
Defines functions pdf_document html_paged

Documented in html_paged pdf_document

#' HTML paged version for utilitR document
#' This function presents an output format necessary
#'  to build a PDF version of the documentation. This
#'  is a paged HTML document which means an HTML with
#'  usueal features for PDFs (page number, A4 formatting, etc.)
#' @seealso [html_paged](pagedown::html_paged)
#'  which is used as a customizable
#'  basis to render R Markdown documents
#' @param extra_dependencies Additional HTML dependencies
#' @inheritParams pagedown::html_paged
#' @export

html_paged <- function(..., extra_dependencies = NULL){

  extra_dependencies <- c(
    utilitr_dependencies(output = "pagedown"),
    # rmarkdown::html_dependency_font_awesome(),

  extra_dependencies <- c(extra_dependencies,

  of <- pagedown::html_paged(
    ..., #extra_dependencies = extra_dependencies,
    css = utilitr_dependencies(output = "pagedown"),
    toc = TRUE,
    toc_depth = 2,
    copy_resources = TRUE,
    # self_contained = FALSE,
    pandoc_args = c("--lua-filter",

  # do not show code
  of$knitr$opts_chunk <- list(out.width='75%', fig.align='center')


#' Front-user function to build PDF
#' This function must be used in the `R` console. This will generate
#'  the documentation in a `_pagedown_output` directory
#' @inheritParams bookdown::render_book
#' @inheritParams pagedown::chrome_print
#' @param asHTML Logical indicating wether we prefer a HTML or a PDF (default)
#'  file
#' @importFrom bookdown render_book
#' @importFrom pagedown chrome_print html_paged
#' @import callr
#' @export

pdf_document <- function(extra_args = c('--disable-gpu', '--no-sandbox'),
                         timeout = 1000,
                         verbose = 1,
                         asHTML = FALSE){

  # css_default <- c(
  #   pkg_resource("/rmarkdown/resources/css/default.css"),
  #   pkg_resource("/rmarkdown/resources/css/style.css"),
  #   pkg_resource("/rmarkdown/resources/css/default-fonts.css"),
  #   pkg_resource("/rmarkdown/resources/css/default-page.css")
  # )
  # css <- c(css_default, css)
  # bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd", ..., css = css,
  #                       output_format = 'pagedown::html_paged',
  #                       output_file = '_pagedown_output/index.html')

  if (!dir.exists("_pagedown_output")) dir.create("_pagedown_output")
  if (!file.exists("index.Rmd") && (file.exists("skeleton.Rmd"))){
    message("Renaming skeleton.Rmd into index.Rmd to match bookdown rules")
    file.rename("skeleton.Rmd", "index.Rmd")
  if (!file.exists("index.Rmd") && (file.exists("Untitled.Rmd"))){
    message("Renaming Untitled.Rmd into index.Rmd to match bookdown rules")
    file.rename("Untitled.Rmd", "index.Rmd")

  message("Knitting document in background. This may take some time")


                          # envir = new.env(),
                          config_file = "_bookdown.yml",
                          # self_contained = FALSE,
                          output_format = 'utilitr::html_paged',
                          output_file = '_pagedown_output/index.html')

  }, timeout = timeout)

  if (isTRUE(asHTML)){
    message("Only compiling in HTML since asHTML is TRUE")

  message("Converting into PDF. This may also take some time")

                         extra_args = c('--disable-gpu', '--no-sandbox'),
                         timeout = timeout,
                         options = list(transferMode = 'ReturnAsStream'),
                         verbose = verbose)

InseeFrLab/utilitr-template documentation built on Oct. 21, 2022, 11:42 p.m.