
Defines functions renderPropUi

Documented in renderPropUi

#' General BioLockJ Properties UI
#' Create the ui for an individual biolockj property.
#' As of this writing, the Properties class in BioLockJ has these KNOWN_TYPES:
#' KNOWN_TYPES = {"string", "boolean", "file path", "executable", "list", "list of file paths", "integer", "numeric"};
#' @param propName a property name, such script.numThreads
#' @param prop a property object, which is a list that contains type, description, etc
#' @param defaults the current default value
#' @param value a string, the current value
#' @param defaults the list of lists of representation of defaults
#' @param ownership the ownership category for the proprety, one of c("general", "shared", "owned", "override")
#' @param moduleId if ownership is not "general", which module is the ownership referenceing
#' @param trailingUiFun a function that takes no args and returns a tagList object
#' @seealso updateSharedPropUi
#' @return ui object list
# render general prop ui ####
renderPropUi <- function(propName, prop, value, defaults, ownership="general", moduleId=NULL, trailingUiFun=function(){tagList(hr())} ){
    # if (ownership=="override") message("Treating property ", propName, " as a ", prop$type, " property.")
    uiName = propUiName(propName, moduleId)
    default = defaults$values[propName]
    # if (! BioLockR::isReadableValue(value)) value = default
    # This was fixed on branch shinygui
    # if ( !BioLockR::isReadableValue(prop$type) ) prop$type = "string" # this is a stop gap.  All properties **should have $type; see sheepdog_testing_suite issue #318
    # if ( !BioLockR::isReadableValue(prop$description) ) prop$description = "a property" # this is a stop gap.  All properties **should have $description
    if ( !is.null(moduleId) && ownership=="general"){
        # showValue = ifelse(BioLockR::isReadableValue(value), value, "")
        # inputObj <- renderPrint(cat(paste(propName, "=", showValue)))
        inputObj <- uiOutput(propShowId(prop$property, moduleId))
        # message("UI is looking for an output called: ", propShowId(prop$property, moduleId))
    }else if(prop$type == "boolean"){
        selected = ""
        if ( BioLockR::isReadableValue(value) ){
            if ( value=="Y" || value=="TRUE" || value==TRUE ) {
                selected = "Y"
            }else if(value=="N" || value=="FALSE" || value==FALSE ){
                selected = "N"
        inputObj <- radioButtons(inputId = uiName,
                                 label = propName,
                                 choices = c(Y="Y", N="N", omit=""),
                                 selected = selected,
                                 inline = TRUE)
    }else if(prop$type == "numeric"){
        inputObj <- numericInput(inputId = uiName,
                                 label = propName,
                                 value = value,
                                 width = '60%')
    }else if(prop$type == "integer"){
        inputObj <- numericInput(inputId = uiName,
                                 label = propName,
                                 value = value,
                                 step = 1,
                                 width = '40%')
    }else if(prop$type == "file path"){
        inputObj <- buildFilePathPropUI(propName, value, default, moduleId)
    }else if(prop$type == "list of file paths"){
        inputObj <- buildFileListPropUI(propName, value, default, moduleId)
    }else {
        inputObj <- textInput(inputId = uiName,
                              label = propName,
                              value = value,
                              placeholder = default,
                              width = '100%')
    if (is.null(default) || is.na(default)){
        firstLine <- em(prop$type)
    }else {
        content = "<b>source of default value</b>"
        standardDefault = defaults$defaultPropsList$standard[propName]
        content = c(content, paste("standard default:", ifelse(BioLockR::isReadableValue(standardDefault), standardDefault, "") ))
        for (name in defaults$activeFiles){
            val = " "
            if (propName %in% names(defaults$defaultPropsList[[name]])){
                val = defaults$defaultPropsList[[name]][propName]
            content = c(content, paste0(name, ": ", val))
        firstLine <- tagList(
                actionLink(propInfoId(propName, moduleId), "", icon = icon("angle-double-left")),
                title=paste0("<b>", propName, " = ",  defaults$values[propName], "</b>"),
                paste0(content, collapse = "<br>"),
                trigger = c('hover','click'), placement='right'),
    if (is.null(moduleId)){
        overridOpt <- tagList()
    }else {
        overrideProp = module_override_prop(prop$property, moduleId)
        popContent = paste0("If the property \"", overrideProp, "\" is present, then its value will be used in place of the value of property \"", propName, "\" but ONLY for this module instance.")
        if (ownership=="override"){
            overridOpt <- tagList(
                p(actionLink( propRmOverrideBtnId(prop$property, moduleId), "remove override"), 
                paste0("to resume using: ", prop$property))
        }else if (ownership=="general"){
            propCategory = unlist(strsplit(prop$property, split = ".", fixed = TRUE))[1]
            overridOpt <- tagList(
                shinyBS::popify(actionButton( propOverrideBtnId(prop$property, moduleId), "create override"), 
                                title = overrideProp,
                                content = popContent),
                actionButton( propEditBtnId(prop$property, moduleId), "edit general property")
            overridOpt <- tagList(
                shinyBS::popify(actionButton( propOverrideBtnId(prop$property, moduleId), "create override"), 
                                title = overrideProp,
                                content = popContent)
    if (ownership=="shared"){
        sharedNote <- p("shared with another module")
        sharedNote <- ""
    trailingUI = trailingUiFun()
    propUI <- tagList(
IvoryC/shinyBioLockJ documentation built on May 29, 2021, 7:40 a.m.