
Defines functions create_params.lm print.params_lm summary.params_lm check.params_lm new_params_lm params_lm

Documented in check.params_lm create_params.lm params_lm summary.params_lm

# params_lm() ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Parameters of a linear model
#' Create a list containing the parameters of a fitted linear regression model.
#' @param coefs  Samples of the coefficients under sampling uncertainty.
#' Must be a matrix or any object coercible to a matrix such as `data.frame`
#' or `data.table`.
#' @param sigma A vector of samples of the standard error of the regression model. 
#' Default value is 1 for all samples. Only used if the model is
#' used to randomly simulate values (rather than to predict means). 
#' @details Fitted linear models are used to predict values, \eqn{y},
#'  as a function of covariates, \eqn{x},
#' \deqn{y = x^T\beta + \epsilon.}
#' Predicted means are given by \eqn{x^T\hat{\beta}} where \eqn{\hat{\beta}}
#' is the vector of estimated regression coefficients. Random samples are obtained by 
#' sampling the error term from a normal distribution, 
#' \eqn{\epsilon \sim N(0, \hat{\sigma}^2)}{\epsilon ~ N(0, \hat{\sigma}^2)}.
#' @return An object of class `params_lm`, which is a list containing `coefs`,
#' `sigma`, and `n_samples`. `n_samples` is equal to the
#'  number of rows in `coefs`. The `coefs` element is always converted into a
#'  matrix.
#' @examples 
#' library("MASS")
#' n <- 2
#' params <- params_lm(
#'   coefs = mvrnorm(n, mu = c(.5,.6),
#'                   Sigma = matrix(c(.05, .01, .01, .05), nrow = 2)),
#'   sigma <- rgamma(n, shape = .5, rate = 4)
#' )
#' summary(params)
#' params
#' @seealso This parameter object is useful for modeling [health state values][StateVals]
#' when values can vary across patients and/or health states as a function of 
#' covariates. In many cases it will, however, be simpler, and more flexible to 
#' use a [`stateval_tbl`]. For an example use case see the documentation for
#' [create_StateVals.lm()].
#' @export
params_lm <- function(coefs, sigma = 1){
  coefs <- as.matrix(coefs)
  if(length(sigma) == 1) sigma <- rep(sigma, nrow(coefs))
  n_samples <- nrow(coefs)
  check(new_params_lm(coefs, sigma, n_samples))

new_params_lm <- function(coefs, sigma, n_samples){
  if (is.null(colnames(coefs))) colnames(coefs) <- default_colnames(coefs)
  l <- list(coefs = coefs, sigma = sigma, n_samples = n_samples)
  class(l) <- "params_lm"

#' @rdname check
check.params_lm <- function(object, ...){
  if(object$n_samples != length(object$sigma)){
    stop("Number of samples in 'sigma' is not equal to the number of samples in 'coefs'.",
         call. = FALSE)

# summary.params_lm() ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname summary.params
#' @export
summary.params_lm <- function(object, probs = c(.025, .975), ...) {
  sigma_mat <-  matrix(object$sigma, ncol = 1)
  colnames(sigma_mat) <- "sigma"
    lapply(list(mean = object$coef, sd = sigma_mat),
           coef_summary, probs = probs),
    idcol = "parameter"

# print.params_lm() ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
print.params_lm <- function(x, ...) {
  parameter <- NULL
  x_summary <- summary(x)
  cat("A \"params_lm\" object\n\n")
  cat("Summary of coefficients:\n")
  print(x_summary[parameter == "mean"])
  cat("Summary of sigma:\n")
  print(x_summary[parameter == "sd"])

# create_params.lm() -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
#' @rdname create_params
create_params.lm <- function(object, n = 1000, uncertainty = c("normal", "none"),
  uncertainty <- deprecate_point_estimate(list(...)$point_estimate, uncertainty,
  uncertainty <- match.arg(uncertainty)
  if (uncertainty == "normal"){
    coefs_sim <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, stats::coef(object), stats::vcov(object))
    if (n == 1) {
      coefs_sim <- matrix(coefs_sim, nrow = 1)
      colnames(coefs_sim) <- names(stats::coef(object))
    return(new_params_lm(coefs = coefs_sim,
                         sigma = rep(summary(object)$sigma, n),
                         n_samples = n))
  } else{
    coefs <- matrix(stats::coef(object), nrow = 1)
    colnames(coefs) <- names(stats::coef(object))
    return(new_params_lm(coefs = coefs,
                         sigma = summary(object)$sigma,
                         n_samples = 1))
InnovationValueInitiative/hesim documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 10:39 p.m.