index2pe: Factors to Scale Up the Adult Index to a Lake-Wide Population

index2peR Documentation

Factors to Scale Up the Adult Index to a Lake-Wide Population


Lake-specific conversion factors to scale up indices of adult sea lamprey abundance in the Great Lakes to lake-wide population estimates, when indices are based on pooled Petersen estimates from mark-recapture studies.


A named vector of length 5 (for the 5 Great Lakes) with factors rounded to the nearest hundredth.


GLFC Trapping Task Force.


Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) Sea Lamprey Control Board Meeting 14-02, 15-17 Oct 2014, Briefing Item 5 - Attachment 2, Transitioning to the New Adult Index in 2015.

JVAdams/GLFC documentation built on Jan. 5, 2023, 12:59 a.m.