
Defines functions getIndexFromExp as.vector.gpuMatrix as.matrix.gpuMatrix .type .length .ncol .nrow .dim .data .device .getAddress gpuEmptMatrix gpuMatrix

Documented in as.matrix.gpuMatrix as.vector.gpuMatrix gpuEmptMatrix gpuMatrix

.gpuMatrix = setClass(Class = "gpuMatrix", slots = c(data = "ANY", dimension = "vector", 
    type = "character", gpuAddress = "ANY", device = "numeric"))

#' gpuMatrix class
#' @details `gpuMatrix()`: Create a matrix in an openCL device
#' @param data It can be a matrix or an R object that can be converted into a matrix.
#' @param type The precision that is used to store the data, the default is `gpuMagic.getOptions('default.float')`.
#' @param device The device that the data is sent to, the default is the first device.
#' @return [gpuMatrix()]: A gpuMatrix object
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
#' @examples
#' n=10
#' m=20
#' A=matrix(runif(n*m),n,m)
#' #Create a 64 bit floating point GPU matrix
#' A_dev=gpuMatrix(A,'double')
#' #Create an empty matrix
#' B_dev=gpuEmptMatrix(row=n,col=m)
#' @export
gpuMatrix <- function(data, type = "auto", device = "auto") {
    data = as.matrix(data)
    if (type == "auto") {
        type = GPUVar$default_float
    if (device == "auto") {
        device = getFirstSelectedDevice()
    if (length(device) > 1) 
        stop("Only one device is supported")
    # check if the device has been initialized
    ad = gpuRefAddress()
    ad$upload(device, data, type)
    obj = .gpuMatrix(data = data, dimension = dim(data), type = type, gpuAddress = ad, 
        device = device)

#' @details `gpuEmptMatrix()`: Create an empty matrix without initialization in an openCL device
#' @inheritParams gpuMatrix
#' @param row,col the row and column number of the matrix
#' @return [gpuEmptMatrix()]: A gpuMatrix object
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
#' @export
gpuEmptMatrix <- function(row = 1, col = 1, type = "auto", device = "auto") {
    if (type == "auto") {
        type = GPUVar$default_float
    if (device == "auto") {
        device = getFirstSelectedDevice()
    if (length(device) > 1) 
        stop("Only one device is supported")
    # check if the device has been initialized
    ad = gpuRefAddress()
    len = max(row * col, 1)
    ad$gpuMalloc(device, len, type)
    obj = .gpuMatrix(data = NULL, dimension = c(row, col), type = type, 
        gpuAddress = ad, device = device)

# ======================Get the slot data======================
.getAddress <- function(obj) {
    ad = obj@gpuAddress$getAddress()
    if (is.null(ad)) 
        stop("The GPU address does not exist")
.device <- function(obj) {
.data <- function(obj) {
    if (is.null(obj@data)) 
        stop("The data is not available")
".data<-" <- function(obj, value) {
    obj@data <- as.matrix(value)
.dim <- function(obj) obj@dimension
.nrow <- function(obj) obj@dimension[1]
.ncol <- function(obj) obj@dimension[2]
.length <- function(obj) obj@dimension[1] * obj@dimension[2]

".dim<-" <- function(obj, value) {
    obj@dimension = value
".nrow<-" <- function(obj, value) {
    obj@dimension[1] = value
".ncol<-" <- function(obj, value) {
    obj@dimension[2] = value

.type <- function(obj) obj@type
".type<-" <- function(obj, value) {
    obj@type <- value

# ======================Functions======================

#' @details `upload()`: The function will automatically be called when an gpuMatrix object is created.
#' It is only needed when you want to update value of the matrix.
#' @aliases upload,gpuMatrix-method upload
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
#' @param x an gpuMatrix object
setGeneric(name = "upload", def = function(x) standardGeneric("upload"))

#' @export
setMethod(f = "upload", signature = "gpuMatrix", definition = function(x) {
    x@gpuAddress$upload(.device(x), .data(x), .type(x))

#' @details `download()`: Get the data from the device. You should explicitly call it when you want to collect the data from the device.
#' @inheritParams upload
#' @aliases download,gpuMatrix-method download
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
setGeneric(name = "download", def = function(x) standardGeneric("download"))

#' @export
setMethod(f = "download", signature = "gpuMatrix", definition = function(x) {
    x@data = x@gpuAddress$download()
    .Call(C_asMatrix, x@data, as.integer(.dim(x)))

# ======================General functions overload================

#' @details `nrow()`,`ncol()`: return the number of rows or columns present in `x`
#' @inheritParams upload
#' @aliases nrow,gpuMatrix-method nrow
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
setGeneric(name = "nrow", def = function(x) standardGeneric("nrow"))
#' @export
setMethod("nrow", signature(x = "gpuMatrix"), function(x) {

#' @inherit nrow
#' @aliases ncol,gpuMatrix-method ncol
#' @export
setMethod("ncol", signature(x = "gpuMatrix"), function(x) {

