
Defines functions run_gd_oauth run_ee_oauth run_oauth_all gd_auth activate_environments test_credentials delete_credentials get_credential_root

#' Runs google drive authorisation via googledrive::drive_auth() and saves credentials
#' @noRd
run_gd_oauth <- function(credential_name = "gd-credentials.rds") {
  #  credential_path <- get_credential_root()
  #  gd_credential_path <- file.path(credential_path, credential_name)
  #  if (file.exists(gd_credential_path)) file.remove(gd_credential_path)
  credential_path <-
    file.path(earthEngineGrabR:::get_credential_root(), credential_name)
  # try(googledrive::drive_auth(cache = T, email = T), silent = T)
    token = readRDS(credential_path),
    cache = T,
    email = T
  # try(googledrive::drive_auth(cache = T, email = T), silent = T)
  #  while (!(file.exists(gd_credential_path))) {
  #    Sys.sleep(1)
  #  }
  cat("Googledrive API is authenticated. The token was automatically saved.")

#' Run ee authentication
#' @noRd
run_ee_oauth <- function() {
  oauth_func_path <-
    system.file("Python/ee_authorisation_function.py", package = "earthEngineGrabR")
  load_test <-
    try(source_python(file = oauth_func_path), silent = T)
  count <- 1
  while (class(load_test) == "try-error" & count < 5) {
    load_test <- try(source_python(file = oauth_func_path), silent = T)
    count <- count + 1
  code <-
    readline("Enter authorisation code for Earth Engine API here: ")
  test <- try(request_ee_token(code), silent = T)
  while (class(test) == "try-error") {
      "Problem with Authentication key input. \nPlease follow the authentication steps in the browser and copy paste the authentication token into the R console again."
    code <- readline("enter authorisation code here: ")
    test <- try(request_ee_token(code), silent = T)
  cat("Earth Engine Python API is authenticated \n")

#' runs earh engine, fusion table and google drive authentication
#' @param clean_credentials logical weather to delete existing credentials, default = T
#' @noRd
run_oauth_all <- function() {
  # activate_environments()
  # ee authorisation
    "To authenticate the APIs, please follow the authentication steps in the browser.
      \nFirst, log in to your google account and allow the API to access data on googles servers.  If the Google account is verified, you will be directed to an authentification token.
      \nSecond, copy paste the authentication token into the R console.
      \nThis process will be repeated for each of the 2 API's."
  # authentication google drive api

#' retreves credentials and runs google drive authorisation via googledrive::drive_auth()
#' @noRd
gd_auth <- function(credential_name = "gd-credentials.rds") {
  credential_path <-
    file.path(earthEngineGrabR:::get_credential_root(), credential_name)
  # try(googledrive::drive_auth(cache = T, email = T), silent = T)
    token = readRDS(credential_path),
    cache = T,
    email = T

#' activate environment
#' @noRd
activate_environments <- function(env_name = "earthEngineGrabR") {
  credentials_path <- earthEngineGrabR:::get_credential_root()
  gd_test <- require(googledrive, quietly = T)
  reticulate_test <- require(reticulate, quietly = T)
  if (!gd_test | !reticulate_test)
        " gd_test: ",
        " reticulate_test: ",
        paste(.libPaths(), collapse = "\n"),
        "credentials_path: ",
      call. = F
      #    "\n\nLibrary sf could not be loaded. \nPlease install a valid version of the sf library\nNote: To correctly install sf it might be necessary to first manually delete the earthEngineGrabR conda environment in ~/Anaconda/env/earthEngineGrabR. After sf is installed and linked to the correct version of GDAL and GEOS run ee_grab_install() to install the earthEngineGrabR dependencies.",
  gd_test <- try(earthEngineGrabR:::gd_auth(), silent = T)
  if (class(gd_test)[1] == "try-error") {
      "Could not find valid credentials for google drive API. \nPlease run ee_grab_install() to request credentials again.",
      call. = F
  test_credentials(with_error = T)
  conda_test <-
    try(use_condaenv(env_name, required = T), silent = T)
  if (class(conda_test)[1] == "try-error") {
      "Could not find a valid conda environment. \nPlease run ee_grab_install(clean_environment = T) to install a valid environment.",
      call. = F

#' Test if credentials can be found in the default location and raises an error message of not.
#' @param with_error A logical weather to raise an informative error in case of missing credentials.
#' @noRd
test_credentials <-
  function(credentials = c("credentials"),
           with_error = F) {
    credentials_match <-
                    several.ok = T), silent = T)
    credential_path <- get_credential_root()
    test <- credentials_match %in% list.files(credential_path)
    for (t in test) {
      if (!t & with_error) {
            "Following credentials could not be found: \n",
            paste(credentials, test, collapse = " "),
            "\nPlease run ee_grab_install() to create the required credentials"
          call. = F
      # test if all credential test are positiv
      return(sum(test) == length(test))

#' deletes credentials to re initialize
#' @noRd
delete_credentials <-
  function(credentials = c("gd-credentials.rds", "credentials")) {
    credential_path <- get_credential_root()
    credentials_match <-
                c("gd-credentials.rds", "credentials"),
                several.ok = T)
    for (i in credentials_match) {
      if (file.exists(file.path(credential_path, i))) {
        file.remove(file.path(credential_path, i))

#' Find path to specified credentials folder
#' @return  path to credentials folder
#' @noRd
get_credential_root <- function() {
  # define values
  path2credentials <- "~/.config/earthengine"
  credential_path <- path.expand(path2credentials)
JesJehle/earthEngineGrabR documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 6:09 p.m.