout=60, version = NULL, ...) {
            for (i in 1:ceiling(timeout/interval)) {
              status <- info(collection_object, version=version, ...)[['status']]
              if (status == "ready") {
              if (status != "training") {
                  stop(collection_object@name + " failed with error: " + status)
            stop('Timeout error in wait')

           def=function(collection_object, data, version = NULL, domain = NULL, ...) {
#'  This is the prediction endpoint. This will be the primary interaction point for all predictive
#'  analysis.
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' the response format for the given label will match the format of the training examples
#' @param data the text example being provided to the API. As a general rule, the data should be as
#' similar to the examples given to the train function (above) as possible. Because language
#' in different domains is used very differently the accuracy will generally drop as the
#' difference between this text and the training text increases. Base64 encoded image data, image urls, and
#' text content are all valid.
#' @param domain String: This is an identifier that helps determine the appropriate techniques for indico
#' to use behind the scenes to train your model.  One of {"standard", "topics"}
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return List with available collections
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' test_data <- list(list("I love my friends!", "extrovert"),
#'                   list("I love to be alone", "introvert"),
#'                   list("I have mixed feelings on people", "ambivert"))
#' addData(collection, test_data)
#' train(collection)
#' wait(collection)
#' res <- predict(collection, "I love my friends!")
#' cat(sprintf("The likelihood the author was an extrovert is \%0.4f.",
#'             res[["extrovert"]]))
          definition=function(collection_object, data, version = NULL, domain = NULL, ...) {
                data = format_image(data, 48)
                if (! is.null(domain)) {
                    collection_object@domain <- domain
                make_custom_request(collection_object, data, 'custom', version=version, method='predict', ...)

           def=function(collection_object, data, version = NULL, ...) {

#'  This is an API made to remove a single instance of training data. This is useful in cases where a
#'  single instance of content has been modified, but the remaining examples remain valid. For
#'  example, if a piece of content has been retagged.
#' @param collection the collection object for this model
#' @param The exact text you wish to remove from the given collection. If the string
#' provided does not match a known piece of text then this will fail. Again, this is required if
#' an id is not provided, and vice-versa.
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return List with available collections
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collection <- Collection(name='example')
#' test_data <- list(list("I love my friends!", "extrovert"),
#'                   list("I love to be alone", "introvert"),
#'                   list("I have mixed feelings on people", "ambivert"))
#' addData(collection, test_data)
#' remove_example(collection, test_data[[1]][[1]])
          definition=function(collection_object, data, version = NULL, ...) {
                data = format_image(data, 48)
                make_custom_request(collection_object, data, 'custom', version=version, method='remove_example', ...)

#' This is a status report endpoint. It is used to get the status on all of the collections currently trained, as
#' well as some basic statistics on their accuracies. See docs for more information
#' @param api_key your personal indico API key
#' @param cloud subdomain for indico private cloud
#' @param version for api version
#' @param ... additional arguments to passed to request
#' @return List with available collections
#' @export
#' @import httr rjson stringr
#' @examples
#' collections <- collections()
#' cat(sprintf("There are currently %i collections",
#'             length(collections)))
collections <- function(version = NULL, ...) {
  make_request("", 'custom', version=version, method="collections", ...)
IndicoDataSolutions/IndicoIo-R documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:37 a.m.