#' Classify wire
#' Classify wires using the output of \link{track_wires}. Using wire profiles and some knowledge
#' on the geometry of the towers it creates a cloth below the wires and classifies everything that
#' is above this cloth will be classifies a wire exept the transmission towers. This the transmission
#' tower classification must be performed first.
#' @param las An object of class LAS.
#' @param wires A \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} returned by \link{track_wires}
#' @param dtm A RasterLayer. The digital terrain model is need to get the relative elevations
#' @references
#' Roussel J, Achim A, Auty D. 2021. Classification of high-voltage power line structures in low density
#' ALS data acquired over broad non-urban areas. PeerJ Computer Science 7:e672 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.672
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # A simple file with wires already clipped from 4 files + shapefile
#' # of the network
#' LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "wires.laz", package="lidRplugins")
#' wireshp <- system.file("extdata", "wires.shp", package="lidRplugins")
#' dtmtif <- system.file("extdata", "wire-dtm.tif", package="lidRplugins")
#' las <- readLAS(LASfile, select = "xyzc")
#' network <- sf::st_read(wireshp)
#' dtm <- raster::raster(dtmtif)
#' towers <- find_transmissiontowers(las, network, dtm, "waist-type")
#' las <- classify_transmissiontowers(las, towers, dtm)
#' wires <- track_wires(towers, network, dtm, "waist-type")
#' las <- classify_wires(las, wires, dtm)
#' plot(las, color = "Classification")
#' }
#' @family electrical network
#' @export
classify_wires = function(las, wires, dtm)
UseMethod("classify_wires", las)
#' @export
classify_wires.LAS = function(las, wires, dtm)
classify_from_virtual = FALSE
SECTIONS = unique(wires$section)
las2 <- merge_spatial(las, dtm, "dtm")
las2@data$ID <- 1:npoints(las)
for (section in SECTIONS)
wire = wires[wires$section == section,]
tower.spec = get_tower_spec(wire$type[1])
wire$type <- NULL
thresholds = 0
if (tower.spec$wire.layers == 1) {
thresholds = 6
} else {
thresholds = (tower.spec$wire.layers - 1) * tower.spec$wire.distance + 5
lwires <- sp::SpatialLines(list(sp::Lines(list(sp::Line(wire@coords)), ID = "1")))
pwires <- rgeos::gBuffer(lwires, width = 0.5*tower.spec$length[2], capStyle = "SQUARE")
raster::crs(lwires) <- raster::crs(wires)
raster::crs(pwires) <- raster::crs(wires)
sub <- clip_roi(las2, raster::extent(pwires))
layout <- lidR:::rOverlay(sub, 10)
cloth <- raster::rasterize(wire, layout)$z
ker <- matrix(1,3,3)
for (k in 1:2)
cloth <- raster::focal(cloth, ker, fun = stats::median, na.rm = TRUE, pad = T)
sub <- merge_spatial(sub, pwires, "pwires")
sub <- merge_spatial(sub, cloth, "cloth")
sub$cloth[is.nan(sub$cloth)] <- Inf
sub$Classification[sub$Z > sub$cloth - thresholds & sub$Classification != lidR::LASTRANSMISSIONTOWER] <- lidR::LASWIRECONDUCTOR
ids = sub$ID[sub$Classification == lidR::LASWIRECONDUCTOR]
las@data[["Classification"]][ids] <- lidR::LASWIRECONDUCTOR
# Check if some wire are classified from virtual tracks
if (any(wire$virtual == 1))
# Some points are classified and no buffer in the las
if (length(ids) > 0 && is.null(las@data[["buffer"]]))
classify_from_virtual = TRUE
# Some points are classified and a buffer in the las
else if (length(ids) > 0 && !is.null(las@data[["buffer"]]))
# Somme classified points are not from the buffer
if (!all(las@data[["buffer"]][ids] == 0))
classify_from_virtual = TRUE
if (classify_from_virtual)
warning("Some points were classified as wires using virtual tracks and are likely to be poorly classified", call. = FALSE)
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