
Defines functions run_shiny

Documented in run_shiny

#' Run the LeXOPS Shiny App
#' Runs the LexOPS Shiny App, with optional additional arguments.
#' The LexOPS shiny app requires additional packages. If any dependencies are missing, the user will be given an error and installation instructions. The additional packages required are:
#' * `shiny`
#' * `shinydashboard`
#' * `plotly`
#' * `ggwordcloud`
#' * `colourpicker`
#' * `shinycssloaders`
#' * `shinyjs`
#' * `viridis`
#' * `DT`
#' * `readr`
#' * `forcats`
#' * `stringdist`
#' @param ... optional arguments to `shiny::runApp()`
#' @export

run_shiny <- function(...) {
  app_dir <- system.file("shiny-app", package = "LexOPS")
  # check app is installed
  if (app_dir == "") {
    stop("Could not find the directory for the LexOPS Shiny App. Try re-installing `LexOPS`.")
  # check dependencies
  shiny_deps <- c("shiny", "shinydashboard", "plotly", "ggwordcloud", "colourpicker", "shinycssloaders", "shinyjs", "viridis", "DT", "readr", "forcats", "stringdist")
  shiny_deps_missing <- lapply(shiny_deps, function(pkg) {
    if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) TRUE else FALSE
  # if missing any dependencies, stop and tell the user how to install
  if (any(unlist(shiny_deps_missing))) {
    deps_vec <- shiny_deps[shiny_deps_missing == TRUE]
    deps_inst_str <- sprintf("install.packages(c(%s))", paste(sprintf("\"%s\"", deps_vec), collapse=", "))
    stop(sprintf("You are missing %s packages required by the LexOPS shiny app. Install them with:\n%s", length(deps_vec), deps_inst_str))
  # run app
  shiny::runApp(app_dir, ...)
JackEdTaylor/LexOPS documentation built on July 10, 2024, 6:40 a.m.