#' @details  `dim()`: Retrieve the dimension of an gpuMatrix object
#' @inheritParams upload
#' @aliases dim,gpuMatrix-method dim
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
#' @export
setMethod("dim", signature(x = "gpuMatrix"), function(x) {

#' @details `length()`: Get the length of an gpuMatrix object. 
#' @inheritParams upload
#' @name length
#' @aliases length,gpuMatrix-method length
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
#' @export
setMethod("length", signature(x = "gpuMatrix"), function(x) {
#' Convert the gpuMatrix object into a matrix
#' The function will convert the gpuMatrix object into a matrix, 
#' if you have run any GPU functions on the gpuMatrix object, 
#' please call `download(x)` to synchronize the data before calling this function. 
#' @inheritParams upload
#' @param ... This argument is only for compatibility. It does not take any effect.
#' @return A matrix
#' @export
as.matrix.gpuMatrix <- function(x, ...) {
    as.matrix(.data(x), .nrow(x), .ncol(x))
#' Convert the gpuMatrix object into a vector
#' The function will convert the gpuMatrix object into a vector, 
#' if you have run any GPU functions on the gpuMatrix object, 
#' please call `download(x)` to synchronize the data before calling this function. 
#' @inheritParams upload
#' @param mode This argument is only for compatibility. It does not take any effect.
#' @return A vector
#' @export
as.vector.gpuMatrix <- function(x, mode = NULL) {
getIndexFromExp <- function(Exp) {
    requiredFile = c("i", "j", "drop")
    res = list(i = NA, j = NA, drop = TRUE)
    argList = as.list(Exp)[-c(1, 2)]
    argName = names(argList)
    if (!is.null(argName)) {
        for (name in argName[argName != ""]) {
            res[[name]] = argList[[name]]
            argList[[name]] = NULL
        requiredFile = requiredFile[!(requiredFile %in% argName)]
    if (length(requiredFile) > 0 && length(argList) > 0) {
        for (i in seq_len(min(length(requiredFile), length(argList)))) {
            res[[requiredFile[i]]] = deparse(argList[[i]])
#' extract/set parts of the data in gpuMatrix object
#' @inheritParams upload
#' @param i,j indices specifying elements to extract or replace. The index j can be missing or empty.
#' @param ... This argument is only for compatibility. It does not have any effect.
#' @param drop For matrices and arrays. If TRUE the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension.
#' @family Extract
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases [,gpuMatrix-method [
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
#' @return A matrix subset
#' @export
setMethod("[", signature(x = "gpuMatrix", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "missing"), 
    function(x, i = NA, j = NA, ..., drop = TRUE) {
        func_call = sys.call()
        index = getIndexFromExp(func_call)
        # Empty index
        if ((index$i == "" && index$j == "") || (index$i == "" && is.na(index$j)) || 
            (is.na(index$i) && index$j == "")) 
            return(.data(x)[drop = drop])
        # One index
        if (is.na(index$j)) 
            return(.data(x)[i, drop = drop])
        if (is.na(index$i)) 
            stop("Undefined behavior")
        # Two index
        if (index$i == "") 
            return(.data(x)[, j, drop = drop])
        if (index$j == "") 
            return(.data(x)[i, , drop = drop])
        return(.data(x)[i, j, drop = drop])
#' @param value The value you want to set
#' @family Extract
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @return no return value
#' @export
setMethod("[<-", signature(x = "gpuMatrix", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", value = "numeric"), 
    function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
        func_call = sys.call()
        index = getIndexFromExp(func_call)
        mydata = .data(x)
        if ((index$i == "" && index$j == "") || (index$i == "" && is.na(index$j)) || 
            (is.na(index$i) && index$j == "")) {
            mydata[] <- value
            .data(x) = mydata
            .dim(x) = dim(mydata)
        # One index
        if (is.na(index$j)) {
            mydata[i] <- value
            .data(x) = mydata
            .dim(x) = dim(mydata)
        if (is.na(index$i)) 
            stop("Undefined behavior")
        # Two index
        if (index$i == "") {
            mydata[, j] <- value
            .data(x) = mydata
            .dim(x) = dim(mydata)
        if (index$j == "") {
            mydata[i, ] <- value
            .data(x) = mydata
            .dim(x) = dim(mydata)
        mydata[i, j] <- value
        .data(x) = mydata
        .dim(x) = dim(mydata)

#' @details 'getSize()': Get the matrix size in byte
#' @aliases getSize,gpuMatrix-method getSize
#' @rdname gpuMatrix
#' @inheritParams upload
setGeneric(name = "getSize", def = function(x) standardGeneric("getSize"))

#' @export
setMethod(f = "getSize", signature = "gpuMatrix", definition = function(x) {
    .nrow(x) * .ncol(x) * getTypeSize(.type(x))
Jiefei-Wang/gpuMagic documentation built on March 27, 2022, 5:23 a.m.