DWEFerror: Error Check the Deepwater Electrofishing Data

View source: R/DWEFerror.R

DWEFerrorR Documentation

Error Check the Deepwater Electrofishing Data


Error check the deepwater electofishing data (including information on the lamprey catch, the lamprey lengths, and the identification of plots that were treated) prior to estimation.


DWEFerror(Dir, Catch, Lengths, Continue, Source = NULL)



A character scalar identifying the path where output files will be stored. Use forward slashes, e.g., Dir = "C:/temp/mydir".


A data frame with the catch data, typically the CAT output from DWEFprep.


A data frame with the lengths data, typically the LEN output from DWEFprep.


A logical scalar indicating if you want to continue adding to the rtf document after the function has run (TRUE) or if you want to end the rtf document after the error checking (FALSE).


A named character vector with the names of the source directory and files, c(Dir="", CatchFile="", LengthsFile="", PlotsFile=""), typically the SOURCE output from DWEFprep, default NULL.


If Continue=FALSE, a rich text file will be saved to the DIR directory with error checking text, tables, and figures. If Continue=TRUE, the same rich text file will be started, but left open, typically to add in more text, tables, and figures generated by DWEFreport.


A list with cleaned (errors removed) DWEF catch and lengths in two data frames (CAT2, LEN2), a character vector of the table references for any remaining errors (ERR), a character vector of the SOURCE directory and file names, and a character vector of the output file names (OUT).

JVAdams/GLFC documentation built on Jan. 5, 2023, 12:59 a.m.