#' @title
#' Plot location of sampling data
#' @description
#' \code{plot_data} produces diagnostics plots for the spatial distribution of data and knots
#' @inheritParams plot_variable
#' @inheritParams plot_maps
#' @param Extrapolation_List Output from \code{Prepare_Extrapolation_Data_Fn}
#' @param Spatial_List Output from \code{Spatial_Information_Fn}
#' @param Data_Geostat data-frame of data (with columns 'E_km', 'N_km', 'Year', 'Lon', 'Lat' at a minimum)
#' @param PlotDir Directory for plots
#' @param ... addition inputs to \code{plot}
#' @export
plot_data <-
function( Extrapolation_List,
Data_Geostat = NULL,
Lat_i = Data_Geostat[,'Lat'],
Lon_i = Data_Geostat[,'Lon'],
Year_i = Data_Geostat[,'Year'],
PlotDir = getwd(),
Plot1_name = "Data_and_knots.png",
Plot2_name = "Data_by_year.png",
col = "red",
cex = 0.1,
pch = 19,
projargs = '+proj=longlat',
map_resolution = "medium",
land_color = "grey",
country = NULL,
# Check for issues
if( is.null(Lat_i) | is.null(Lon_i) | is.null(Year_i) ){
stop("Problem with inputs")
# Override defaults
if( length(cex) == 1 ){
cex = rep( cex, length(Year_i) )
if(length(cex)!=length(Year_i)) stop("input `cex` has wrong length")
if( length(pch) == 1 ){
pch = rep( pch, length(Year_i) )
if(length(pch)!=length(Year_i)) stop("input `pch` has wrong length")
if( is.function(col) ){
col = col(length(Year_i))
}else if( length(col) == 1 ){
col = rep( col, length(Year_i) )
if(length(col)!=length(Year_i)) stop("input `col` has wrong length")
# CRS for original and new projections
CRS_orig = sp::CRS( '+proj=longlat' )
CRS_proj = sp::CRS( projargs )
# Data for mapping
map_data = rnaturalearth::ne_countries( scale=switch(map_resolution, "low"=110, "medium"=50, "high"=10, 50),
country=country, returnclass="sf" )
# Fix warning messages from projecting rnaturalearth object
# Solution: Recreate SpatialPolygonsDataFrame from output
#map_data = sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame( Sr=sp::SpatialPolygons(slot(map_data,"polygons"),proj4string=CRS_orig), data=slot(map_data,"data") )
# comment(slot(map_data, "proj4string")) = comment(sp::CRS("+proj=longlat"))
#map_proj = sp::spTransform(map_data, CRSobj=CRS_proj)
map_proj = sf::st_transform(map_data, crs=sf::st_crs(CRS_proj) )
map_proj = sf::as_Spatial( map_proj )
# project Lat_i/Lon_i
sample_data = sp::SpatialPoints( coords=cbind(Lon_i,Lat_i), proj4string=CRS_orig )
sample_proj = sp::spTransform( sample_data, CRSobj=CRS_proj)
# Plot data and grid
if( !missing(Extrapolation_List) & !missing(Spatial_List) ){
# Project extrapolation grid
which_rows = which( strip_units(Extrapolation_List[["Area_km2_x"]])>0 & strip_units(rowSums(Extrapolation_List[["a_el"]]))>0 )
grid_data = sp::SpatialPoints( coords=Extrapolation_List$Data_Extrap[which_rows,c('Lon','Lat')], proj4string=CRS_orig )
grid_proj = sp::spTransform( grid_data, CRSobj=CRS_proj)
png( file=file.path(PlotDir,Plot1_name), width=6, height=6, res=200, units="in")
par( mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(3,3,2,0), mgp=c(1.75,0.25,0) )
plot( grid_data@coords, cex=0.01, main="Extrapolation (Lat-Lon)" )
sp::plot( map_data, col=land_color, add=TRUE )
if( !any(is.na(Extrapolation_List$Data_Extrap[,c('E_km','N_km')])) ){
plot( Extrapolation_List$Data_Extrap[which_rows,c('E_km','N_km')], cex=0.01, main="Extrapolation (North-East)" )
plot( Spatial_List$loc_x, col="red", pch=20, main="Knots (North-East)")
# Plot data by year
# Use Data_Geostat, instead of TmbData, because I want raw locations, not locations at knots
if(missing(year_labels)) year_labels = min(Year_i):max(Year_i)
if( !any(unique(Year_i) %in% year_labels) ) year_labels = sort(unique(Year_i))
Nrow = ceiling( sqrt(length(year_labels)) )
Ncol = ceiling( length(year_labels)/Nrow )
if(!is.null(Plot2_name)) png( file=file.path(PlotDir,Plot2_name), width=Ncol*2, height=Nrow*2, res=200, units="in")
par( mfrow=c(Nrow,Ncol), mar=c(0,0,2,0), mgp=c(1.75,0.25,0), oma=c(4,4,0,0) )
for( t in 1:length(year_labels) ){
plot( 1, type="n", xlim=range(sample_proj@coords[,1]), ylim=range(sample_proj@coords[,2]), main=year_labels[t], xaxt="n", yaxt="n" )
sp::plot( map_proj, col=land_color, add=TRUE )
Which = which( Year_i == year_labels[t] )
if( length(Which)>0 ){
points( x=sample_proj@coords[Which,1], y=sample_proj@coords[Which,2], cex=cex[Which], col=col[Which], pch=pch[Which], ... )
if( t>(length(year_labels)-Ncol) ) axis(1)
if( t%%Ncol == 1 ) axis(2)
mtext( side=c(1,2), text=c("Longitude","Latitude"), outer=TRUE, line=1)
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