
Defines functions sg_from_igraph

Documented in sg_from_igraph

#' Create from igraph
#' Create a \code{sigmajs} from an \code{igraph} object.
#' @param sg An object of class \code{sigmajs}as intatiated by \code{\link{sigmajs}}.
#' @param igraph An object of class \code{igraph}.
#' @param layout A matrix of coordinates.
#' @param sd A \link[crosstalk]{SharedData} of nodes.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("lesmis_igraph")
#' layout <- igraph::layout_with_fr(lesmis_igraph)
#' sigmajs() %>%
#'		sg_from_igraph(lesmis_igraph, layout) %>%
#'		sg_settings(defaultNodeColor = "#000")
#' }
#' @return A modified version of the \code{sg} object.
#' @export
sg_from_igraph <- function(sg, igraph, layout = NULL, sd = NULL) {

  if (missing(sg))
    stop("missing sg", call. = FALSE)


  if (missing(igraph))
    stop("must pass igraph", call. = FALSE)

  if (!inherits(igraph, "igraph"))
    stop("igraph is not of class igraph", call. = FALSE)

  # extract data frames
  g <- igraph::as_data_frame(igraph, what = 'both')
  edges <- g$edges
  nodes <- g$vertices

  # rename and enforce character
  n <- nrow(edges)
  edges <- dplyr::mutate(
    id = as.character(seq(1, n)), # start from 1
    from = as.character(from),
    to = as.character(to)
  names(edges)[1:2] <- c("source", "target")

  # check if nodes exist
  if (ncol(nodes) == 0)
    nodes <- dplyr::tibble(id = seq(1, nrow(nodes)))

  # enforce character
  if ("id" %in% names(nodes))
    nodes$id <- as.character(nodes$id)
    nodes$id <- nodes$name

  # add layout
  if (is.null(layout))
    layout <- igraph::layout_nicely(igraph)

  # add x and y (required by sigmajs)
  layout <- as.data.frame(layout)
  names(layout) <- c("x", "y")

  # force layout character
  layout$x <- as.character(layout$x)
  layout$y <- as.character(layout$y)

  nodes <- dplyr::bind_cols(nodes, layout)

  if (!"size" %in% names(nodes))
    nodes$size <- 1

  sg$x$data <- append(sg$x$data, list(nodes = .as_list(nodes), edges = .as_list(edges)))

  if (!is.null(sd)) {
    if (crosstalk::is.SharedData(sd)) {
      sg$x$crosstalk$crosstalk_key <- sd$key()
      sg$x$crosstalk$crosstalk_group <- sd$groupName()

JohnCoene/sigmajs documentation built on Feb. 1, 2021, 12:12 p.m.