Man pages for JinmiaoChenLab/cytofkit2
cytofkit2: an integrated mass cytometry data analysis pipeline. Cytofkit provides functions for data pre-processing, fast clustering, data visualization through linear or non-linear dimensionality reduction, automatic identification of cell subsets, and inference of the relatedness between cell subsets

ClusterXFast clustering by automatic search and find of density peaks
cytof_addToFCSAdd data to the original FCS files
cytof_clusterSubset detection by clustering
cytof_clusterMtrxExpression values by cluster
cytof_clusterPlotScatter plot of the cluster results
cytof_clusterStatStatistics of the cluster results
cytof_colorPlotPlot the data with color-coded marker values
cytof_dimReductionDimension reduction for high dimension data
cytof_exprsExtractExtract the expression data from a FCS file with...
cytof_exprsMergeMerge the expression matrix from multiple FCS files with...
cytof_heatmapHeatmap plot of cluster mean value results
cytofkitcytofkit2: an integrated mass cytometry data analysis...
cytofkit2-packagecytofkit2: an integrated mass cytometry data analysis...
cytofkitNewscheck the package update news
cytofkitShinyAPPA Shiny APP to interactively visualize the analysis results
cytof_progressionProgression estimation of cytof expression data
cytof_progressionPlotProgression plot
cytof_writeResultsSave the cytofkit analysis results
DensVMDensity-based local maxima cluster with SVM
RphenographRphenoGraph clustering
spectral1First Function for spectral color palette
spectral2Second Function for spectral color palette
JinmiaoChenLab/cytofkit2 documentation built on May 12, 2022, 8:09 a.m.