Man pages for JINJINT/ESCO
Simple Simulation of Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data

amplify_cellSimulate amplification, library prep, and the sequencing...
cal_amp_biasSimulate technical biases. (This function is borrowed from...
escoEstBCVEstimate esco Biological Coefficient of Variation parameters
escoEstDEEstimate esco expression DE parameters for discrete cell...
escoEstDropoutEstimate esco dropout parameters
escoEstGroupLibEstimate esco library size parameters for discrete cell...
escoEstGroupMeanEstimate esco mean parameters for discrete cell groups
escoEstGroupOutlierEstimate esco Group expression outlier parameters for...
escoEstimateEstimate esco simulation parameters
escoEstLibEstimate esco library size parameters
escoEstMeanEstimate esco group mean parameters
escoEstOutlierEstimate esco expression outlier parameters for a single cell...
escogcnCompute the gene co-expression network
escogcnerrCompute the estiamtion error of gene co-expression networks
escoheatdataVisualize a set of gene expression matrix
escoheatgcnVisualize a set of gene correlation matrix
escoParamsThe escoParams class
escoSimDownSampleSimulate observed count matrix though downsampling. (This...
escoSimGeneMeanSimulate gene means
escoSimGroupCellMeansSimulate group cell means
escoSimGroupDESimulate differential expression (DE) factors for discrete...
escoSimLibSimulate library sizes
escoSimSingleCellMeansSimulate cell means
escoSimTrajDESimulate differential expression (DE) factors for trajectory
escoSimTrajMeansSimulate esco trajetory cell means
escoSimTreeCellMeansSimulate tree cell means
escoSimTreeDESimulate differential expression (DE) factors for tree...
escoSimTrueCountsSimulate true counts
escoSimulateESCO simulation
escoSimZeroInflateSimulate noisy observed count matirx via adding more zeros...
expandParamsExpand values of parameters
gene_len_poola pool of gene lengths to sample from
getBetaStepProbsGet Beta step probabilities
getLNormFactorsGet log-normal factors
getParamGet a parameter
getParamsGet parameters
logisticLogistic function
makespdMake positive definite Make a matrix positive definite...
newParamsInitiate a new escoParam object
ParamsThe Params virtual class
puri_dataa purified gene expression data set to sample correlation...
randcopSample from a gaussian copula
randcorRandom sampeled correlation from the reallife gene...
rbindMatchedBind rows (matched)
rnorm_trucSample from truncated normal distribution
sampleDensitySample density
setParamSet a parameter
setParamsSet mutiple parameters
setParamsUncheckedSet parameters UNCHECKED
setParamUncheckedSet a parameter UNCHECKED
winsorizeWinsorize vector
JINJINT/ESCO documentation built on May 13, 2021, 7:25 p.m.