
Defines functions twodranduphill

Documented in twodranduphill

#' uphill search on matrix function
#' @description
#' This function is use to do a random uphill search on any 2 demision data set
#' @param f matrix of data set
#' @param y is the starting point for the search
#' @param x is the starting point for the search
#' @param n is the number of iteration for the search
#' @param s standard devation for each search jump, default at 1
#' @param t is the tempearture, where its default at 100
#' @examples
#' twodranduphill(twodfunction, 3, 2, 1, 10, 1)
#' @author Ernest Chan \email{faiernest418@@gmail.com}
#' @export

twodranduphill = function(f, x, y, s, n=100, t=100)
  fm = f(x, y)
  resx = rep(0,n+1)
  resy = rep(0,n+1)
  resf = rep(0,n+1)
  resx[1] = x
  resy[1] = y
  resf[1] = fm
  for( i in 1:n)
    newx = x + rnorm(1, 0, s)
    newy = y + rnorm(1, 0, s)
    newfm = f(newx, newy)
    if(1 < (newfm/fm)^(1/t))
      x = newx
      y = newy
      fm = newfm
    resx[i+1] = x
    resy[i+1] = y
    resf[i+1] = fm
    t = t * 0.999
    s = s * 0.9999
  list(x = resx, y = resy, z = resf)	
JackStat/CompPack documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:16 a.m.