Man pages for Irrationone/cellassign
Automated, probabilistic assignment of scRNA-seq to cell types

cellassignAnnotate cells to cell types using cellassign
cellprobsGet the cell assignment probabilities of a 'cellassign' fit
celltypesGet the cell type assignments of a 'cellassign' fit
dot-onLoadCheck for tensorflow
example_cellassign_fitExample cellassign fit
example_marker_matExample cell marker matrix
example_sceExample SingleCellExperiment
example_TME_markersExample tumour microevironment markers
extract_expression_matrixExtract expression matrix from expression object
get_mle_cell_typeGet MLE estimates of type of each cell
holik_dataExample bulk RNA-seq data
inference_tensorflowcellassign inference in tensorflow, semi-supervised version
initialize_XCreate X matrix
marker_list_to_matConvert a list of marker genes to a binary matrix
mleparamsGet the MLE parameter list of a 'cellassign' fit
print.cellassignPrint a 'cellassign' fit
simulate_cellassignSimulate from the cellassign model
Irrationone/cellassign documentation built on April 23, 2020, 3:10 p.m.